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In the realm of Eothea, Æther stands as a pivotal natural resource, intertwined deeply with the fabric of the world's history and development. Originating from the crystalline formations nestled within Eothea's majestic mountain ranges, Æther represents an essence of pure magic, its discovery marking a significant turning point in the annals of time. Dating back to the year 3998, amidst the waning Age of Magic, the unearthing of Æther heralded the dawn of the Age of Discovery, illuminating pathways to newfound knowledge and enlightenment.   Initially perceived as confined solely within the crystalline embrace of Æther crystals, the revelation of its "gaseous" manifestation, brought forth by the advent of the Æther-matic contraption during the nascent stages of the Age of Discovery, broadened the horizons of understanding surrounding this mystical essence. This unforeseen revelation not only expanded the comprehension of Æther's existence but also underscored its enigmatic nature, elevating it beyond mere geological phenomena to a fundamental force shaping the world.   However, the allure of Æther transcended the boundaries of curiosity, beckoning creatures of mythical stature to the lands of Eothea. In the year 6000, the majestic dragons, drawn by the siren call of concentrated magic, descended upon the realm, their voracious appetite for Æther kindling flames of chaos and discord across the tranquil countryside. The ensuing epoch, ominously dubbed the Age of Dragons, bore witness to untold devastation and enslavement as the draconic overlords plundered the earth in their relentless pursuit of the coveted resource.   Yet, amidst the shadows of despair, a flicker of resilience emerged from the hearts of Eothea's inhabitants. For three millennia, they endured the tyranny of draconic dominion, until, emboldened by the fires of defiance, they rose as one to challenge the draconic oppressors. Through unyielding courage and unwavering determination, they expelled the dragons from their realm, birthing a new era of hope and renewal - the Age of Restoration.   In the fertile grounds of restoration, amidst the ruins of old, the people of Eothea forged anew, their hands guided by the wisdom of the past and the promise of the future. It was amidst this age of resurgence that the true potential of Æther was once more unveiled. Through the rediscovery of its arcane properties and the application of newfound knowledge, the people of Eothea erected barriers and fortifications, shielding their realm from the looming specter of draconic resurgence. Thus fortified, they embarked upon a journey of technological and magical innovation, paving the way for the dawn of the Second Age of Discovery - an era where the mysteries of the world are unveiled with each passing day.   In the tapestry of modernity that now adorns Eothea, Æther remains a cornerstone of progress, its essence woven intricately into the fabric of everyday life. From the enchanting mechanisms of the Gnomish Googlebox to the arcane wonders that grace the realm, the legacy of Æther endures as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of those who call Eothea home.


Material Characteristics

In its crystalline form, Æther presents itself as a captivating embodiment of ethereal beauty, resembling a luminous chunk of amethyst infused with an otherworldly radiance. Bathed in hues of shimmering violet and iridescent hues, the crystalline structure exudes an aura of mystique and enchantment, captivating the gaze of all who behold its splendor. Glowing with an inner light, Æther crystals emanate a gentle luminescence, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow upon their surroundings, as if whispering secrets of the arcane to those who dare to listen.   Conversely, in its gaseous manifestation, Æther eludes the grasp of mortal perception, shrouded in an invisible veil that renders it imperceptible to the naked eye. Unlike its crystalline counterpart, which commands attention with its resplendent allure, the gaseous form of Æther exists beyond the realm of sight, its presence hinted at only by the subtle distortions it imparts upon the fabric of reality.   Yet, despite its elusive nature, the essence of Æther is not beyond comprehension. Through the ingenuity of mortal invention, devices have been crafted to peer beyond the veil of mundane perception, unveiling the hidden tapestry of magic that weaves through the world. These arcane contrivances, fashioned with precision and insight, serve as conduits of sight, unveiling the unseen realms of Æther and bestowing upon the beholder the gift of insight into the mysteries of the unseen.   Thus, whether in crystalline splendor or veiled in invisible essence, Æther stands as a testament to the boundless wonders of the world, beckoning seekers of knowledge to delve into the depths of its mysteries and unlock the secrets of the arcane.

Physical & Chemical Properties

As a substance steeped in the arcane energies of Eothea, Æther possesses a unique array of physical and metaphysical properties that distinguish it from mundane materials. While its precise chemical composition remains shrouded in mystery, its mystical nature imbues it with characteristics that transcend conventional understanding. Here, I shall endeavor to elucidate upon some of the notable properties attributed to Æther:   Conductivity of Magic: Æther serves as a conduit for magical energies, displaying an innate affinity for the flow and manipulation of arcane forces. Its crystalline structure facilitates the concentration and amplification of magical energies, while its gaseous form enables the dispersion and dissemination of mystical currents throughout the surrounding environment.   Luminescence: In its crystalline form, Æther emits a soft, ethereal glow, suffusing its surroundings with a mesmerizing luminescence. This radiant illumination is not merely a byproduct of its composition but rather an inherent manifestation of its mystical essence, symbolizing the boundless potential contained within its crystalline lattice.   Transmutation: Æther is known to possess the ability to transmute mundane matter into forms imbued with magical properties. Whether through direct contact or the infusion of its essence, Æther has been observed to catalyze profound transformations, elevating the mundane to the extraordinary and unlocking latent potentials hidden within the fabric of reality.   Resonance: Æther resonates with the frequencies of magic, attuning itself to the vibrational harmonies that permeate the cosmos. This resonance facilitates communication with otherworldly entities, amplifies magical incantations, and augments the efficacy of arcane rituals, serving as a catalyst for the manifestation of mystical phenomena.   Invisibility: In its gaseous form, Æther possesses the unique property of invisibility to the naked eye, eluding detection by conventional means. This ethereal invisibility renders it imperceptible to mundane senses, cloaking its presence in an aura of mystery and intrigue.   Concentration: Æther exhibits a propensity for accumulation in areas of heightened magical activity, such as ley lines, mystical nexuses, and sites of potent enchantment. This propensity for concentration serves as a beacon to magical beings and entities, drawing them inexorably towards its source in pursuit of its elusive essence.   While the physical and chemical properties of Æther may elude conventional classification, its significance within the mystical tapestry of Eothea is undeniable. As a catalyst for magical innovation, a source of mystical power, and a symbol of arcane potential, Æther stands as a testament to the boundless wonders of the cosmos, inviting intrepid seekers to unravel its mysteries and unlock the secrets of the arcane.

History & Usage


Throughout the storied annals of Eothea's history, the perception of Æther has evolved in tandem with the ebb and flow of time, reflecting the shifting tides of belief, knowledge, and understanding. From its enigmatic discovery in the late Age of Magic to its transformative role in shaping the course of civilization, Æther has been revered, feared, and revered anew by successive generations of scholars, mystics, and rulers.   In the dawn of Æther's discovery, amidst the fading embers of the Age of Magic, it was heralded as a divine gift, a manifestation of the world's intrinsic magical essence. Scholars and sorcerers alike marveled at its crystalline splendor, attributing to it a myriad of mystical properties and esoteric significance. As the Age of Discovery unfolded, Æther emerged as a beacon of enlightenment, illuminating pathways to newfound knowledge and unlocking the mysteries of the arcane for intrepid explorers and scholars.   Yet, with the advent of the dragons and the ensuing chaos of the Age of Dragons, Æther's perception underwent a dramatic transformation. No longer revered as a benevolent force of nature, it became synonymous with conflict and upheaval, a coveted resource that fueled the flames of draconic conquest and human suffering. In the eyes of many, Æther became a symbol of oppression, its crystalline brilliance tainted by the specter of draconic tyranny.   However, in the crucible of adversity, the people of Eothea forged new understandings of Æther's potential, harnessing its power to drive back the draconic scourge and usher in an era of restoration and renewal. Through the rediscovery of ancient technologies and the application of newfound knowledge, Æther emerged as a catalyst for progress and innovation, fueling the fires of technological advancement and magical enlightenment.   In the modern era of Eothea, Æther's usefulness has transcended the confines of myth and legend, becoming an integral component of everyday life. From the enchanting mechanisms of the Gnomish Googlebox to the protective wards that safeguard Eothea from the lingering threat of draconic resurgence, Æther permeates every facet of society, its presence woven seamlessly into the fabric of daily existence.


The discovery and initial utilization of Æther marked a watershed moment in the history of Eothea, forever altering the trajectory of civilization and ushering in an era of unprecedented discovery and enlightenment. While the exact circumstances surrounding its discovery are shrouded in the mists of antiquity, historical records suggest that the year 3998, during the waning years of the Age of Magic, served as the crucible from which Æther emerged into the annals of history.   It is believed that Æther was first encountered by a cadre of intrepid explorers and mystics who traversed the rugged expanses of Eothea's mountain ranges in search of esoteric knowledge and arcane secrets. Drawn by whispers of hidden wonders and tantalizing mysteries, these bold adventurers stumbled upon crystalline formations unlike any seen before, their luminous beauty captivating the gaze and stirring the imagination.   Among these intrepid seekers of wisdom, it is said that a renowned sage by the name of Aralyn the Illuminated played a pivotal role in unlocking the secrets of Æther's mystical properties. Through tireless experimentation and unyielding determination, Aralyn and her disciples uncovered the latent energies contained within the crystalline structures, revealing Æther's potential as a catalyst for magical innovation and enlightenment.   In the wake of this momentous discovery, word of Æther's existence spread like wildfire throughout the realm, igniting a fervor of curiosity and inquiry among scholars, sorcerers, and alchemists alike. From the hallowed halls of academia to the bustling marketplaces of bustling cities, whispers of Æther's wonders echoed, fueling a renaissance of magical exploration and intellectual discourse.   With each passing year, the influence of Æther grew, permeating the very fabric of Eothea's society and culture. From the refinement of magical incantations to the creation of enchanted artifacts and mystical wonders, Æther's essence became woven into the tapestry of everyday life, shaping the destiny of nations and guiding the course of history.   Thus, while the identity of the individual or individuals responsible for the discovery of Æther may remain shrouded in the mists of time, their legacy endures as a testament to the boundless potential of human curiosity, ingenuity, and the enduring quest for knowledge.

Everyday use

In the vibrant tapestry of everyday life in Eothea, Æther permeates myriad facets of society, its mystical essence woven seamlessly into the fabric of daily existence. From the bustling thoroughfares of bustling cities to the tranquil serenity of rural hamlets, the influence of Æther is ubiquitous, shaping the rhythms of life with its boundless potential and arcane wonders.   One of the most prominent manifestations of Æther's influence is seen in the realm of technology, where its mystical properties are harnessed to power a plethora of innovative devices and contraptions. Chief among these is the Gnomish Googlebox, a marvel of modern engineering that has become a ubiquitous fixture in households across Eothea. This two-way communication device, capable of transmitting both audio and video calls with effortless ease, represents a triumph of Æther-infused technology, bridging vast distances and fostering connections between individuals separated by miles or even continents.   In addition to facilitating communication, Æther also plays a vital role in the realm of transportation, powering the awe-inspiring Æther Train. Spanning vast expanses of terrain and linking distant regions with unparalleled speed and efficiency, the Æther Train stands as a testament to the transformative potential of magical innovation. Powered by Æther-infused engines and guided by the subtle currents of mystical energy, this mass transport system has revolutionized travel in Eothea, enabling swift and seamless journeys for passengers and cargo alike.   Yet, the influence of Æther extends far beyond the realms of communication and transportation, permeating every aspect of daily life with its ethereal presence. From the enchanting glow of street lamps powered by Ætheric energy to the intricate mechanisms of clockwork automatons imbued with mystical sentience, the possibilities unleashed by Æther's essence are as limitless as the imaginations of those who dare to dream.   In the bustling markets of Eothea's cities, traders and merchants peddle an array of Æther-infused artifacts and curiosities, each imbued with the latent energies of the arcane. From enchanted trinkets that bring good fortune to talismans that ward off malevolent spirits, the allure of Ætheric treasures captivates the hearts and minds of seekers from all walks of life, serving as a tangible reminder of the profound impact of magic on the world.   In essence, the pervasive influence of Æther in everyday life serves as a testament to the ingenuity, creativity, and resilience of the people of Eothea. Through the harmonious fusion of technology and magic, they have unlocked the mysteries of the arcane, transforming their world into a realm of wonder and possibility where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur and the wonders of the cosmos are within reach of all who dare to grasp them.


Indeed, while the mystical properties of Æther hold boundless potential for innovation and progress, they also harbor inherent dangers that must be approached with caution and respect. Chief among these hazards is the phenomenon known as Æther Poisoning, a perilous affliction that can have dire consequences for those who come into contact with the substance in its raw form.   Contrary to its benevolent applications in technology and magic, Æther in its crystalline state poses a grave threat to living beings, its essence imbued with volatile energies that can wreak havoc upon organic systems. Consuming Æther crystals, whether through inadvertent ingestion or deliberate experimentation, is tantamount to playing a perilous game of chance, with the potential for catastrophic outcomes.   The effects of Æther Poisoning are as unpredictable as they are hazardous, ranging from electrical discharge and immolation to bizarre physiological transformations and unpredictable aberrations of nature. In some cases, exposure to Æther crystals may result in violent convulsions, debilitating paralysis, or irreversible neurological damage, while in others, the consequences may be far more insidious, manifesting as subtle alterations to physical form or alterations to cognitive function.   Moreover, the dangers of Æther Poisoning extend beyond the realm of immediate physiological harm, posing a threat to the very fabric of reality itself. In rare instances, individuals afflicted by the effects of Æther Poisoning may unwittingly unleash torrents of uncontrolled magical energy, resulting in cataclysmic events that threaten to tear the very foundations of existence asunder.   Given the unpredictable nature of Æther Poisoning and the grave risks it poses to life and limb, stringent precautions are taken to safeguard against its effects. Specialized containment protocols are implemented to prevent accidental exposure to Æther crystals, while stringent regulations govern their handling and storage in both industrial and domestic settings.   Furthermore, education and awareness campaigns are conducted to educate the populace about the dangers of Æther Poisoning and the importance of exercising caution when dealing with the substance. By fostering a culture of responsibility and mindfulness, the denizens of Eothea strive to mitigate the risks posed by Æther Poisoning and ensure the safety and well-being of all who dwell within their realm.
Raw Æther Crystals: 1lb = 1000gp
Luminescent Purple
Common State
Technically Gaseous form is the most abundant, but the solid crystals are the most tangible.
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