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Gidianism, the predominant religion in Trura, is a belief system centered around the worship of Gidia, the Goddess of Light. At its core, Gidianism emphasizes principles of compassion, enlightenment, and harmony with the natural world. Followers of Gidia believe in the inherent goodness of all beings and strive to cultivate virtues such as kindness, empathy, and justice in their daily lives.   Central to Gidianism is the worship of Gidia herself, often depicted as a radiant figure bathed in divine light, symbolizing purity and spiritual enlightenment. She is revered as the embodiment of divine grace and benevolence, offering guidance and protection to her followers in times of need. Devotees of Gidia express their reverence through prayers, rituals, and offerings, seeking her blessings for guidance, prosperity, and spiritual growth.   The teachings of Gidianism emphasize the importance of inner reflection and self-improvement, encouraging individuals to cultivate moral integrity and strive for personal enlightenment. Followers are encouraged to lead virtuous lives guided by principles of compassion, integrity, and humility, fostering a sense of unity and interconnectedness with all living beings.   Gidianism also places a strong emphasis on community and service to others. Followers are encouraged to practice acts of kindness and generosity, supporting those in need and contributing to the well-being of society as a whole. Charity, compassion, and empathy are regarded as fundamental virtues, and adherents are encouraged to embody these qualities in their interactions with others.   Rituals and ceremonies play a significant role in Gidian worship, providing opportunities for communal celebration, reflection, and spiritual renewal. Festivals, holidays, and sacred rituals mark important milestones in the religious calendar, offering occasions for worship, prayer, and fellowship among believers.   Overall, Gidianism serves as a guiding force in the lives of Trurans, offering moral and spiritual guidance, fostering a sense of unity and belonging, and providing solace and hope in times of adversity. Through its teachings of compassion, enlightenment, and service to others, Gidianism seeks to inspire individuals to lead virtuous lives and contribute to the greater good of society.


Gidianism is organized hierarchically, with the High Priestess serving as the supreme spiritual leader. Beneath her are various ranks of clergy, including priests, priestesses, acolytes, and initiates, each with specific duties and responsibilities within the religious hierarchy. Temples and shrines dedicated to Gidia are scattered throughout Trura, serving as centers of worship and spiritual guidance for believers. Additionally, there are councils and assemblies of clergy that oversee different aspects of religious life, such as rituals, education, and community outreach. Overall, the organization of Gidianism is designed to facilitate the worship of Gidia, uphold religious doctrine, and provide spiritual support to the faithful.


The culture of Gidianism is deeply rooted in reverence for the goddess Gidia and her teachings of light, wisdom, and compassion. Followers of Gidianism prioritize virtues such as kindness, integrity, and empathy in their daily lives, striving to embody the ideals espoused by their deity. Rituals and ceremonies play a significant role in Gidian culture, providing opportunities for worship, reflection, and communal bonding. These rituals often involve the lighting of candles or torches to symbolize Gidia's illuminating presence and the spreading of divine light throughout the world.   Gidianism also emphasizes the importance of knowledge and learning, as Gidia is revered as the patroness of wisdom and enlightenment. Scholars, philosophers, and educators are highly respected within Gidian society, and the pursuit of knowledge is seen as a sacred endeavor. The faithful believe that through education and enlightenment, they can better understand Gidia's divine will and contribute positively to the world.   Compassion and charity are central tenets of Gidianism, with believers encouraged to extend kindness and assistance to those in need. Acts of generosity, altruism, and selflessness are viewed as expressions of Gidia's divine grace and are celebrated within the community. Gidian temples often serve as centers for charitable work, providing aid to the poor, sick, and marginalized members of society.   Gidian culture also places a strong emphasis on community and fellowship, with believers coming together to support and uplift one another in times of joy and adversity. Festivals, feasts, and religious gatherings are common occurrences, fostering a sense of camaraderie and solidarity among the faithful. In Gidianism, the bonds of friendship and love are seen as manifestations of Gidia's divine love for all beings.   Overall, the culture of Gidianism reflects a deep reverence for the goddess Gidia and her teachings of light, wisdom, and compassion. Through rituals, acts of kindness, and community engagement, followers of Gidianism seek to honor their deity and embody the values she represents in their everyday lives.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of Gidianism revolves around promoting peace, harmony, and the well-being of all sentient beings. At its core, Gidianism seeks to foster a world where compassion, justice, and empathy guide individual and collective actions. The followers of Gidia strive to spread light and wisdom to dispel ignorance, hatred, and suffering, working towards the realization of a more equitable and compassionate society.   Key elements of Gidianism's public agenda include:   1. Advocating for Justice and Equality: Gidianism calls for the fair and equitable treatment of all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or social status. Followers of Gidia advocate for laws and policies that uphold human rights, promote social justice, and address systemic inequalities.   2. Promoting Peace and Reconciliation: Gidianism emphasizes the importance of non-violence, conflict resolution, and reconciliation in resolving disputes and fostering peaceful coexistence. Followers of Gidia actively work to promote dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among different communities and nations, striving to build a world free from violence and conflict.   3. Supporting Education and Enlightenment: Gidianism places a high value on knowledge, education, and intellectual growth as pathways to enlightenment and personal development. Followers of Gidia advocate for accessible and quality education for all individuals, believing that a well-informed and educated populace is essential for building a just and prosperous society.   4. Providing Aid and Assistance: Gidianism emphasizes the importance of compassion and altruism in alleviating suffering and supporting those in need. Followers of Gidia engage in charitable activities, humanitarian efforts, and community service projects to provide assistance to the less fortunate and marginalized members of society.   5. Protecting the Environment: Gidianism teaches respect for the natural world and advocates for environmental stewardship and conservation. Followers of Gidia strive to protect and preserve the planet's ecosystems, advocating for sustainable practices and responsible management of natural resources to ensure a healthy and thriving environment for future generations.   Overall, the public agenda of Gidianism reflects a commitment to promoting peace, justice, compassion, and environmental sustainability, guided by the teachings and values of the goddess Gidia. Followers of Gidia actively work to create a more just, equitable, and harmonious world, inspired by the divine principles of light, wisdom, and love.


The temples of Gidia, as centers of worship and spiritual guidance, hold various assets that support their religious activities and serve the needs of their communities. These assets may include:   1. Sacred Relics: Temples of Gidia often house sacred relics, artifacts, and symbols that are revered by followers of the faith. These relics may include ancient texts, blessed objects, or items believed to have been touched by divine intervention, serving as objects of veneration and inspiration for worshipers.   2. Architectural Treasures: Many temples of Gidia boast impressive architectural designs and artistic embellishments, reflecting the reverence and devotion of their followers. These architectural treasures may include intricately carved statues, ornate altars, stained glass windows, and other religious symbols that adorn the sacred spaces of worship.   3. Land and Property: Temples of Gidia may own land and property that serve as sites for religious ceremonies, gatherings, and community events. This may include temple grounds, gardens, meditation spaces, and other facilities used for spiritual practices and communal activities.   4. Financial Resources: Followers of Gidia contribute financial donations and offerings to support the maintenance and operations of temples. These financial resources may be used to cover expenses such as building maintenance, utilities, salaries for clergy and staff, as well as funding for charitable programs and community outreach initiatives.   5. Educational and Outreach Programs: Temples of Gidia often host educational programs, workshops, and seminars to promote spiritual growth, moral development, and religious literacy among their followers. These programs may include classes on theology, ethics, meditation, and other spiritual practices, as well as outreach initiatives aimed at serving the needs of the wider community.   6. Charitable Works: Temples of Gidia engage in charitable activities and social service projects to address the needs of the less fortunate and marginalized members of society. This may include providing food, shelter, healthcare, and other forms of assistance to those in need, as well as supporting initiatives for social justice, environmental conservation, and humanitarian relief efforts.   Overall, the assets held by the temples of Gidia are dedicated to advancing the spiritual, educational, and humanitarian missions of the faith, serving as centers of worship, learning, and compassionate service within their communities.


The history of Gidianism traces back to ancient times, shrouded in myth and legend, with the worship of Gidia, the Goddess of Light, believed to have originated among the earliest civilizations of Eothea. While precise historical records may be scarce, oral traditions and sacred texts passed down through generations recount the emergence of Gidianism as a prominent religious faith.   According to Gidianist beliefs, Gidia is revered as the embodiment of divine light, purity, wisdom, and enlightenment, guiding her followers towards spiritual fulfillment and moral righteousness. As the goddess of light, Gidia is said to illuminate the path of righteousness and dispel the darkness of ignorance, leading her devotees towards enlightenment and salvation.   Throughout history, Gidianism has evolved and adapted to the cultural, social, and political contexts of different civilizations, influencing art, literature, philosophy, and governance across the ages. Temples dedicated to Gidia served as centers of worship, education, and communal life, fostering a sense of unity, piety, and moral responsibility among believers.   Gidianist teachings emphasize virtues such as compassion, justice, humility, and empathy, urging followers to cultivate moral integrity and spiritual enlightenment in their daily lives. The sacred texts of Gidianism, including hymns, prayers, and scripture, offer guidance on ethical conduct, spiritual practice, and the pursuit of divine enlightenment.   Throughout history, Gidianism has experienced periods of growth, decline, and revival, shaped by religious reforms, cultural movements, and geopolitical shifts. Despite facing challenges and opposition from rival faiths or secular authorities, Gidianism has endured as a resilient and influential religious tradition, inspiring millions of believers with its message of divine love, compassion, and spiritual enlightenment.   Today, Gidianism remains a vibrant and dynamic faith, with temples, shrines, and communities of worshipers spanning the globe. Its teachings continue to resonate with individuals seeking spiritual fulfillment, moral guidance, and a deeper connection to the divine, embodying the timeless values of love, compassion, and enlightenment that have defined the faith for millennia.

Mythology & Lore

The mythology and forgotten history underlying the basis and teachings of Gidianism are steeped in ancient legends and sacred narratives that have been passed down through generations. These myths serve as the foundation of Gidianist belief, providing insights into the origins of the universe, the nature of divine beings, and the moral principles that guide human existence.   One of the central myths in Gidianism revolves around the creation of the world by Gidia, the Goddess of Light. According to legend, Gidia emerged from the primordial chaos and spoke forth the divine word, bringing order and harmony to the cosmos. With her radiant light, she illuminated the darkness and breathed life into the universe, shaping the heavens, the earth, and all living beings.   Another prominent myth in Gidianist lore recounts the struggle between light and darkness, symbolized by the eternal conflict between Gidia and her nemesis, the Shadow Lord. This cosmic battle represents the eternal struggle between good and evil, with Gidia embodying the forces of purity, wisdom, and enlightenment, while the Shadow Lord embodies darkness, ignorance, and corruption.   Throughout history, Gidianism has incorporated various mythological motifs and archetypal symbols into its teachings, drawing inspiration from ancient epics, allegorical tales, and celestial myths. These myths serve as allegorical frameworks for understanding the divine nature of Gidia, the moral imperatives of Gidianist ethics, and the spiritual journey of enlightenment undertaken by believers.   In addition to creation myths and cosmic battles, Gidianism also features stories of divine intervention, prophetic visions, and miraculous deeds performed by Gidia and her celestial retinue. These myths exemplify the divine attributes of the goddess, such as compassion, justice, healing, and divine guidance, which inspire believers to emulate these virtues in their own lives.   While the specifics of Gidianist mythology may vary among different cultures and regions, the underlying themes of divine creation, cosmic order, and moral enlightenment remain central to the faith. By exploring these myths and forgotten histories, Gidianists seek to deepen their understanding of the divine mysteries, cultivate spiritual wisdom, and forge a deeper connection with the sacred essence of the universe.

Divine Origins

The origins of Gidianism are shrouded in the mists of antiquity, stretching back to the dawn of civilization and the earliest stirrings of human consciousness. While precise historical records are scarce, Gidianism is believed to have emerged organically from the religious practices and spiritual beliefs of ancient cultures that inhabited the lands where the faith eventually took root.   One prevailing theory suggests that Gidianism evolved from animistic traditions that revered natural phenomena and celestial bodies as divine manifestations of spiritual power. Over time, these primitive beliefs coalesced into more structured forms of worship, with early societies venerating deities associated with the sun, the moon, and the stars.   The transition from animism to organized religion marked a pivotal stage in the development of Gidianism, as ancient priests and priestesses began to codify sacred rituals, construct temples, and articulate theological doctrines to explain the mysteries of the universe. As human societies became more complex, religious institutions played an increasingly prominent role in shaping cultural identity, social cohesion, and moral values.   The precise moment of Gidianism's formal inception remains elusive, but scholars posit that it crystallized during the early civilizations that flourished in the region where the faith later became dominant. Influenced by cultural exchanges, conquests, and migrations, Gidianism gradually incorporated elements from diverse religious traditions, assimilating local gods and goddesses into its pantheon while adapting to the spiritual needs and aspirations of its followers.   One pivotal figure in the consolidation of Gidianist belief was a legendary prophet or visionary who purportedly received divine revelations from Gidia, the Goddess of Light. These revelations, preserved in sacred texts and oral traditions, provided a framework for understanding the nature of the divine, the moral imperatives of righteous living, and the cosmic order that governs the universe.   Over the centuries, Gidianism underwent periods of expansion and consolidation, spreading across continents and assimilating diverse cultural influences along the way. As empires rose and fell, Gidianist priests and missionaries carried the teachings of their faith to distant lands, where they encountered new peoples, languages, and belief systems, contributing to the rich tapestry of religious syncretism that characterizes Gidianism today.   Despite the passage of millennia, the origins of Gidianism remain enigmatic, obscured by the mists of time and the layers of myth and legend that have accrued around its sacred history. Yet, for millions of believers, the enduring legacy of Gidianism continues to illuminate their lives with the divine light of hope, wisdom, and spiritual fulfillment.

Cosmological Views

According to Gidianism, the world and its creation are imbued with profound spiritual significance, reflecting the divine will of Gidia, the Goddess of Light, and her eternal wisdom. Central to the Gidianist understanding of cosmogony is the belief in a primordial unity, from which all existence emanates and to which all life returns in the ceaseless cycle of creation and dissolution. In the sacred teachings of Gidianism, the universe is depicted as a vast and harmonious tapestry woven from the radiant threads of divine energy, with Gidia as its celestial weaver and custodian. Through her boundless grace and benevolence, Gidia brings forth the cosmos into being, fashioning the heavens, the earth, and all living beings with her divine touch.   The creation story of Gidianism varies across different cultural traditions and theological interpretations, but common themes resonate throughout. One prevalent narrative portrays Gidia as the primordial source of light and life, whose luminous radiance illuminates the darkness of chaos and gives shape to the formless void.   In the beginning, according to Gidianist lore, Gidia conceived the world in her divine mind, envisioning a realm of beauty, order, and harmony. With a word, she spoke the cosmos into existence, calling forth the stars to adorn the heavens, the waters to fill the oceans, and the land to rise from the depths of the earth.   As the architect of creation, Gidia imbued every aspect of the world with her divine presence, infusing the elements with her sacred essence and imbuing all living beings with the spark of her eternal light. Through her divine providence, the world flourished, teeming with life in all its myriad forms, each creature a testament to the boundless creativity and benevolence of the Goddess.   In the Gidianist cosmology, the world is not static but dynamic, ever-evolving in accordance with the divine plan set forth by Gidia. Every moment, every breath, is a sacred expression of the divine will, guiding the unfolding of history and the destiny of all living beings toward spiritual enlightenment and ultimate union with the divine.   Ultimately, the Gidianist understanding of the world and its creation is infused with reverence for the divine mysteries that transcend human comprehension. Through contemplation, prayer, and spiritual practice, Gidianists seek to deepen their connection to the divine presence that animates the universe, finding solace, purpose, and transcendence in the luminous embrace of Gidia, the Goddess of Light.


The faithful of Gidianism are guided by an esteemed order of clergy known as the "Radiant Guardians." These spiritual leaders serve as intermediaries between the divine realm of Gidia and her mortal worshippers, offering guidance, wisdom, and support to those seeking spiritual enlightenment and solace.   Appointment to the ranks of the Radiant Guardians is considered a sacred calling, bestowed upon individuals who demonstrate exceptional piety, devotion, and wisdom. Candidates for priesthood undergo rigorous training and spiritual discipline, honing their understanding of Gidianist teachings, rituals, and theology under the guidance of experienced mentors within the clergy.   Upon completion of their training, aspiring priests and priestesses undergo a solemn ceremony of ordination, during which they pledge their lives to the service of Gidia and her flock. This sacred ritual imbues them with divine blessings and empowers them to fulfill their sacred duties as spiritual guides and caretakers of the faith.   The Radiant Guardians are distinguished from the rest of the faithful by their deep knowledge of Gidianist doctrine, their exemplary moral character, and their unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of compassion, justice, and enlightenment. They serve as beacons of light and hope within their communities, offering counsel, conducting rituals, and presiding over sacred ceremonies that strengthen the bonds of faith and foster spiritual growth among the worshippers.   In addition to their roles as spiritual leaders, the Radiant Guardians also oversee the administration of Gidianist temples, schools, and charitable institutions, ensuring that the needs of the faithful are met and that the teachings of Gidia are faithfully preserved and transmitted to future generations. Through their selfless dedication and divine guidance, the Radiant Guardians inspire reverence, devotion, and faith among the worshippers, nurturing a vibrant and thriving community of believers united in their devotion to Gidia, the Goddess of Light.

Granted Divine Powers

Clerics and paladins of Gidianism are believed to be granted supernatural powers through their devout faith and connection to the divine realm of Gidia. These powers, often referred to as divine gifts or blessings, are bestowed upon the faithful as a manifestation of Gidia's grace and favor, empowering them to serve as instruments of her will and champions of righteousness.   Some of the supernatural powers granted to the clerics and paladins of Gidianism include:   1. Healing Miracles: Clerics possess the ability to channel Gidia's divine energy to heal wounds, cure diseases, and alleviate suffering. Through prayer, ritual, and the laying on of hands, they can restore vitality and health to the injured and infirm, offering hope and comfort to those in need.   2. Divine Protection: Paladins are blessed with divine resilience and strength, allowing them to withstand physical and spiritual threats with unwavering courage and fortitude. They may invoke Gidia's protection to shield themselves and their allies from harm, deflecting blows and turning aside the forces of darkness.   3. Smite Evil: Paladins are imbued with the power to strike down evil and injustice with righteous fury. By calling upon Gidia's divine authority, they can infuse their weapon strikes with holy energy, dealing devastating blows to creatures of darkness and corruption.   4. Divine Guidance: Clerics and paladins alike are granted the gift of divine insight and wisdom, enabling them to perceive the will of Gidia and discern the path of righteousness. Through prayer, meditation, and communion with the divine, they can receive guidance and inspiration to navigate the challenges of life and combat the forces of evil.   5. Turn Undead: Clerics possess the ability to repel and banish undead creatures with the power of their faith. By invoking Gidia's name and brandishing holy symbols, they can instill fear and revulsion in the undead, driving them away or even destroying them outright.   These supernatural powers serve as manifestations of Gidia's divine presence and her desire to bring light, healing, and justice to the world. They empower her faithful servants to act as champions of her cause, upholding the values of compassion, righteousness, and enlightenment in the face of darkness and adversity.

Through compassion and light, we find unity and truth.

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Path of Illumination, The Way of Radiance, The Order of the Divine Light, The Cult of Compassion, The Faith of Unity
Gidianists or followers of the Gidian faith
Permeated Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles


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