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The beast known as Sin terrorizes the waters of Ivalice on a repeating ten-year cycle. During its rampage, magic around the bay near Yevon goes haywire; those that should pass on instead sometimes find themselves turned to undead as the magic of the great beast absorbs their souls instead of allowing them to pass to their rightful resting places. The first undead to rise from this phenomenon and keep his sanity was Alexander Dromidus - though soon he would be known as the legendary Alexander Sinbreaker.   Upon his unexpected revival, Alexander found himself trapped as a skeletal form - he was, for all intents and purposes, dead. Surrounded by the remains of his village demolished by Sin, he vowed revenge on the beast no matter how long it took. He spent his first few years of undeath learning about Sin and the Kingdom of Yevon; it was here he discovered the truth hidden away by the church: not only was Sin a produce of the Church of Yevon's design, but several of the Maesters - heads of the church - were undead themselves. Not typical undead, like Alexander, but some sort of spirit that refused to leave the mortal plane and passed as human in nearly all senses of the word. Alexander would have his revenge but first he needed allies.   As Sin's attacks on the bay increased, so too did the number of undead that rose with their sanity more or less intact. Alexander rallied these other undead to his cause and crossed the bay where he founded the nation of Frostmere. Declaring it to be a free nation where all could come to escape the horrors that lurked in Ivalice, Frostmere saw an influx of refugees despite being lead by undead. Those that committed to Alexander's and Frostmere's ideals - that all beings are free and none should be denied their rightful rest - were welcomed with open arms. Frostmere grew rapidly, taking over much of the land about Figaro and the Stolen Lands, scaring off several bandits and Al Bhed tribes. Although skirmishes were common at first, Figaro and the Al Bhed eventually came to a peace agreement and the three have lived in relative harmony, united behind their goal of halting the machinations of the Yevonites.  

Frostmere is a stratocracy ruled by Field Marshal Alexander Sinbreaker. The military makes all the day-to-day decisions of the country with Alexander's marshals advising him on matters both mortal and undead. This balance has kept the peace in the country; the mixed needs of a both mortal and immortal population is a difficult balance and not every undead wishes to fight nor does every hume want to farm, creating logistical issues an army made of one or the other wouldn't deal with. Where most countries would suffer attrition and have their efficiency reduced as a result, the rigid hierarchy of Frostmere combined with their lack of bureaucracy has made these unique challenges far simpler hurdles than most would expect.   Government Policy   Governmental policy within Frostmere is focused on fueling the Pyrian war machine and erasing the church of Yevon from existence. Much of their trade focuses on fueling this and arms, magic items, and others are always in demand. Frostmere society is seen as benevolent with each of its citizens receiving a basic income to help them in pursuing their own desires. Aside from arms, Frostmere's largest export are elite mercenaries of which the Al Bhed is the largest employer, fighting on the western edge of the tribes' territories to keep away the forces of the Shinra army.   Pyrian Laws   The laws of Frostmere are based upon the notion that all beings are free and all deserve their rest when their time is come. Necromancy is only allowed through special permits that can cost thousands of gil; those that wish to dabble in the dark arts tend to pay high fees for the right while earning themselves their own personal Frostguard to watch over the would-be necromancer to ensure only the only undead raised are those that specifically requested it before their death.   Military In addition to the massive war machine of Frostmere there is also the Frostguard, elite knights dedicated to destroying non-intelligent or evil undead. There are also the Sinbreakers, an organization dedicated to keeping Sin away from civilized areas; they are lead by none other than the Field Marshal himself.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Capital: Pyrehelm
Ruler: Field Marshal Alexander Sinbreaker
Government: Stratocracy
Demonym: Pyrians
Adjective: Pyrian
Languages: Common, Umbran
Religions: Kirin primarily; Alexander, Hydaelyn, Minerva
Geopolitical, Stratocracy

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