Oysus, Goddess of Beginnings
Goddess of Beginnings Oysus
Tenets of Faith
Followers of Oysus believe woman are the children of the Goddess, and the beginning of life's cycle. Therefore, woman must be not shown disrespect.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Followers of Oysus believe that in the beginning of time there were two deities, Oysus and Tymos. Tymos, God of Endings, created life in the barren world, but only did so to witness their ends - to watch the life he creates decay with time, a constant cycle of creation and destruction. There was nothing permanent. Not until Oysus, Goddess of Beginnings, created the first female creatures and humans, beginning the cycle of life and allowing living things to continue on beyond their individual lifespans. She created the cycle of birth and prospering, permanence and generations. She was the Mother of Time as humans knew it, for the flow of time did not exist prior - as there were no humans to observe it.
Divine Classification
Mortal God
Light-Blue, Long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization