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Condition: Drunk. Between long rests, a creature can drink a number of units of alcohol equal to its Constitution modifier without any effect. For each unit of alcohol the creature drinks beyond this, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw, calculating the DC using the formula below.  
Drunkenness saving throw DC = 10 + number of units of alcohol consumed since last long rest
  On a failed saving throw, a creature gains one level of drunkenness. Drunkenness is measured in six levels. If an already drunk creature suffers another effect that causes drunkenness, its current level of drunkenness increases by the number of units of alcohol the creature consumed to trigger the saving throw. A creature’s drunkenness level is reduced by 1 for each 2 hours since it last drank.Furthermore, finishing a long rest reduces a creature’s drunkenness level to 0.   A creature suffers the effect of its current level of drunkenness as well as all lower levels. For example, a creature suffering level 3 drunkenness has disadvantage on Dexterity, Charisma, and Wisdom checks and saving throws.  
1 The creature has advantage on Charisma based checks.
2 The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity based checks and saving throws.
3 The creature loses the effects of level 1 drunkenness, and has disadvantage on Charisma and Wisdom based checks and saving throws.
4 The creature's speed is halved.
5 The creature suffers the effects of the poisoned status, and retains no memory of the events that occur between this point and when they are no longer dunk.
6 The creature falls unconscious for 1d4 + 8 hours. When it wakes, it is no longer drunk, but doesn't gain the benefits of a long rest and gains 4 points of exhaustion.
Condition: Hangover. When a creature loses at least 1 level of drunkenness during or as a result of finishing a long rest, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of the long rest. The DC for this saving throw equals four times the drunkenness level before they started the long rest. A creature that fails this saving throw has a hangover and is poisoned for a number of hours equal to the difference between the result of their saving throw and the DC.


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