BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Combat, Weapons, Death, Minions, Rests, Ect

Greater than 10 Rule
  • Greater than 10 Rule: If an d20 roll is 10 or more of what was required to pass a skill check or attack roll, it is considered an automatic natural 20. Enemies can do this as well.
Exhaustion Changes
  • Exhaustion has been changed to the table below. You recover 1 point of exhaustion each long rest:
Points of Exhaustiond20 MalusSpell Save DC Malus
1 1 0
2 2 1
3 3 1
4 4 2
5 5 2
6 6 3
7 7 3
8 8 4
9 9 4
10 10 5
Falling to 0 HP
  • You take 1 point of exhaustion.
  • You make an Injury Saving throw (constitution saving throw). The DC is 10 or half the damage of the attack that put reduced your HP to 0, whichever is greater. If failed, make a roll on the Injury Table for your injury. You may only roll on the Injury Table once per combat encounter but may make multiple Injury Saving throws until you receive an injury for this combat encounter.
  • In special situations, you may also make a Curse Saving throw (wisdom saving throw). The DC is 12 or half the damage of the attack that put them at 0 HP, whichever is greater. If failed, make a roll on the Spiritual Injury Table for your injury. You may only roll on the Spiritual Injury Table once per combat encounter but may make multiple Curse Saving throws until you receive an injury for this combat encounter.
  • For more information on injuries, see Injuries.xlsx
Short Rest Changes
  • Duration is between 5 minutes and 1 hour, at the party’s discretion.
  • Characters recover half of max hp.
  • Maximum of 2 short rests per long rest.
  • All players rest, or no players rest.
NPC Companions
  • Do not actively participate in combat.
  • Provide abilities or buffs that the party can use, depending on the companion.
  • Limited to the size of the party’s average proficiency bonus.
  • Can be hired or acquired as a quest reward.
Pets, Summons, Minions
  • They have their own initiative in the turn order, regardless of type and feature descriptions. If it has a token, it has its own initiative.
  • Do not occupy a seat in vehicles.
  • Being proficient in a weapon allows you to make special actions when wielding the weapon. See:
      Beyond Damage Dice and Beyond Damage Dice 2
      Or Ryoko's Guide to the Yokai Realms
  • Automatic Cleave Rule - Reducing a creature’s HP to 0 with a weapon attack allows you to attack a different creature within 5 feet with the remainder of the damage dealt.
  • Unarmed attacks are considered weapon attacks for the purposes of features such as sneak attack, smite, ect.
      This is the dumbest thing ever. RAW says you cannot smite or sneak attack with your fists.
Death and Resurrection
  • Dead creatures go to the underworld where they may make an escape, though some who escape come back as either an eidolon or a Returned.
      Death is not the end of a hero’s journey.
      Sometimes you can’t be resurrected. Probably plot, idk :shrug:
  • Instant death is possible and is defined as taking enough damage in a single blow to make you negative your maximum HP.
      Example. You have a max of 20 HP. You currently have 8. You take 28 damage. You is ded. Do not pass go. Go straight to the underworld.
  • Being dead in an area of persistent damage, including but not limited to: acid, fire, lava, freezing river, swarm of locusts, meteor storm, vacuum of the astral plane, sat on by a large thing, will cause your “time since death” clock to accelerate 20 times faster. Example, 1 minute of death is 3 rounds of being dead in a field of persistent damage.
  • If a character is making death saves or dead, combat does not end until the dying or death state is resolved, by stabilizing or reviving the PC within the time limit for the spell.
  • With very few exceptions, only PCs can be revived by traditional means (spells such as revivify).


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