Lu-Kthu Character in Eona | World Anvil


(a.k.a. The Birth-womb)

Appearing as a colossal conglomeration of innards, on closer inspection Lu-Kthu can be seen to possess a slimy "skin" covered in countless thousands of what at first glance appear to be warts but which are in fact biological incubators, each one containing a unspeakable Horror in its larval stage. It's whole interior is also riddled with enormous tunnels which are home to yet more of these disgusting pustules, housing an untold number of unborn monstrosities. It is currently unknown how often these entities reach maturity, but given the power and malevolence of those creatures, it must be hoped that this is not a regular occurrence.

Göttliche Domänen

Göttliche Klassifizierung
Old God