In a world once created by Titans of immense power, now felled by greed and gods, Epathea thousands of years later, now lays in its fourth age.
Still recovering from poverty and turmoil after the crusade and conquering by the Uberith Empire the world is now finally setting itself in an age of peace. The world is ripe for adventure and discovery. Who are you in this day and age, a glory hungry elf of Faehadell, a poor orphan of the war, a proud dwarf from Barak Tal´nogaak, a slum rat of Strathmore, a skilled ranger of the Timberwatch, a farm owner wanting more, a craftsman from Dewpond, a seeker from Ozeitia, or maybe a ice breaker of the frozen lands up north... maybe you are a adventurer or explorer just waiting to explore the vast world of Epathea?
Its all up to you, the world is yours for the taking.