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The “Oath Chains” of Min Burim

In the heart of Min Burim, amidst the rugged stone walls and echoing halls, resides a custom as ancient as the city itself: the forging of the “Oath Chains.” These chains, meticulously crafted by skilled Dwarven smiths, symbolize the unbreakable bonds of loyalty and brotherhood among the city’s residents.
  The tradition begins with a solemn ceremony held in the central square, where Dwarves from all walks of life gather to pledge their allegiance to the city and its people. Each participant selects a length of raw iron from the city’s vast reserves, signifying their commitment to the collective defense of Min Burim. With the guidance of master blacksmiths, they labor over their chosen metal, shaping it with hammer and forge into a sturdy chain link.
  Once forged, the individual links are assembled into a single, interlocking chain, representing the unity and strength of Min Burim’s community. The completed Oath Chain is then blessed by the city’s elders in a sacred ritual, invoking the protection of the Dwarven ancestors and the blessings of the mountain gods.
  For every significant event in a Dwarf’s life – be it a birth, a marriage, or a rite of passage – a new link is added to their Oath Chain, symbolizing the enduring ties that bind them to their kin and their homeland. Over the years, these chains grow in length and complexity, becoming tangible expressions of the collective history and shared destiny of the city’s inhabitants.
  To wear an Oath Chain is to carry the weight of Min Burim’s legacy upon one’s shoulders, a constant reminder of the sacrifices made by generations past and the duty owed to future generations. It is a badge of honor and a solemn vow, binding each Dwarf to the eternal defense of their beloved city and the principles for which it stands.
  In Min Burim, the forging of Oath Chains is not merely a tradition – it is a sacred rite that embodies the essence of Dwarven identity and the enduring spirit of solidarity that sustains the city through times of hardship and strife.


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