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The Gnomes of Eothea are a vibrant and industrious race, renowned for their ingenuity, creativity, and love of invention. Originating from the Feywild during the Age of Magic, they brought with them a rich cultural heritage steeped in mysticism and arcane knowledge. Despite their diminutive stature, Gnomes possess boundless curiosity and an insatiable thirst for discovery, driving them to explore the mysteries of the world and unlock its hidden wonders.   Gnomish society is centered around innovation and technological advancement, with a strong emphasis on craftsmanship and engineering. Their bustling cities are filled with bustling workshops, laboratories, and tinkering yards, where Gnomish artisans and inventors tirelessly work to create new contraptions, devices, and magical gadgets. From intricate clockwork mechanisms to enchanted artifacts imbued with arcane power, Gnomish inventions are renowned for their complexity and craftsmanship, earning them admiration and envy from other races.   Despite their scholarly pursuits and technological prowess, Gnomes are also known for their jovial nature and love of celebration. Festivals and holidays are frequent occurrences in Gnomish communities, marked by feasting, music, and merriment. Gnomes have a deep appreciation for art, music, and storytelling, with many talented bards, musicians, and performers among their ranks.   In addition to their cultural achievements, Gnomes are also skilled diplomats and traders, adept at navigating the complex web of alliances and rivalries that shape the political landscape of Eothea. Their merchant caravans traverse the land, trading goods and knowledge with other races and fostering diplomatic relations between kingdoms.   Overall, the Gnomes of Eothea are a diverse and dynamic race, whose contributions to art, science, and culture have left an indelible mark on the world. With their insatiable curiosity and boundless creativity, they continue to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation, inspiring awe and admiration wherever they go.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Gnomes of Eothea possess a rich naming tradition that reflects their whimsical and inventive nature. Their names often carry a melodic quality, drawing inspiration from the beauty of nature, the mysteries of magic, or elements of their cultural heritage. Among male Gnomes, names like Alaric, Bixby, or Thaddeus are common, evoking a sense of adventure and curiosity. Female Gnomes, on the other hand, might be known by names such as Celestia, Daphne, or Lumi, imbuing a sense of grace and elegance.   In Gnomish society, surnames are typically indicative of familial ties, ancestral occupations, or even whimsical traits. Surnames like Brightwater, Copperfield, or Sparklebottom are examples of this tradition, reflecting the Gnomes' connection to their roots and their fondness for creativity.   Moreover, Gnomes often incorporate descriptive or aspirational elements into their names, adding layers of meaning and personality. These elements might highlight a Gnome's unique talents, dreams, or even their mischievous tendencies, showcasing the dynamic and diverse nature of Gnomish culture.

Beauty Ideals

Among the Gnomes of Eothea, beauty is a concept that transcends mere physical appearance, delving into the depths of personality and character. While outward features certainly play a role, Gnomes place a profound emphasis on inner qualities such as intelligence, creativity, wit, and kindness. They believe that true beauty emanates from within, radiating outward through one's actions, words, and demeanor.   Gnomes admire individuals who possess a sharp intellect, a quick wit, and a boundless imagination. Those who demonstrate ingenuity, innovation, and the ability to think outside the box are often revered as particularly beautiful. Moreover, Gnomes value kindness and compassion, seeing them as essential qualities that enhance one's attractiveness.   In addition to these inner qualities, Gnomes also appreciate physical attributes that reflect their vibrant and lively nature. Bright, expressive eyes that gleam with curiosity and mischief are often seen as captivating, as they signify a thirst for knowledge and adventure. Similarly, Gnomes admire faces that are animated and expressive, capable of conveying a wide range of emotions with ease.   Furthermore, Gnomes have a deep appreciation for skilled craftsmanship and artistic expression. They find beauty in the intricate details of finely crafted works of art, whether they be sculptures, paintings, or intricate mechanical devices. Gnomes are drawn to individuals who possess nimble hands and a keen eye for detail, as these traits are indicative of a creative and resourceful mind.   Ultimately, beauty among the Gnomes is a multifaceted concept that encompasses both inner virtues and outward expressions of creativity and character. It is a reflection of the unique qualities that make each Gnome special and is celebrated as such within their vibrant and whimsical society.

Gender Ideals

In Gnomish culture, gender is viewed as a spectrum rather than a strict binary concept, fostering an environment of inclusivity and acceptance. Gnomes believe that individuals should be free to express themselves authentically, regardless of societal norms or expectations related to gender roles.   Within Gnomish society, there is no predetermined set of traits or behaviors associated with a particular gender. Instead, Gnomes celebrate diversity and encourage individuals to embrace their unique identities without fear of judgment or discrimination. This inclusive approach extends to all aspects of life, including family dynamics, professional pursuits, and social interactions.   Gnomes value qualities such as intelligence, creativity, and resourcefulness in all individuals, regardless of gender. They believe that each person brings their own unique strengths and perspectives to the community, enriching the collective experience through their contributions.   Moreover, Gnomes place a strong emphasis on equality and mutual respect in relationships, whether they be romantic partnerships, friendships, or professional collaborations. They reject traditional gender roles and expectations, instead prioritizing open communication, trust, and cooperation as the foundation of healthy and fulfilling connections.   Overall, Gnomish gender ideals are characterized by a spirit of openness, flexibility, and acceptance. By embracing diversity and celebrating individuality, Gnomes create a culture that fosters personal growth, self-expression, and mutual support for all members of their community.

Courtship Ideals

In Gnomish society, courtship is approached with a blend of whimsy, intellect, and genuine connection. Gnomes value creativity and innovation, and these qualities often shine through in their romantic pursuits. Courtship rituals among Gnomes are characterized by a playful spirit and a willingness to explore new ideas and experiences together.   Rather than adhering to traditional norms or formalities, Gnomes approach courtship as an opportunity for mutual discovery and shared adventures. They enjoy engaging in activities that stimulate their intellect and spark their curiosity, such as solving puzzles, exploring new inventions, or embarking on imaginative quests.   Communication plays a central role in Gnomish courtship, with Gnomes expressing their affection and interest through clever wordplay, heartfelt gestures, and thoughtful gifts. Humor is often used as a tool for building rapport and fostering a sense of camaraderie between prospective partners.   Gnomes are known for their love of celebration, and courtship often involves festive gatherings and community events where Gnomes can come together to socialize, dance, and revel in each other's company. These occasions provide opportunities for potential partners to deepen their connection and strengthen their bond in a joyful and lighthearted atmosphere.   While Gnomes value spontaneity and creativity in courtship, they also prioritize mutual respect and consent. Respect for boundaries and clear communication are essential elements of Gnomish courtship, ensuring that all interactions are conducted with sensitivity and consideration for the feelings and preferences of both parties involved.   Overall, Gnomish courtship is a delightful blend of whimsy, intellect, and genuine affection. Through shared experiences, meaningful conversations, and playful exchanges, Gnomes cultivate deep and lasting connections that enrich their lives and bring joy to their communities.

Relationship Ideals

In Gnomish culture, relationships are valued for their depth of connection, mutual respect, and shared experiences. Gnomes prioritize building strong emotional bonds with their partners, grounded in trust, understanding, and a sense of companionship. While Gnomes appreciate the excitement of new adventures and discoveries, they also cherish the comfort and stability that comes from being in a committed relationship.   Gnomes view relationships as partnerships where both individuals support and uplift each other in pursuit of their goals and dreams. They value open communication, honesty, and empathy, fostering an environment where both partners feel heard, understood, and valued. Gnomish relationships are characterized by a spirit of collaboration and teamwork, with partners working together to overcome challenges and celebrate successes.   Creativity and innovation are central to Gnomish relationships, with couples often finding joy in exploring new ideas, hobbies, and projects together. Whether tinkering with inventions, embarking on imaginative quests, or simply enjoying each other's company, Gnomes delight in the shared experiences that strengthen their bond and deepen their connection.   Gnomes also place importance on maintaining a sense of individuality within the context of their relationships. While they cherish their partnership, Gnomes recognize the importance of personal autonomy and encourage each other to pursue their interests and passions outside of the relationship.   Respect for each other's boundaries and independence is paramount in Gnomish relationships, with partners supporting each other's growth and development while also honoring their individual needs and preferences. Gnomes understand that relationships require effort and commitment, and they are willing to invest the time and energy necessary to nurture and sustain their connections over time.   Overall, Gnomish relationships are characterized by warmth, affection, and a deep sense of camaraderie. Through mutual support, shared experiences, and a commitment to growth and understanding, Gnomes cultivate relationships that enrich their lives and bring joy to their communities.

Average Technological Level

Gnomish ingenuity and inventive spirit have led to numerous groundbreaking discoveries, inventions, and commonly used items that have left an indelible mark on the world of Eothea. Among these are ingenious contraptions like the Gnomish Gearworks, intricate clockwork mechanisms that power everything from simple household appliances to complex machinery. Gnomish tinkerers are also renowned for their development of arcane devices, such as the Everbright Lantern, which emits a perpetual light, or the Enigma Box, a puzzle-like container that safeguards its contents through intricate locking mechanisms.   In the realm of transportation, gnomes have revolutionized travel with inventions like the Gyrocopter, a compact flying machine that allows for swift and agile aerial maneuvers. Their mastery of alchemy has yielded remarkable potions and elixirs, including the Elixir of Levitation, which grants temporary flight, and the Flask of Endless Water, a self-refilling container that provides an unending supply of fresh water.   In addition to these technological marvels, gnomes have made significant strides in the fields of communication and information dissemination. The invention of the Gnomish Gogglebox, a portable communication device that allows for long-distance visual and auditory communication, has revolutionized the way information is exchanged across vast distances. Furthermore, gnomish scribes have developed the Enchanted Codex, a magical tome that can store vast amounts of knowledge and information, making it an invaluable resource for scholars and researchers.   These are just a few examples of the many discoveries, inventions, and items that gnomes have contributed to the world of Eothea. Through their ceaseless curiosity and innovative spirit, gnomes continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, leaving a lasting legacy of ingenuity and creativity for generations to come.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Within gnome society, language serves as a crucial tool for communication and community cohesion. The primary language groups among gnomes encompass Common and Gnomish, forming the bedrock of interpersonal interaction and cultural exchange. Common, being the lingua franca of Eothea, enables gnomes to engage with individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering connections and facilitating trade. Meanwhile, Gnomish, with its rich vocabulary and intricate nuances, reflects the unique worldview and ingenuity of gnome culture. It is within the context of Gnomish that intricate technical concepts and innovative ideas find their most eloquent expression.   Despite the centrality of Common and Gnomish, gnomes are known for their insatiable curiosity and eagerness for exploration. As a result, some gnomes may venture beyond the confines of their immediate communities to learn additional languages such as Elven or Dwarfish. This linguistic diversity not only broadens their cultural horizons but also opens up avenues for collaboration and exchange with neighboring societies. Whether engaged in scholarly pursuits, diplomatic negotiations, or trade ventures, gnomes adeptly navigate linguistic boundaries, leveraging their multilingual proficiency to forge meaningful connections and advance their collective interests. Thus, while Common and Gnomish serve as the pillars of gnome communication, their linguistic repertoire extends far beyond, reflecting the dynamic and cosmopolitan nature of gnome society.

Common Etiquette Rules

Common etiquette among the Gnomes is deeply rooted in their values of community, respect, and ingenuity. Gnomish society places a high value on mutual respect and cooperation, and thus, politeness and consideration for others are essential aspects of Gnomish etiquette.   One of the most important etiquette norms among Gnomes is the practice of active listening and thoughtful communication. Gnomes value clear and concise communication, and interrupting or talking over others is considered rude. Instead, Gnomes patiently listen to others' perspectives and contribute to the conversation in a constructive manner.   Furthermore, Gnomish etiquette emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and resources. Gnomes are known for their collaborative spirit and willingness to help others, so sharing information, tools, and resources is seen as a fundamental aspect of social interaction. This generosity extends to hospitality as well, with Gnomes often going out of their way to welcome guests and make them feel at home.   In addition to these interpersonal etiquette norms, Gnomes also adhere to certain cultural customs and traditions. For example, punctuality is highly valued among Gnomes, and being late to appointments or gatherings is considered impolite. Additionally, Gnomes take great pride in their craftsmanship and inventions, so offering sincere compliments and expressions of admiration for others' creations is customary.   Overall, Gnomish etiquette revolves around fostering positive relationships, fostering a sense of community, and promoting cooperation and collaboration. By adhering to these etiquette norms, Gnomes ensure harmonious interactions and strengthen the bonds that unite their society.

Common Dress Code

The dress code among Gnomes is influenced by their practical nature, creativity, and appreciation for craftsmanship. Gnomes typically favor clothing that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, reflecting their ingenuity and attention to detail.   For everyday attire, Gnomes often opt for comfortable yet durable garments suited for their various activities, such as tinkering, crafting, and adventuring. Common wardrobe staples include sturdy trousers or skirts, paired with tunics, shirts, or blouses made from breathable fabrics like cotton or linen. Layers are also prevalent among Gnomes, allowing them to adapt to changing weather conditions.   In terms of style, Gnomish clothing tends to feature intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and whimsical embellishments that showcase their creative flair. Gnomes enjoy experimenting with different textures, fabrics, and accessories to express their individuality and showcase their craftsmanship. Additionally, Gnomes often incorporate practical elements into their attire, such as pockets, pouches, and compartments for storing tools, gadgets, and other essentials.   For special occasions or formal events, Gnomes may embellish their attire with decorative elements like embroidery, beadwork, or intricate stitching. Jewelry, such as rings, bracelets, and necklaces crafted from precious metals and gemstones, are also popular among Gnomes, serving as both adornments and functional accessories.   Overall, the dress code among Gnomes reflects their values of creativity, practicality, and self-expression. Whether for everyday wear or special occasions, Gnomes take pride in their attire, using it as a means to showcase their ingenuity, individuality, and cultural identity.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of the Gnomes is richly diverse, characterized by their ingenuity, creativity, and love for exploration and discovery. Gnomes are renowned for their technological advancements, artistic pursuits, and intellectual curiosity, which shape many aspects of their society.   One of the central pillars of Gnomish culture is innovation and invention. Gnomes are natural tinkerers and engineers, constantly seeking to improve upon existing technologies or develop new ones. Their workshops and laboratories are bustling hubs of activity, where Gnomes collaborate on projects ranging from mechanical contraptions to magical devices. This spirit of innovation fuels their society's progress and drives them to push the boundaries of what is possible.   Creativity is also highly valued among Gnomes, who are known for their artistic talents and appreciation for beauty. Gnomish art encompasses a wide range of mediums, including painting, sculpture, music, and storytelling. Gnomes take great pride in their craftsmanship, often infusing their creations with whimsy, humor, and intricate details that reflect their unique perspective on the world.   In addition to their technological and artistic pursuits, Gnomes have a deep-seated love for exploration and adventure. Many Gnomes are drawn to the thrill of discovery, whether it be uncovering hidden treasures, charting unexplored territories, or unraveling ancient mysteries. This adventurous spirit often leads Gnomes to form close-knit communities of like-minded individuals who share their passion for exploration and discovery.   Community and camaraderie are essential aspects of Gnomish culture, with Gnomes placing great value on relationships and social connections. Gnome communities are often tight-knit, with neighbors looking out for one another and coming together to celebrate festivals, holidays, and other special occasions. Despite their individualistic tendencies, Gnomes recognize the importance of cooperation and collaboration, pooling their talents and resources to tackle challenges and achieve common goals.   Overall, Gnomish culture is a vibrant tapestry of innovation, creativity, and exploration, woven together by the shared values of ingenuity, camaraderie, and the pursuit of knowledge. Through their technological advancements, artistic endeavors, and adventurous spirit, Gnomes continue to leave a lasting mark on the world around them, inspiring awe and admiration wherever their travels may take them.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Common customs among the Gnomes reflect their values of community, innovation, and celebration. One prevalent custom is the tradition of "invention fairs," where Gnomes gather to showcase their latest creations and innovations. These fairs serve as opportunities for Gnomes to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and inspire one another with their ingenuity.   Another common custom among Gnomes is the practice of exchanging gifts as a gesture of goodwill and appreciation. Gnomes take great pleasure in crafting personalized gifts for their friends and loved ones, often incorporating elements of humor, whimsy, or practicality into their creations.   Festivals and celebrations also play a significant role in Gnomish culture, with Gnomes hosting elaborate parties and gatherings to mark important occasions such as holidays, birthdays, and milestones. These events are characterized by lively music, colorful decorations, and an abundance of delicious food and drink, creating an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie that brings the community together.   Gnomes also have a tradition of storytelling, with elders passing down tales of Gnomish history, folklore, and legends to younger generations. These stories serve not only to entertain and educate but also to instill a sense of pride and connection to their cultural heritage.   Finally, Gnomes have a deep-seated respect for nature and the environment, which is reflected in their customs surrounding sustainability and conservation. Gnomish communities often participate in initiatives to protect and preserve their natural surroundings, such as planting trees, cleaning up litter, and promoting eco-friendly practices.   Overall, these customs contribute to the rich tapestry of Gnomish culture, fostering a sense of unity, creativity, and reverence for both the natural world and the ingenuity of their fellow Gnomes.

Common Taboos

While Gnomish culture is generally open-minded and accepting, there are a few taboos that are commonly observed among Gnomes:   Disrespecting Innovation: Gnomes hold innovation and creativity in high regard, and disrespecting someone's inventions or ideas is considered highly offensive. Criticizing or belittling another Gnome's work is seen as a breach of trust and may damage relationships within the community.   Wasting Resources: Gnomes are resourceful by nature and value efficiency in all aspects of life. Wasting resources, whether it be food, materials, or energy, is frowned upon in Gnomish society. Conservation and sustainability are deeply ingrained in their culture, and Gnomes strive to minimize waste wherever possible.   Breaking Promises: Gnomes place a strong emphasis on honesty and integrity, and breaking promises or betraying trust is considered a serious offense. Gnomes value reliability and dependability in their relationships, and failing to uphold one's commitments can lead to strained or severed ties within the community.   Disrespecting Nature: Gnomes have a deep reverence for the natural world and strive to live in harmony with their environment. Disrespecting nature, whether through pollution, deforestation, or other harmful activities, is viewed as a violation of their core values. Gnomes are committed to protecting and preserving the beauty and diversity of the natural world for future generations.   Ignoring Tradition: While Gnomes are known for their innovative spirit, they also have a strong sense of tradition and cultural heritage. Ignoring or disregarding Gnomish traditions, rituals, and customs is seen as disrespectful and may result in social ostracization or disapproval from the community.   By adhering to these taboos, Gnomes uphold the values of respect, cooperation, and environmental stewardship that are central to their culture and way of life.


The history of the Gnomes of Eothea is deeply intertwined with their origin in the Feywild and their subsequent migration to the material plane during the Age of Magic. According to ancient lore, the Gnomes were originally inhabitants of the Feywild, a realm of enchantment and wonder. They were known for their affinity for magic, creativity, and craftsmanship, thriving in the vibrant and mystical environment of their homeland.   During the Age of Magic, a time marked by great upheaval and extraordinary events, the Gnomes made the monumental decision to leave the Feywild and settle in the material plane of Eothea. The reasons for their migration vary in different accounts, but it is often attributed to a desire for new experiences, exploration, or seeking refuge from conflicts or changes in the Feywild.   Upon arriving in Eothea, the Gnomes brought with them their rich cultural heritage, magical knowledge, and inventive spirit. They quickly adapted to their new surroundings, establishing communities and integrating themselves into the diverse tapestry of races and civilizations that inhabited the material plane.   Over the centuries, the Gnomes of Eothea have played significant roles in shaping the world around them. Their innate curiosity and ingenuity have led to remarkable advancements in various fields, including arcane studies, technology, alchemy, and artifice. They have contributed to the flourishing of culture, commerce, and innovation, leaving an indelible mark on the history and development of Eothea.

Historical Figures

Throughout Gnomish history, several notable figures have emerged, leaving a lasting impact on their society and shaping the course of events. Among these major historical figures are:   Maldric Gearspark: Known as the Father of Gnomish Engineering, Maldric Gearspark revolutionized Gnomish society with his groundbreaking inventions and innovative designs. From steam-powered contraptions to clockwork marvels, his creations paved the way for advancements in technology and laid the foundation for Gnomish industry.   Elara Brightspark: A legendary alchemist and scholar, Elara Brightspark is celebrated for her contributions to the field of arcane research and magical studies. Her discoveries unlocked new realms of magical knowledge and expanded Gnomish understanding of the arcane arts, earning her renown as one of the greatest minds of her time.   Thaddeus Ironroot: A fearless explorer and adventurer, Thaddeus Ironroot led expeditions into uncharted territories, mapping distant lands and uncovering hidden secrets. His bold explorations opened new trade routes, established diplomatic relations with neighboring kingdoms, and expanded the influence of Gnomish culture beyond their borders.   Mirabelle Fireforge: Renowned for her masterful craftsmanship and unparalleled skill as a blacksmith, Mirabelle Fireforge forged legendary weapons and enchanted artifacts that became treasured heirlooms of Gnomish nobility. Her works were revered for their beauty, craftsmanship, and magical potency, earning her a place of honor in Gnomish history.   Galadriel Moonshadow: A wise and revered sage, Galadriel Moonshadow was a guardian of Gnomish knowledge and keeper of ancient lore. Her wisdom and insight guided Gnomish scholars in their pursuit of truth and enlightenment, preserving the wisdom of the ages for future generations and ensuring the continuity of Gnomish culture.   These major historical figures exemplify the ingenuity, creativity, and adventurous spirit that define Gnomish society, inspiring future generations to push the boundaries of knowledge, explore new frontiers, and leave their own mark on history.

Common Myths and Legends

Gnomish culture is rich with myths and legends that have been passed down through generations, weaving tales of wonder, heroism, and magic. Among the most cherished myths and legends of the Gnomes are:   The Tale of the Inventor's Apprentice: This legend tells the story of a young Gnome apprentice who dreams of becoming a great inventor. Through perseverance, creativity, and a touch of magic, the apprentice overcomes numerous challenges and eventually achieves their goal, earning renown throughout the land as a master inventor.   The Enchanted Forest: Gnomes believe in the existence of an enchanted forest hidden deep within the heart of Eothea, where mystical creatures dwell and ancient secrets lie waiting to be discovered. Adventurous Gnomes often embark on quests to explore the depths of the forest, seeking wisdom, treasure, and adventure.   The Guardian of the Mountains: According to legend, a mighty guardian spirit watches over the mountainous regions where many Gnomish settlements are found. This benevolent being is said to protect the Gnomes from harm and guide them in times of need, serving as a symbol of strength, courage, and unity for the entire Gnomish community.   The Tale of the Lost City: Gnomes speak of a fabled lost city hidden beneath the earth, filled with wondrous treasures and ancient artifacts. Legends tell of brave adventurers who venture into the depths of the earth in search of this legendary city, facing perilous challenges and overcoming fearsome guardians to claim its riches.   The Song of the Stars: Gnomes believe that the stars hold great significance in their lives, serving as guides, protectors, and sources of inspiration. According to legend, each Gnome is born under a unique constellation that influences their destiny and character traits, shaping their journey through life and connecting them to the celestial realm.   These myths and legends not only entertain and inspire Gnomes but also serve to reinforce their cultural values, foster a sense of community, and instill a deep appreciation for the mysteries of the world around them.
300+ Years
Average Height
Males 3′4″‒3′8″ (1‒1.1 m)   Females 3′0″‒4′0″ (0.91‒1.2 m)
Average Weight
Males 50‒75 lb (23‒34 kg)   Females 40‒45 lb (18‒20 kg)
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