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Fort Inevitable

When the Knights Zantetsuken first came to Ivalice, Southwood was a sleepy town isolated in the Maldonbeck Territories, far from the strife of the larger kingdoms it sat between. Southwood changed with the arrival of the Knights; while some of the Knights marched further south on what would come to be known as Crusader Road, Lord Varden put the town of Southwood under martial law, renaming it Fort Inevitable and creating one of the most well-defended places along the Road. The sleepy town of Southwood became rich in coin and steel as it armed Knights heading further south to Dravania looking to do battle with the hordes of Nuzundin, Sovereign Wyrm of the First Brood.  

Law and Order

The Knights forcefully patrol Fort Inevitable and the surrounding lands, enforcing Drovust’s strict laws. At any given time, two to four squads of Knights patrol the town on foot, while the gates are constantly manned by larger contingents. They swiftly intervene to break up brawls and prevent crimes. If they fail to catch a perpetrator on the scene, the Knights thoroughly investigate the situation. They maintain a long “wanted” list of known or suspected criminals, and regularly circulate sketches or descriptions of suspects. Bandits and other criminals from nearby towns have a saying: “The Knights never forget.”   For town defense, the lady commander oversees a force of 60 Zantetsuken riders — well-equipped, fanatically loyal, and easily some of the best to be found on the Crusader Road. In a desperate situation, the Knights can call up a well-trained militia of 130 pikemen from the Fort’s common citizens.  


Fort Inevitable flourished under the rule of the Knights - though not without a high cost. The Knights Zantetsuken believe in the rule of law above all else and even what would be the most minor infraction in a different settlement carries hefty weights and penalties in the Fort. To the Knights, freedom is a privilege, not a right. Those who fail to contribute to the community's prosperity can and should be put to work by their betters. Debtors, criminals and vagrants are all subject to enslavement under Knight law, typically becoming indentured to the holders of their debt after a hearing in the citadel. Many wind up the property of rich merchants and landowners and escape attempts or resisting one's lawful master are considered serious crimes, often extending the term of servitude.   However, the Knights are rigorous about the legalities of slavery as they are of everything else; it is unlawful to abduct a stranger and drag them back in chains. Slaveowners who come by their property illegally are in danger of being charged themselves. The Knights also forbid slaveholders from engaging in wanton acts of cruelty or mistreatment - a slaveholder who allows one of his slaves to starve or who beats a slave to death is subject to arrest and trial.  

Adventurers and the Law

While obvious monsters are fair game to all, the Knights do not recognize the right of any self-declared adventurer to kill “villains” and seize their belongings. That’s common banditry, and those who ride back to Fort Inevitable after committing such vigilantism can expect to be arrested — unless they’ve first secured a letter of warrant. A letter of warrant is a license from the lord commander authorizing the bearer and her company to “act in the interest of good order and keep the lady commander’s laws.” That is generally construed as doing most of the things adventuring parties typically do—attacking outlaws, hunting monsters, surveying dangerous ruins, and investigating mysteries.   Adventurers operating from Fort Inevitable purchase a letter of warrant for 50 gp per year, and agree to turn over 30 percent of the coin, goods, and property they confiscate to the Citadel. The lady commander’s agents also require reports of just what actions were taken with a letter of warrant  

Map of Fort Inevitable

Fort Inevitable
Fort Inevitable is a small town just off the Crusader Road, sandwiched between the West Sellen River and the Echo Wood inside the Yevon-Figaran demilitarized zone. It is ruled by members of the Knights Zantetsuken, but is otherwise unclaimed by any of the other political entities of the River Kingdoms
  LE Small Town   Corruption +3; Crime -3; Economy +1; Law +4; Lore +0; Society -2   Qualities insular, prosperous   Danger +0  
Government Overlord   Population 960 (878 humes, 25 half-orcs, 18 dwarves, 9 half-elvaans, 30 other)   Notable NPCs
High Mother Sarise Dremagne (LG female hume Protector of Alexander 7)
Lady Commander Audara Drovust (LE middle-aged female hume dark knight 5/dark emperor 6)
Maralictor Dandru Wolfhelm (LE male hume dark knight 5)
Seven Foxes Leader Kallon Poldmar (NG male hume thief 4/fighter 4)
Signifier Oritian Hast (LE male human Reaversworn of Odin 10)
Base Value 1,300 gp; Purchase Limit 7,500 gp; Spellcasting 4th   Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 1d6; Major Items -

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