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Pitter-Patter of Lizards feet

General Summary

Our heroes decided that it best to follow the direction that the Half-Dragon went, and they found a large encampment, hidden in the fields Northwest of Polis. The encampment comprised of Dragonkin, including Dragonborn, and Kobolds. Raksis knew that this was the camp he was looking for, and after formulating a plan. Mac turned himself into a Dragonborn, and entered the camp. Waylaid by a rather large Dragonborn, they talked their way into its borders. They located the camp's main tent where they met the camp's leaders. The leaders clued them into the group of marauding Dragonborn that roamed the lands, and they used to be a part of their camp. The Dragonborn were kicked out of the camp their radical beliefs. Due to very secretive nature of the camp, and their fear of being attacked, they imprisoned Raksis and Mac.    Meanwhile, Jerradin, Urso, Ledare, and Linnimon split up into 2 groups began scouting the outskirts of the camp when it was dark enough not to be seen. As they did so they came across a band of scouts, narrowly subverting being caught. When they met back up, they made their way into a small wooded area and waited for the return of their friends. After many hours they decided that they needed to find out where they were.   Ledare and Urso went to the far side of the camp, and Ledare was able to use her magical ability to hid her and Urso from sight. While Jerradin and Linnimon crept in, being very careful not to alert anyone of their arrival.   While being imprisoned, Mac found himself a familiar in a lizard, and was able to take control of it's body. He used it to scout around and get an idea of the camp, and the quickest way to their weapons in the leader's tent. When the coast was clear he cut a hole in the tent and snuck out, disguising himself as a different Dragonborn. He attempted to cut his way into the leaders tent, but the blade couldn't pierce it's magical enchantments. He then made his way back to the tent with Raksis and mended it so there was no evidence of the escape and recon.   Ledare and Urso found their way to the leader's tent, and were able to sneak inside without alerting the guard. They were able to locate their friends weapons and a few documents. Urso and Jerradin where then able to locate Raksis and Mac and together they escaped the encampment.   Several hours later, Urso and Ledare were able to catch up to the rest of the group.
Report Date
17 Jan 2020

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