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Dance Partners

Core concept:

  A synergistic special maneuver between two PCs, aka “Dances”.  
How it works:
A PC can pull another PC lower on the turn order to perform a dance maneuver with. These special techniques are listed below. A PC can perform a number of dances equal to their PB per long rest and can only perform one dance per turn. When a PC starts a dance, their partner can move up to their movement to get in position for the dance, the partner lower in turn order loses their turn in place of the dance action.  

Parter Roles:

A PC can fall into multiple categories, and each of the partner roles mixes to form a dance.
  • Melee Weapon Attack (MWA)
  • Ranged Weapon Attack (RWA)
  • Shield Bearer (SHB)
  • Spell Attack Cantrip (SAC)
  • Spell Save Cantrip (SSC)

Dance List:

Dances are combination moves between two partners and consume both partners turn to use.   Attacks can benefit from additional sources of damage such as Smite, Sneak Attack, Hex, and ect.  
  • Bladed Jive (MWA – MWA): Both partners make a flurry of melee weapon attacks, each attack has a stacking d4 to hit and damage for each successful hit, including the first attack. Features such as Extra Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting and Action Surge can be used to increase your attacks for the dance. The partners can take their attacks in any order.
    • Example: Fighter (5, Greatsword, 18 STR) – Barbarian (5, Greataxe, Rage, 20 STR) – Fighter takes the first hit, has a d20+1d4+7 to hit. Damage dealt is 2d6+4+1d4, Barbarian makes the second hit, has a d20 + 2d4 + 8 to hit. Damage would be 1d12+5+2+2d4. This would continue until they have used all their attacks. The fighter could do action surge to make an additional two attacks.
  • Bolero de Ravel (MWA – RWA): The MWA partner works to create an opening for the RWA partner. For each hit the MWA partner lands, the targets AC is lowered by 2 until the end of the dance.
  • Adagio (MWA – SHB): The SHB partner makes a forceful attack with their shield, then assumes a defensive position. If the shield attack hits, the MWA partner has advantage on their attacks. Regardless, if the shield attack hits. The SHB partner confers all benefits their shield grants them to their dance partner until the start of the initiating partner’s turn.
  • Paso Doble (MWA/RWA – SAC): The SAC partner amplifies the MWA/RWA partner’s weapon with the power of their cantrip. The SAC partner can use spell slots to boost the damage by 2 x the spell slot level. The MWA can add the damage to all attacks they make during the dance and their attacks are considered magical for overcoming resistance. In the case of cantrips that are multi-target, such as eldritch blast, they will be considered one beam for this dance.
    • Example: SAC partner (Wizard, 5) use Firebolt bolt and spends a 2nd level spell slot on MWA/RWA partner (Fighter, 5) to boost their weapon attack. The MWA/RWA partner makes the boosted attack, if they hit, they would do + + 2d10 (Firebolt) + 4d10 (Boosted from 2nd level spell slot). The Firebolt and Boosted damage provided by would apply to the MWA/RWA’s additional weapon attacks as well.
  • Argentine Tango (MWA/RWA – SSC): The MWA/RWA partner works to buy time for the SSC partner to power up their cantrip. Each hit the MWA/RWA partner lands, increases the damage of the cantrip by half the damage dealt by the MWA/RWA partner, while also lowering the targeted save DC by 1.
  • Pirouette of Arrows (RWA – RWA): Both partners stand back-to-back and unleash a volley of arrows. For each unique target hit, the pair adds a stacking 1d6 damage to their attacks.
  • Springing Salsa (RWA – SHB): The SHB becomes a launch pad for the RWA partner, springboarding them into the air, while airborne, the RWA partner has advantage on all attack rolls and adds the AC bonus of the SHB partner’s shield to attack damage rolls. The RWA partner lands within 5ft of the SHB partner, and the SHB partner confers all benefits their shield grants them to their dance partner until the start of the initiating partners turn.
  • Shield Waltz (SHB – SHB): The partners lock shields to form an unbreakable wall. Until the start of the initiating partners turn, both partners have the benefits of Three-Quarters Cover (+5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws), +5 to Strength Saving throws, as well as any magical bonuses their partner’s shield may provide (such as resistance).
  • Shield Samba (SHB – SAC/SSC): The SAC/SSC partner infuses their partner’s shield with the energy of their cantrip, the SHB partner can then release that energy in either a 30 ft line that is 5 ft wide, or a 15 ft cone from their shield. Creatures must make a dexterity saving throw or take half damage. The save DC is the SAC/SSC spell save DC + the AC granted by the SHB partner. The SAC/SSC partner can also spend spell slots to boost the damage dealt by 2 x the spell slot level.
  • Spell Shadowing (SAC/SSC – SAC/SSC): Both partners cast a cantrip in fluid unison causing their target to suffer disadvantage on saving throws or grant the partners advantage on the spell attack roll. If both partners are successful in their attack, the damage dealt is immediately doubled, and they can perform the action again on a different target, limit to 1 additional target. Each partner can also spend spell slots to boost the damage dealt by the spell slot level, but both partners but spend identical spell levels to stay in unison.


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