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The Avaricious
Bane of Bahamut
Creator of Evil Dragonkind
The Chromatic Dragon
Nemesis of Gods
Queen of Chaos
The Undying Queen
The Dragon Queen
Nemesis of the Gods
the Dark Lady)

Tiamat (tee-a-maht) is a greedy, vain, and arrogant goddess who embodies all the strengths of her chromatic progeny but few of their weaknesses. She is entirely focused on the acquisition of personal power and wealth and views mortals as hapless pawns in her struggles with other deities. She can be charming and fey when necessary, but her self-serving, evil, reptilian nature is readily apparent to those who look.

Divine Domains

Evil dragons, evil reptiles, greed, Chessenta

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Five-headed dragon

Tenets of Faith

Rival deities of all creeds and from every pantheon are inherently tyrannical. They seek only power, at any cost, despite their honeyed words. The Dragon Queen is the only being powerful enough to defy the gods and overthrow their despotic rule, as demonstrated by her overthrow of the other Untheric deities. Work tirelessly toward the day when Tiamat will banish the gods from Faerun and unite the world under her rule. Toward this goal, follow her commands unquestioningly and be willing to sacrifice yourself in her service. To overthrow the gods requires power, and power is acquired through the accumulation of wealth and magic.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Power demands respect. Chromatic dragons everywhere are to be venerated as the spawn of the Dragon Queen and paid homage. When Tiamat assumes her throne, her draconic children shall serve her as dukes, and her clergy as their mortal vassals.


Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Evil

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