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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nym was created by a wandering mechanic an unknown time ago. Utilizing almost no magic Nym is a unique construct. More than a simple golem but less than a Soul Forged, Nym wonders often on its place in the world. It has lived in the temple of Creation its entire life and despite having a brief encounter with a few adventures during the events leading to the discovery of the vast treasure underneath Rivenlock, Nym has met no one. Due to Nym's connection with magic during its creation and the fact that magic is taboo in Rivenlock, it has largely been shut away and thus it has had no chance for communication with the outside world.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Nym has somehow learned to create and invent on its own. It created a faulty version of itself that was stolen and then destroyed but it likes to create various little trinkets.

Intellectual Characteristics

Nym is intelligent and seems to know it exists. Yet it also knows that it is not alive. It appears to know that is is merely a program.
Known Languages
Nym can understand all mundane languages. It has no voicebox and thus the only way it can communicate with others is by writing or through sign language.

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