
The Mughataa are an offshoot species of Huemes residing primarily in the deserts of western Sur'Dahl and somewhat in the eastern side. They were originally driven out into the desert surrounding Hefunet ~5,300 years ago, discriminated against because they were much more willing to be in touch with nature as opposed to using the hyper-advanced technology available at the time. Even now, with technology having seen a significant decline following the horrors of Ragnarok before steadily improving again, the Mughataa's preferences are still seen as bizarre, and so they continue to keep to themselves.   The Mughataa are extremely gifted in terms of magic, favoring earth magic above all others but perfectly capable of using others such as wind/air, fire, and water. They use this magic to create golems, build settlements, hunt, farm, and for many other purposes, most notably self-defense against threats and intruders.

Basic Information


For all intents and purposes, the Mughataa are very Huemeoid in stature and figure. There are very little differences between the two when it comes to body types and builds. The differences are seen in the pointed ears that the Mughataa possess (similar in appearance to the ears of Elf individuals), as well as their sharper teeth and distinct lack of body hair (except for that on their heads). They are also known to possess eye colors that are more often seen in non-Hueme species in addition to ordinary Hueme eye colors, and lighter hair colors (such as light brown, blonde, and even white, though there are some on occasion who have umber, dark red, and even black hair).   The rarest of all eye colors that can be seen in the Mughataa is white irises with black sclerae, being seen perhaps once in every two generations.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Mughataa reproduce exactly like Huemes: through sexual means. They also maintain the typical nine-month gestation period that Huemes go through, complete with three trimesters.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Mughataa still retain the growth rate that Huemes have, with identical stages of life.

Ecology and Habitats

The Mughataa live exclusively in the deserts of Sur'Dahl. Because of this, they are perfectly adapted for life in such a biome. They know how to search for and identify every single possible resource imaginable out there.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Mughataa primarily feed on meat, as it is far more readily available out in the desert than vegetation or the means of growing it. Even so, they do still eat fruits and vegetables, taking advantage of any oases to make small farms to grow these things.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Mughataa live exclusively in the deserts of Sur'Dahl, primarily in those surrounding Hefunet and Islaghet.

Average Intelligence

The Mughataa are just as smart as ordinary Huemes, if not even more so. Their specific way of life does not hinder their intellectual growth in the slightest, and even gives them more knowledge on the way the world around them works.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

An adaptation that the Mughataa have developed in the many years since their estrangement from the rest of society is heightened sense of sight. In the desert, visibility can be extremely limited, especially during a sandstorm, and so the Mughataa have gained the ability to discern every single detail possible in such conditions. This also goes for seeing in the darkness, as there are very few lights out in these areas, which they have adapted to by developing keen night vision. Because of this, their eyes also reflect light, making it very unnerving to come across one in the dark.   In addition to their improved vision, the Mughataa have also developed a heightened sense of hearing, as well. They are able to hear things from nearly three-quarters of a kilometer away, as well as internal problems within other individuals.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

As they originally came from Hefunet, their names are still Hefunetian/Al-Abarakian in nature. This is one of the very few things they have kept from times gone by, most likely because it is much simpler to operate using this system.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Mughataa still speak in Al-Abarakian as they did millennia ago, though the dialect is older and most definitely contains more archaic or otherwise defunct terms that may not be recognized by speakers of the modern version of the language.

Common Dress Code

The Mughataa wear garbs over every single part of their body when around people with whom they are not extensively familiar, with the exception of perhaps the eyes. However, warriors do not even allow these to be seen, typically wearing masks that hide them in their entirety. If only around other members of their own village, then this dress code is much more lax, leading to them wearing clothes much more akin to modern day Hefunet or Al-Abaraki. Women may even show a significant amount of skin, if they so choose.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Mughataa culture involves the worship of sand. They believe that the sand is the cradle of eternity, containing everything needed for life and protection, and that all things return to it when they inevitably pass away. To this end, much of their architecture is made using sand that has been hardened and strengthened to an unbelievable extent through the use of their magic. They also use this magic to create golems, massive hulking beings that serve as protectors, scouts, builders, and many other things for them. The golems typically remain in service until they physically can't move anymore, at which point they're returned to the sand and can be created anew.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Mughataa are very secretive, believing that to give others a glimpse of their skin is to give them a glimpse of their soul. They wear those full-body get-ups and only allow people with whom they're intimately familiar see underneath. Features such as eyes may still be visible, except in the case of warriors, who tend to wear masks that cover even these. This means that even other villages of Mughataa aren't allowed to see unless they know each other extremely well. They also believe that sand is a life-giving thing, and they revere it very heavily. They go and forage among the dunes and oases of the desert, but their beliefs mean that keeping their villages in one place, hidden away from the rest of the world, is easier and safer for them than risking contact with outsiders by traveling. A lot of the sandstorms in the area are entirely their doing. It's a means of obscuring themselves further if someone gets too close.   In very rare instances, an individual Mughataa may decide to venture out into the world. If this happens, they still retain and maintain their values at all times, even if they fully integrate somewhere new. This means that one will never see a fully-uncovered Mughataa out in public; they will always stay completely covered.

Common Taboos

The biggest taboo to a Mughataa individual would be to reveal one's entirety to an outsider without knowing them completely. It is considered extremely shameful, and those who break this sacred custom are often excommunicated entirely, never allowed to return to their village even under dire circumstances. It's also quite blasphemous to not respect the sand that surrounds them, as the sand is what protects them and gives them shelter and life.


Several millennia ago, the Mughataa still lived among the people of Hefunet as regular Huemes. They worshipped the Divines and dedicated their lives to serving them, just as many others did. However, in a bizarre display of intolerance and belligerence, those individuals who more heavily preferred to use magic instead of technology were suddenly ostracized, leading to them banding together and leaving civilization behind. These are the ones who would later become the first Mughataa, and they at first held much bitterness and contempt towards the rest of the world. So great were these feelings, in fact, that they did not actively participate in Ragnarok, except when directly threatened or when asked to by one of the Divines.   In the time since then, however, they have learned to put these feelings aside and simply remain in isolation. Some of their physical features changed, to the point that they can no longer be fully classified as Hueme. They built their own civilzation out in the deserts of Sur'Dahl, especially around Hefunet. They do not keep up with current events, secluded in their own little pocket of the world.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Mughataa are extremely wary of outsiders. People often go exploring out in the desert for any multitude of reasons, and this has led to some encounters with the Mughataa. Typically, this ends with a standoff where the Mughataa - or, more often than not, their golems - stare the interlopers down until they leave the vicinity. It's extremely rare that conflict actually happens.   It's not too uncommon for travelers of any sort to become lost in the deserts of Sur'Dahl. If this happens, the Mughataa will actually shield them from the elements and deliver them to the nearest outsider settlement. In very rare cases where such locations are too far for the person to survive the journey, they will be allowed temporary refuge in a Mughataa village until they recover, but will have to leave when they have. Luckily, though, the Mughataa don't just abandon them to the desert again; they guide them to a town or city before leaving them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo abiectio
Hefunetian (Egyptian)
135-150 years
Average Height
Males: 1.72 m - 1.82 m (5'8"-6') Females: 1.57 m - 1.67 m (5'2"-5'6")
Average Weight
Males: 70.31 kg - 81.65 kg (155 lbs. - 180 lbs.) Females: 54.43 kg - 65.77 kg (120 lbs. - 145 lbs.)
Average Physique
In general, the Mughataa tend to be very toned, owing to the lives they live. They're constantly hunting, building, tending to crops, training, and all manner of other physical activities, which hones their bodies quite well. Warriors especially take this further, often being fairly muscular. Women may also exhibit visible curves, even to the point of being tantalizing.
Geographic Distribution
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