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Church of Ilmater

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Ilmater were taught to help all who suffered, without regard for who they were or how they suffered. They were to heal and treat the wounded and the sick and give comfort to the dying. They also had to give kind counseling to those grieving or depressed, lonely or lost, and give shelter and alms to those who'd lost everything. They did what had to be done when no one else would. Thus a typical follower of Ilmater was generous and sharing, giving all they could to the poor, and they placed others before themselves.   To the Ilmatari, life was sacred and suffering was holy. They were to carry the burdens and pains of others, and were taught that the truly holy took on another's suffering. They were instructed to endure and persevere against hardship and pain, and believed that if they suffered in the name of Ilmater, then he would be there to support them. Although many outsiders saw them as willing sufferers or they appeared reckless in their quests to do good, they simply cared about everyone, often without regard for their own safety. However, they did concentrate more on healing and aid efforts.   Worshipers of Ilmater also believed that all injustices should be challenged and that they should defend and aid the causes of the oppressed and unjustly treated. They were to act for and defend those who could not do so themselves. They were to stand up to every bully and tyrant, and resist them in any way, both small and great. Ilmatari were encouraged to hold to their principles and keep to their causes if they were right and just, no matter the risk and to be fearless about it. Consequently, they believed that a death with meaning was not shameful.   They advocated the spiritualism of life over materialism and the physical body. If they dedicated themselves to the service of Ilmater, they believed, then he would provide for them. They left the pursuit of wealth and luxuries to others, and sought only medicines and alms.


The clergy of Ilmater were known collectively as "Ilmatari", which was also the adjective for the faith. Other terms in use were "Ilmateran", "Ilmatran", and "Ilmat". Ilmatari could also call themselves "Sufferers".     The clergy referred to each other as "Brother" or "Sister". Senior clergy were called "Revered", such as "Revered Sister". Those who were leaders of temples, monasteries, and abbeys were addressed as "Mother" or "Father", and "of the House" was added to their title, such as "Revered Father of the House". No other titles were commonly used. The greatest of the faith were called "Saint", and often bore a unique title.   Individual titles for important clergy were in use through the history of the church, such as "Archsufferer", "Exalted Sufferer", "Master Sufferer", and "Enduring Servant".


Companions of the Noble Heart: An aggressive order that focused on fighting and destroying those who were cruel or enjoyed the pain and suffering of others, particularly the church of Loviatar.   Holy Warriors of Suffering Order of the Golden Cup: An order that focused on healing and protecting the innocent, sick, and weak.   Order of the Lambent Rose   Monastatic Orders Broken Ones: An order responsible for the defense of Ilmater's temples and shrines, which also sought to punish those who inflicted cruelty.   Disciples of St. Morgan the Taciturn Disciples of St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred: A monastic order that specialized in genealogical studies.   Followers of the Unhindered Path Order of St. Dionysus: An often-inebriated order active in the Bloodstone Lands.   Order of St. Uzurr: An order that governed the city of Uzurr in Lapaliiya.   Sisters of St. Jasper of the Rocks Weeping Friars: These were the most fanatical believers in the idea of "bleeding" for others.    Heretics Cult of Shared Suffering: A heretical cult that held the view that suffering should be shared with others, and non-believers in particular.

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