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Order of the Broken Blade

The Order of the Broken Blade honored those warriors and clergy who could no longer fight at their best They continued to serve Tempus by working at shrines and temples.


Acolyte: The lowest in the hierarchy, they wore leather jackets and baldrics.
Stalwart: Priests, who wore chainmail.
Hardhar: Warrior-priests, who wore breastplates and bracers.
Arahar: Battle-chaplains, who wore splint mail.
Rauthat: Swordmasters, who wore plate mail with shoulder spikes.
Direhar: Guardian priests, who wore full plate.
Warlyon: High priests, who wore gilded magic plate mail that enabled flight.

Tenets of Faith

Tempus does not win battles—Tempus helps the deserving warrior win battles. War is fair in that it oppresses all sides equally and that in any given battle, a mortal may be slain or become a great leader among his or her companions. War should not be feared, but seen as a natural force, a human force, the storm that civilization brings by its very existence.   The faithful of Tempus are charged to arm all for whom battle is needful, even foes. They should retreat from hopeless fights, but never avoid battle, and slay one foe decisively and bring battle to a halt rather than hacking down many over time and dragging on hostilities. They are to defend what they believe in, lest it be swept away, and remember the dead who fell fighting before them. Above all, they should disparage no foe and respect all, for valor blazes in all, regardless of age, gender, or race.   Tempus looks favorably upon those who acquit themselves honorably and tirelessly in battle, smiting mightily when facing a foe, but avoiding such craven tricks as destroying homes, family, or livestock when a foe is away or attacking from the rear (except when such an attack is launched by a small band against foes of vastly superior numbers). Tempus believes that warriors should responsibly consider the consequences of the violence they do beforehand and try to not hot-headedly rush off to wage war recklessly.   On the other hand, Tempus teaches that people with smooth tongues or fleet feet who avoid all strife and never defend their beliefs wreak more harm than the most energetic tyrant raider or horde leader.
Religious, Holy Order

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