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Alchemy, Herbology and Poison Making
  A Supplementary Guide to DnD 5e for Expanded Features of the Alchemy, Herbology and Poison Kits (by GM Binder)  

Common Recipe Basics

Using a Recipe

An asterisk (*) next to a recipe means that the item is not an official item in D&D. The cost of a recipe includes any mundane ingredients and equipment, which are assumed to be included with the appropriate tool. Ingredients specifically listed are considered to be 1 unit (such as flowers, bunches, or vials) unless otherwise specified.

Starting recipes

When you gain a tool proficiency, you learn 3 Common recipes associated with the tool. In order to gain a new tool proficiencies beyond those granted as part of your normal character development, you can spend 1d4 tendays with someone already possessing the proficiency. You pay them 1gp/day for your training, at the end of which you can add proficiency with the tool to your DNDBeyond character and gain the starting recipes. The time spent training does not need to be continuous, so it can be done between adventures.

Learning new Recipes when Leveling

When your proficiency bonus increases, you can add a new recipe to your recipes known. This recipe must be of an appropriate level or lower, as indicated by the Discovering Recipes Table below. If the player gets a higher proficiency bonus, they can instantly learn a new recipe without any cost or time investment.   This also happens retroactively when becoming proficient with the tool after obtaining a higher proficiency bonus.

  Proficiency Bonus Recipe Level
  • +2 Common
  • +3 Uncommon
  • +4 Uncommon
  • +5 Rare
  • +6 Very Rare

Learning new Recipes

When you come across a new recipe, you add it to your recipes known. Doing so requires time and money spent in experimentation, as indicated by the Recipes Table below.   Learning a new recipe always succeeds, but does not result in any product.

  Recipe Level, Time, & Cost to make/sale range
  • Common 1 workday 50 gp/50-100 gp
  • Uncommon 5 workdays 100 gp/101-500 gp
  • Rare 1 tenday 500 gp/501-1,000 gp
  • Very Rare 3 tendays 1,000 gp/1,000-5,000 gp
  • Legendary 6 tendsys 5,000 gp/5,000-10,000 gp

  Note that the cost to make a recipe is on top of the cost of the listed ingredients. It includes secret ingredients known only to practitioners that, while always be available, must be purchased every time. If you have the listed ingredients, you can subtract their sale price from the cost to make the recipe.  

Alchemy Recipes

Using Alchemist's Supplies

Proficiency with alchemist's supplies allows you to produce useful concoctions, such as potions and oils.


Alchemist's supplies include two glass beakers, a metal frame to hold a beaker in place over an open flame, a glass stirring rod, a small mortar and pestle, and a pouch of common alchemical ingredients including salt, distilled alcohol, powdered iron, and purified water.

  Skill Checks

If you have proficiency in alchemist's supplies, you can use your tool proficiency to give yourself advantage on certain skill checks.


Proficiency with alchemist's supplies allows you to unlock more information on Arcana checks involving potions and similar materials.


When you inspect an area for clues, proficiency with alchemist's supplies grants additional insight into any chemicals or other substances that might have been used in the area.

Crafting Potions & Alchemical Concoctions
Common Recipes (DC 8)

Creation of these items costs 25 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 1 workday of time.

  Alchemist's Fire

This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist's fire as an improvised weapon.   On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.   Ingredients: Fire Elemental Ember, Flask of Oil

  Fake Blood *

Crafted from bloodroot and infused with small quantities of powdered iron, this concoction looks, smell and even tastes the same as the real deal. An investigation of 15 or higher or any level of identification magic reveals its true nature   Ingredients: Bloodroot

  Grenade, smoke

As an action, a character can throw a grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. With a grenade launcher, the character can propel the grenade up to 120 feet away.   One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in a 20-foot radius. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (20 or more miles per hour) disperses it in 1 round.   Ingredients: Air Elemental Whisp, ashblossom


1 ounce bottle used in writing.   Ingredients: Charcoal

  Blasting Powder

This volatile alchemical powder comes in a small pouch. When ignited by an open flame or a fuse, the powder explodes. Each creature within 5 feet of the exploding pouch must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.   A character can bind multiple pouches of blasting powder together so they explode at the same time. Each additional pouch increases the damage by 1d6 (maximum of 10d6) and the blast radius by 5 feet (maximum of 20 feet).   Ingredients: Ashblossom, Charcoal

  Potion of Climbing

When you drink this potion, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to climb. The potion is separated into brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of stone. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors.   Ingredients: Giant Wolf Spider Hair, Earth Elemental Dust

  Potion of Swimming *

The potion is made of layers of teal, light blue, and indigo fluid that resemble a deep ocean. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors.   When you drink this potion, you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to swim.   Ingredients: Quipper Scale (x3), Water Elemental Droplet


Soothsalts are derived from a naturally occurring crystalline. Soothsalts are consumed orally in lozenge-sized doses, and frequent users can be identified by the telltale crimson stain around their mouths. A creature subjected to a dose of soothsalts gains advantage on all Intelligence checks for 1d4 hours.   For each dose of soothsalts consumed, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion—an effect which is cumulative with multiple doses.   Ingredients: Soothsalt Geode

  Vial of Acid

As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.   Ingredients: Gray Ooze Residue, Crawler Mucus

  Uncommon Recipes (DC 12)

Creation of these items costs 100 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 3 workdays of time.

  Ink (Rare) *

1 ounce bottle used in writing: Sufficient for Lvl. 1-5 spell scroll crafting.   Ingredients: Charcoal, finely ground iron

  Invisible Ink *

1 ounce bottle of ink that can only be made visible with spells, traits or items that see the invisible, or by applying a mild acid.   Ingredients: Pixie's Parasol, Ink

  Lesser Potion of Mana *

Vibrant blue and deeply purple, studded with dots of white and silver, this potion reminds of the night sky. When agitated, it lets out a soft, purple light. After drinking this potion, the user regains 2 Recovery Points similar to the wizard’s Arcane Recovery or regains 2 sorcery points.   Ingredients: Pixie’s Parasol, Silverthron

  Midnight Oil*

A small flask of inky black oil that resembles a night sky when viewed in a certain light. When the midnight oil is used to light a lantern, it emits bright light for 5 feet and dim light a further 5 feet for 8 hours. If a creature stays in the light emitted by this oil for the full 8 hours, they get all the benefits of a long rest without needing to sleep, provided they only engage in light activity such as reading, studying, talking, etc.   Ingredients: Flask of Oil, Pixie's Parasol

  Oil of Slipperiness

This sticky black unguent is thick and heavy in the container, but it flows quickly when poured. The oil can cover a Medium or smaller creature, along with the equipment it's wearing and carrying (one additional vial is required for each size category above Medium).   Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. The affected creature then gains the effect of a freedom of movement spell for 8 hours. Alternatively, the oil can be poured on the ground as an action, where it covers a 10-foot square, duplicating the effect of the grease spell in that area for 8 hours.   Ingredients: Flask of Oil, Crawler mucus, Amphibian Saliva

  Potion of Animal Friendship

Agitating this muddy liquid brings little bits into view: a fish scale, a hummingbird tongue, a cat claw, or a squirrel hair. When you drink this potion, you can cast the animal friendship spell (save DC 13) for 1 hour at will.   Ingredients: Cat’s tongue, Quipper Scale

  Potion of Fire Breath

After drinking this potion, you can use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of you. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The effect ends after you exhale the fire three times or when 1 hour has passed. This potion's orange liquid flickers, and smoke fills the top of the container and wafts out whenever it is opened.   Ingredients: Ashblossom, Remorhaz Ichor

Potion of Growth

When you drink this potion, you gain the "enlarge" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The red in the potion's liquid continuously expands from a tiny bead to color the clear liquid around it and then contracts. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this process.   Ingredients: Sourgrass, everfrost berry, Giant Wolf Spider Hair

  Potion of Resistance

When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to one type of damage for 1 hour. The damage type depends on the special ingredient added.   Ingredients: Hagfinger, plus a special ingredient   Damage Type Ingredient Acid Crawler Mucus Cold Frost Lichen Fire Ashblossom Force Amphibian Saliva Lightning Lightning Moss Necrotic Nightshade Poison Everfrost berry Psychic Mindflayer Stinkhorn Radiant Sourgrass Thunder Singing Nettle

  Potion of Waterbreathing

You can breathe underwater for 1 hour after drinking this potion. Its cloudy green fluid smells of the sea and has a jellyfish-like bubble floating in it.   Ingredients: Gillyweed, Hagfinger

Rare Recipes (DC 15)

Creation of these items costs 500 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 10 workdays of time.

  Ink (Very Rare) *

1 ounce bottle used in writing. Sufficient for Lvl. 6-8 spell scroll crafting.   Ingredients: Charcoal, finely ground iron, Willowshade Fruit

  Oil of Dragon's Bane *

This oil can coat a single weapon for 3 uses, or up to 3 pieces of ammunition can be dipped in the oil for 1 use each. A dragon that takes damage from a weapon or piece of ammunition covered in the oil takes an additional 6d6 damage from the attack. The oil dries after 1 hour and becomes inert.   Ingredients: Dragon's Blood, Wyvern Poison

  Potion of Gaseous Form

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the gaseous form spell for 1 hour (no concentration required) or until you end the effect as a bonus action. This potion's container seems to hold fog that moves and pours like water.   Ingredients: Ectoplasm, Singing Nettle

  Potion of Giant Strength

When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes for 1 hour. The type of giant determines the score. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score. This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a giant of the appropriate type.   Ingredients: Frost Lichen, a sliver of fingernail from a corresponding giant   Giant Type Strength Score Hill 21 Frost or Stone 23 Fire 25 Cloud 27 Storm 29

  Potion of Mana *

Vibrant blue and deeply purple, studded with dots of white and silver, this potion reminds of the night sky. When agitated, it lets out a soft, purple light. After drinking this potion, the user regains 4 Recovery Points similar to the wizard’s Arcane Recovery or regains 4 sorcery points.   Ingredients: Pixie’s Parasol, Silverthron, Dragon’s Blood

  Potion of True Dreaming *

Black as the void, this liquid appears to flash in bright colours when looked at through the corner of one’s eye. When you drink this potion before falling asleep, your dreams show you true visions of of the past, present or possible future events related to a creature, location or object of your choosing. The DM determines the nature and duration of these visions.   Ingredients: Nothic Tear, Willowshade Fruit or Willowshade Oil.

  Oil of Etherealness

Beads of this cloudy gray oil form on the outside of its container and quickly evaporate. The oil can cover a Medium or smaller creature, along with the equipment it's wearing and carrying (one additional vial is required for each size category above Medium). Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. The affected creature then gains the effect of the etherealness spell for 1 hour.   Ingredients: Ectoplasm, Flask of Oil

  Potion of Clairvoyance

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the clairvoyance spell. An eyeball bobs in this yellowish liquid but vanishes when the potion is opened.   Ingredients: Morning Dew, Mandrake Root

  Potion of Diminution

When you drink this potion, you gain the "reduce" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The red in the potion's liquid continuously contracts to a tiny bead and then expands to color the clear liquid around it. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this process.   Ingredients: Pixie's Parasol, Moonstalker

  Potion of Heroism

For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 temporary hitpoints that last for 1 hour. For the same duration, you are under the effect of the bless spell (no concentration required). This blue potion bubbles and steams as if boiling.   Ingredients: Hagfinger, Cat’s Tongue

  Potion of Invulnerability

For 1 minute after you drink this potion, you have Resistance to all damage. The potion's syrupy liquid looks like liquefied iron.   Ingredients: A piece of metal struck by lightning

  Potion of Mind Reading

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the detect thoughts spell (save DC 13). The potion's dense, purple liquid has an ovoid cloud of pink floating in it.   Ingredients: Mindflayer Stinkhorn, Moonstalker

  Thor's Might *

A churning mass of a deep blue liquid, shot through with white streaks that remind of lightning. The container which holds this potion always shakes and quivers slightly. After drinking this potion, upon hitting a target with a melee weapon attack let’s out thunderous crack that deals an extra 1d6 thunder damage for 1 minute, there is no limit to how often it can be used within this timespan.   Ingredients: Elemental Essence (Air) or Giant’s Nail (Cloud), Lightning Moss, Singing Nettle

  Very Rare Recipes (DC 18)

Creation of these items costs 1,000 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 30 workdays of time.

  Ink (Legendary) *

1 ounce bottle of ink used in writing. Sufficient for Lvl. 9 spell scroll crafting.   Ingredients: Charcoal, finely ground iron, Willowshade Oil (3)

  Oil of Sharpness

This clear, gelatinous oil sparkles with tiny, ultrathin silver shards. The oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to 5 pieces of slashing or piercing ammunition. Applying the oil takes 1 minute. For 1 hour, the coated item is magical and has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.   Ingredients: Ankheg Ichor, Silverthorn

  Potion of Flying

When you drink this potion, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour and can hover. If you're in the air when the potion wears off, you fall unless you have some other means of staying aloft. This potion's clear liquid floats at the top of its container and has cloudy white impurities drifting in it.   Ingredients: Air Elemental Whisp, Singing Nettle

  Potion of Invisibility

This potion's container looks empty but feels as though it holds liquid. When you drink it, you become invisible for 1 hour. Anything you wear or carry is invisible with you. The effect ends early if you attack or cast a spell.   Ingredients: Skulk fingernail, Fairy Stool

  Potion of Possibility

When you drink this clear potion, you gain two Fragments of Possibility, each of which looks like a Tiny, grayish bead of energy that follows you around, staying within 1 foot of you at all times. Each fragment lasts for 8 hours or until used.   When you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can expend your fragment to roll an additional d20 and choose which of the d20s to use. Alternatively, when an attack roll is made against you, you can expend your fragment to roll a d20 and choose which of the d20s to use, the one you rolled or the one the attacker rolled. If the original d20 roll has advantage or disadvantage, you roll your d20 after advantage or disadvantage has been applied to the original roll.   While you have one or more Fragments of Possibility from this potion, you can’t gain another Fragment of Possibility from any source.   Ingredients: Skulk Claw, Ectoplasm

  Potion of Longevity

When you drink this potion, your physical age is reduced by 1d6 + 6 years, to a minimum of 13 years. Each time you subsequently drink a potion of longevity, there is 10 percent cumulative chance that you instead age by 1d6 + 6 years. Suspended in this amber liquid are a scorpion's tail, an adder's fang, a dead spider, and a tiny heart that, against all reason, is still beating. These ingredients vanish when the potion is opened.   Ingredients: Imp Heart, Red Amanita Mushroom

  Potion of Speed

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the haste spell for 1 minute (no concentration required). The potion's yellow fluid is streaked with black and swirls on its own.   Ingredients: Eagle’s claw (4), Lightning Moss, Sugar

  Potion of Truesight *

Drinking this potion grants truesight with a range of 120 feet for 1 hour.   Ingredients: Fairy Stool, Nothic Tears

  Superior potion of Mana *

Vibrant blue and deeply purple, studded with dots of white and silver, this potion reminds of the night sky. When agitated, it lets out a soft, purple light. After drinking this potion, the user regains 8 Recovery Points similar to the wizard’s Arcane Recovery or regains 8 sorcery points.   Ingredients: Pixie’s Parasol, Silverthron, Dragon’s Blood, Remoraz Ichor


Herbalism Recipes

Using Herbalism Kits

Proficiency with an herbalism kit allows you to identify both magical and nonmagical plants and safely collect their useful elements, and to create healing salves, potions, and tinctures.


A herbalism kit includes three pouches to store herbs, clippers and leather gloves for collecting plants, a mortar and pestle, and five glass jars.

  Skill Checks

If you have proficiency in herbalism kits, you can use your tool proficiency to give yourself advantage on certain skill checks.


Your knowledge of nature and uses of herbs can add insight to your magical studies that deal with plant creatures and your attempts to identify potions.


When you inspect an area overgrown with plants, your proficiency bonus can help you pick out details and clues that others might miss.


Your mastery of herbalism improves your ability to treat illnesses and wounds by augmenting your methods of care with medicinal plants.

  Nature and Survival

You can identify most plants with a quick inspection of their appearance, smell, and their surrounding environment.

Crafting Salves, Potions, & Tinctures

To create any of the following items, an herbalism kit must be used. Proficiency in herbalism kits allows you to add your proficiency bonus to checks to their creation.

  Common Recipes (DC 8)

Creation of these items costs 25 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 1 workday of time.


A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.   Ingredients: Everfrost Berrie, Cat’s Tongue

  Potion of Healing

You regain 2d4 + 2 hitpoints when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.   Ingredients: Red Amanita Mushroom

  Soothing Salve *

A sticky, sour smelling salve that can be applied to wounds. When you expend hit dice to recover hit points while using this salve, you recover an additional 3 hitpoints for each hit die expended. This effect lasts for 1 hour after applied.   Ingredients: Sourgrass, Acid Dew

  Muroosa Balm

This paste made from the muroosa bush is known to help prevent sunburn, but it is also a fire retardant. After spending 1 minute applying a quarter pint of muroosa balm to your skin, you gain resistance against fire damage for 1 hour.   Ingredients: Flame Lilly, Muroosa twigs

  Pepper Peppers *

A beneficial snack, these pick-me-ups have a fiery heat and a very satisfying crunch. Eating a Pepper Pepper grants the consumer 3 bonus hitpoints.   Ingredients: Fire Peas   Note: each recipe make 6 Pepper Peppers and can be made with the cooking kit as well.

  Willowshade Oil

A dark blue oil can be extracted from the fruit of the Willowshade plant. A creature can use its action to apply the oil to another creature that has been petrified for less than 1 minute, causing the petrified condition on that creature to end at the start of what would be that creature’s next turn.   Ingredients: Willowshade Fruit

  Uncommon Recipes (DC 12)

Creation of these items costs 100 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 3 workdays of time.

  Blight Ichor

This bitter chartreuse concoction is distilled from a fungus native to the Blightshore badlands. The sickly green liqueur harbors potent psychedelic properties. Provided it is neither a construct nor undead, a creature subjected to a dose of blight ichor gains advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks, as well as vulnerability to psychic damage, for 1 hour.   For each dose of blight ichor consumed, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1d6 hours and suffer the effects of a confusion spell for 1 minute. An undead creature subjected to a dose of blight ichor gains advantage on all Dexterity checks and is immune to the frightened condition for 1 hour.   Ingredients: Blight spores

  Brew of Babel *

Baby blue and highly opaque with something white moving in it, just out of view, and eyestrainingly yellow when shaken, this potion provides the ability to speak and understand, but not read or write, a language of choice for 1 hour.   Ingredients: Singing Nettle (2)

  Fire Balm *

An orange, herbal paste used to aid people recovering from ailments. Applying a dose of this paste gives the user a +3 on a single Constitution, Wisdom or Charisma saving throw for the next 14 hours.   Ingredients: Flame Lily, Flask of Oil, Theki Root

  Greater Antitoxin *

A murky, pumpkin orange liquid, this potion grants the drinker advantage on saving throws against poison damage or against the poisoned condition for 12 hours. During this period, the drinker also does not take damage over time from any type of poison nor can they drop to 0 hitpoints from poison damage.   Ingredients: Theki Root, Sourgrass

  Life's Liquor * This potion has a strong pink colour and is completely clear with with the image of a red heart floating in the middle. No matter the angle you look at it, the heart always appears the same. Drinking this potion provides 2d6+2 temporary hitpoints.   Ingredients: Red Anamita Mushroom, Muroosa Bush

  Pomander of Warding *

This ball of aromatic spices and perfumes fills an area with a 15 foot radius with a strong scent for 24 hours after being unwrapped. Undead creatures of CR 2 or lower that enter this area must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or be turned, as detailed in the Turn Undead cleric feature.   Ingredients: Hagfinger

  Potion of Greater Healing

You regain 4d4 + 4 hitpoints when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.   Ingredients: Red Amanita Mushroom (2)

  Potion of Maximum Power

The first time you cast a damage-dealing spell of 4th level or lower within 1 minute after drinking the potion, instead of rolling dice to determine the damage dealt, you can instead use the highest number possible for each die. This glowing purple liquid smells of sugar and plum, but it has a muddy taste.   Ingredients: Theki Root, Olusuba Leaf, Dream Lily

  Potion of Shapeshifting *

A very peculiar potion that changes its colour, clarity as well as the shape and material of its container every time no one is looking at it. Upon opening the container, it reverts back to its original container and appearance; a faint pink potion with suspended slivers of silver. Drinking this potion allows the drinker to use the Alter Self spell on themselves for 30 minutes without concentration.   Ingredients: Rainbow Mushroom, Olisuba Leaf

  Tea of Refreshment *

This warm drink removes one level of exhaustion from whoever drinks it.   Ingredients: Morning Dew, Cat's Tongue

  Rare Recipes (DC 15)

Creation of these items costs 500 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 10 workdays of time.

  Elixir of Health

When you drink this potion, it cures any disease afflicting you, and it removes the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned conditions. The clear red liquid has tiny bubbles of light in it. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.   Ingredients: Fairy Stool, Gillyweed

  Polymorph Potion *

An almost clear, pale green potion with a constantly morphing projection of a creature floating within. Drinking this potion allows the drinker to use the Polymorph spell on themselves for 15 minutes without concentration.   Ingredients: Rainbow Mushroom, Dreamlilly, Willowshade Fruit

  Potion of Superior Healing

You regain 8d4 + 8 hitpoints when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.   Ingredients: Red Amanita Mushroom (3)

  Tincture of Werewolf's Bane *

Any lycanthrope that drinks this tincture must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the lycanthrope takes 3d10 necrotic damage and must change to its humanoid form if it was not already in that form, after which the lycanthrope cannot change form for 24 hours. On a success, the lycanthrope only takes half that damage.   Ingredients: Wolfsbane, Silverthorn

  Very Rare Recipes (DC 18)

Creation of these items costs 1,000 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 30 workdays of time.

  Potion of Supreme Healing

You regain 10d4 + 20 hitpoints when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.   Ingredients: Red Amanita Mushroom (4)

  Potion of Vitality When you drink this potion, it removes any exhaustion you are suffering and cures any disease or poison affecting you. For the next 24 hours, you regain the maximum number of hitpoints for any Hit Die you spend. The potion's crimson liquid regularly pulses with dull light, calling to mind a heartbeat.   Ingredients: Morning Dew (2), Cat’s Tongue (2), Olisuba Leaf


Poisoner Recipes

Using Poisoner's Kits

Proficiency with a poisoner's kit allows you to create poisons from various materials and handle them without risking exposing yourself to their harmful effects.


A poisoner's kit includes 5 glass vials, a mortar and pestle, various common chemicals, and a glass stirring rod.

  Skill Checks

If you have proficiency in poisoner's kits, you can use your tool proficiency to give yourself advantage on certain skill checks.


Your training in poisons can help you when you try to recall facts about infamous poisonings. Investigation and Perception Your knowledge of poisons has taught you to handle those substances carefully, giving an edge when you inspect poisoned objects or try to extract clues from events that involve poisons.


When you treat the victim of a poison, your knowledge grants you insight into how to provide the best care to your patient.

  Nature and Survival

Working with poisons enables you to acquire lore about which plants and animals are poisonous.

Crafting Poisons
Common Recipes (DC 8)

Creation of these items costs 25 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 1 workday of time.

  Basic Poison

You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the Poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying. Type: Injury   Ingredients: Nightshade

  Liquid Paranoia *

A creature who ingests this poison is inflicted with the frightened condition, with the source of fear being the next humanoid it sees within 5 minutes of ingestion. This fear lasts for 1 hour on a failed Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or half as long on a success.   Type: Ingested   Ingredients: Moonstalker

  Uncommon Recipes (DC 12)

Creation of these items costs 100 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 3 workdays of time.

  Angle Powder *

A hyper fine, bright white powder with a faintly sweet aroma, this powder is to be blown into the face of the target before dispersing harmlessly into the air. The target has to make a DC 15 Charisma Saving throw. On a failed save, the target experiences an altered version of reality where it perceives everyone as trusted friends and becomes extremely suggestible to non-aggressive forms of persuasion and deception as well as to seduction for 1 hour. On a successful save, the target experiences no effects.   Type: Inhaled   Ingredients: Angle’s Trumpet, Dream Lily

  Assassin’s Blood

A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 6 (1d12) poison damage and is Poisoned for 24 hours. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and isn’t Poisoned.   Type: Ingested   Ingredients: Basic Poison, Moonshade

  Bane Berry Extract *

Pink and smelling like strawberries, this is a poison that forces the drinker to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes poisoned. While poisoned, the target has disadvantage against Strength, Constitution and Dexterity saving throws for 15 minutes. On successful save, the target experience no effects.   Type: Ingestion   Ingredients: Bane Berry

Black Paste * This poison was specifically designed to resemble leather or boot polish. If a piece of clothing is treated with this poison, it shines like new and forces creatures that wears it for a total of 12 hours (does not have to be consecutive) to make a DC 15 constitution saving throw. Upon a failed save, the creature receives 1d8 poison damage. Unless the poisoned piece of clothing is removed, the creature will have to repeat making the saving throw every 12 hours for the next 3 months.   Type: Contact via clothing   Ingredients: Black Cap Mushroom, Black Sap

  Directed Delay *

This black liquid is highly viscous, having the consistency of concentrated molasses. When brought in contact with the blood vial an injury or injection, the target has to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target experiences the effect of the Slow spell and can remake the saving throw at the end of each during. On a successful save, the target’s movement speed is reduced by 5 feet for 3 turns.   Type: Injury   Ingredients: Idle Claws, Death Cap

  Lava Paste *

Though a mundane looking, yellowish paste, this concoction is anything but. Once applied on skin or clothing, the paste forces the target to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 2d6 fire damage and becomes vulnerable against fire damage for 1 occasion for the next 12 hours, on a successful save the target takes half damage and does not become vulnerable.   Type: Contact   Ingredients: Flame Lily, Fire Peas


A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. The poisoned creature is blinded.   These poisons are powders or gases that take effect when inhaled. Blowing the powder or releasing the gas subjects creatures in a 5-foot cube to its effect. The resulting cloud dissipates immediately afterward. Holding one's breath is ineffective against inhaled poisons, as they affect nasal membranes, tear ducts, and other parts of the body.   Type: Inhaled   Ingredients: Morning Dew, Black Sap

  Pale Tincture A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison damage and become poisoned. The poisoned creature must repeat the saving throw every 24 hours, taking 3 (1d6) poison damage on a failed save. Until this poison ends, the damage the poison deals can't be healed by any means. After seven successful saving throws, the effect ends and the creature can heal normally.   Type: Ingested   Ingredients: Black Sap, Death Cap

  Philter of Love

The next time you see a creature within 10 minutes after drinking this philter, you become charmed by that creature for 1 hour. If the creature is of a species and gender you are normally attracted to, you regard it as your true love while you are charmed. This potion's rose-hued, effervescent liquid contains one easy-to-miss bubble shaped like a heart.   Type: Ingested   Ingredients: Fairy Stool, Serpent’s Venom

  Potion of Poison

This concoction looks, smells, and tastes like a Potion of Healing or other beneficial potion. However, it is actually poison masked by illusion magic. An identify spell reveals its true nature. If you drink it, you take 3d6 poison damage, and you must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. At the start of each of your turns while you are poisoned in this way, you take 3d6 poison damage. At the end of each of your turns, you can repeat the saving throw. On a successful save, the poison damage you take on your subsequent turns decreases by 1d6. The poison ends when the damage decreases to 0.   Type: Ingested   Ingredients: Potion of Healing, Bane Berry

  Truth Serum

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. The poisoned creature can’t knowingly speak a lie, as if under the effect of a zone of truth spell.   Type: Ingested   Ingredients: Fairy Stool, Mindflayer Stinkhorn

  Rare Recipes (DC 15)

Creation of these items costs 500 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 10 workdays of time.

  Burnt Othur Fumes

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) poison damage, and must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each successive failed save, the character takes 3 (1d6) poison damage. After three successful saves, the poison ends.   Type: Inhaled   Ingredients: Ashblossom, Moonshade

  Devil’s Powder *

A hyper fine, red powder with a faintly smoky aroma, this powder is to be blown into the face of the target before dispersing harmlessly into the air. The target has to make a DC 18 Charisma Saving throw. On a failed save, the target experiences an altered version of reality where it perceives the world as a hellscape inhabited by foul creatures and becomes extremely vulnerable to intimidation, aggressive forms of persuasion and deception for 1 hour. On a successful save, the target becomes slightly paranoid and skittish.   Type: Inhaled   Ingredients: Angle’s Trumpet, Blight Spores

  Dracula’s essence *

To be kept in a crystal vial, this poison looks like a small vial of fresh blood, but is always in motion, seemingly trying to escape it vessel. Upon opening the vial, it falls still and turns into a rust coloured liquid. When this potion is drank or comes in contact with the blood vial an injury or injection, it forces the target to make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a success, the target retches the entire content of its stomach and takes 2d8 poison damage.   On a failure, the target immediately retches the entire content of its stomach, takes 2d10 poison damage and becomes unable to sleep. After 1 hour, the target becomes supremely sensitive to direct sunlight, taking 1d4 fire damage for each minute spend outside the shade of sunlight while not wearing Muroosa Balm. The target becomes unable to eat or drink anything besides raw meat and blood and has a great craving for the latter, especially of its own species. Attempting to eat or drink anything besides raw meat or blood results in the retching of the entire stomach and 1d6 poison damage. Each hour, the target does not consume either raw meat or blood, it gains 1 point of exhaustion. This effects last for 24 hours.   Type: Ingestion, Injury   Ingredients: Dracula’s Blood, Dragon’s Blood, Bloodroot, Red Amanita Mushroom

  Drow Poison

This poison is typically made only by the drow, and only in a place far removed from sunlight. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be Poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is also Unconscious while Poisoned in this way. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.   Type: Injury   Ingredients: Drider Venom, Mandrake Root

  Essence of Ether

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 8 hours. The poisoned creature is unconscious. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.   Type: Inhaled   Ingredients: Nightshade, Mandrake Root

  Magebane *

This potion looks like red wine but smells like old boots. Upon drinking it, the consumer gains the mage slayer feat for 1 minute.   Ingredients: Wolfsbane, Drider Poison, Serpent’s Venom

  Oil of Taggit

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become Poisoned for 24 hours. The Poisoned creature is Unconscious. The creature wakes up if it takes damage.   Type: Contact   Ingredients: Flask of Oil, Wolfsbane


A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 4d6 hours. The poisoned creature is incapacitated.   Type: Ingested   Ingredients: Mandrake Root, Lightning Moss

  Very Rare Recipes (DC 18)

Creation of these items costs 1,000 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 30 workdays of time.

  Midnight Tears

A creature that ingests this poison suffers no effect until the stroke of midnight. If the poison has not been neutralized before then, the creature must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 31 (9d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.   Type: Ingested   Ingredients: Death Cap, Ankheg ichor

  Deathsleep *

A creature that Ingests this poison must succeed at DC 19 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 24 hours. The poisoned creature appears to be dead, and only a successful Medicine check (DC 20) can determine otherwise.   Type: Ingested   Ingredients: Tea of Refreshment, Purple Worm Poison

  Essence of Rage *

A brown potion with the consistency of mud, it turns into a clear, violently red potion when agitated with more than the lightest touch. Drinking the potion provides the Rage ability of the Barbarian class for 30 seconds. When directly brought in contact with the blood of a creature through injury or injection, it forces the target to make a DC 16 Constitution throw. On a successful save, the target gets the Rage ability of the Barbarian class for 60 seconds. On a failed save, the target it forced into the Rage ability of the Barbarian class for 30 seconds and forced to attack the closest target with melee attacks. Starting on the 2nd turn after the potion is applied, the target can make another Constitution saving throw. On a success, all effects end. This potion has no effect on constructs or the undead.   Type: Ingested, Injury   Ingredients: Dragon’s Blood, Moonstalker, Lightning Struck Metal

  Water of Death *

This liquid looks, smells and tastes like water. Even the majority of alchemic and magical tests on this liquid cannot distinguish it from water. Only the spell Identify cast as a level 7 or higher or detailed alchemic test, lasting 24 hours and costing 300 gp, will reveal that this liquid is actually one of the deadliest poisons in existence.   Made from rare mushrooms, herbs and poisons, any contact with this poison forces the subjected creature to make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature suffers blindness and deafness for 48 hours and becomes too riddled with pain to move for 24 hours. The creature’s maximum hitpoints is permanently reduced by 2d12 and receives 7d10 poison damage after 12 hours. On a successful save, the creature’s maximum hitpoints is reduced by 2d12 hitpoints and has blurred vision and muffled hearing for 24 hours.   The lost maximum hitpoints can only be restored by healing after ingesting a Potion of Vitality or by a Greater Restoration or a Regenerate spell cast at level 8 or higher.   Type: Injury, Ingestion   Ingredients: Black Cap Mushroom, Wyvern poison, Dreamlilly, Hagfinger


Gathering & Harvesting

Rules for Identifying (Gathering)

Certain areas may contain certain harvestable plants, fungi or, rarely, animals. To determine what good can be found in areas, make a nature check. If the check is:

  • ≥10 all common plants and fungi bound to that environment are identified
  • ≥15 all common and uncommon plants and fungi bound to that environment are identified
  • ≥20 all common, uncommon and rare plants and fungi bound to that environment are identified


The DM can decide to be more or less lenient depending on the area, a lush jungle may contain more interesting herbs and fungi than a windswept dessert, after all.   Inspecting an area to make the nature check takes 30 minutes. If the DM allows it, a +3 can be added to the check for each additional 30 minutes spent on investigating the area to a maximum of +6. The player can repeatedly search an area without repercussions on the amount of ingredients obtained from an area.

Rules for Harvesting

Once a herb or fungi is identified and the player is proficient with the herbalism kit, they can throw a d20 and add their proficiency bonus and their Potion Making Level modifier (See final page) to that throw to determine if they can harvest the ingredient. Harvesting an ingredient takes 30 minutes. If the DM allows it, a +3 can be added to the check for each additional 30 minutes spent on gathering the ingredient to a maximum of +6. The player must decide beforehand how long they want to spent on harvesting the ingredient.

If the player fails to harvest an ingredient, a d4 is thrown. On a:

  • 1: the ingredient is destroyed
  • 2: the quantity of the ingredient is reduced by half
  • 3: the quantity of the ingredient is reduced by a quarter
  • 4: the ingredient is unaffected


Obtaining animal based ingredients doesn’t require proficiency with the associated kit, but must have access to the kit, though doing so provides the player with a -3 modifier instead of the proficiency modifier when the player is proficient with the kit. If the DM allows it, a +3 can be added to the check for each additional 30 minutes spent on harvesting the ingredient to a maximum of +6. A player is always proficient with a knife. The player must state the ingredient they are trying to harvest. If they are not aware of what to look for, they will not find it.   Attempting to harvest the ingredients can be done only once, failure results in the destruction of all harvestable ingredients.


Potion Crafting (applies across Alchemy, Herbalism, Poisoning)

When the player has gathered all required potion ingredients, tools and recipes and decides to make a certain potion or other product with one of their kits, the player must spend the required amount of gold (determined by the rarity of the product), as well as the number of workdays working on their project. The workdays don’t have to be subsequent and can be broken down further into single hours of work, with each workday is lasting 8 hours. If the DM allows it, the player may spent more than 8 hours a day working on their project. The player is allowed to spent their long rest working on their project if they are under the influence of items like Midnight oil or features like the warlock's Aspect of the moon. Progress done this way is at half the normal rate.   After the player has spent the required time working on the potion, they roll a d20, add their proficiency and their Potion Making Level modifier (See next page) to the total. If the player makes the check, the product is successfully completed. If the player fails the check, they are allowed to recover the ingredients, though lose the gold invested.

Pricing Guide

The total cost of a potion is predetermined. The price of an ingredient is subtracted from that total depending on the rarity of that ingredient. All additional costs in gp are subtracted once potion making is commenced.   If a potion making Check is failed, the original ingredients are returned, though gold spent is lost.

  Ingredient Rarity Cost
  • Common 5gp
  • Uncommon 10gp
  • Rare 50gp
  • Very Rare 150gp
  • Legendary 500gp

Potion Making Level System
Practice makes perfect. This also goes for the art of potion crafting.   Each time a player identifies or successfully gathers an ingredient, learns a new recipe outside of improving their proficiency bonus or successfully completes a product an amount of Potion Making Exp. is awarded according to rarity and quantity. The values of those are depicted in the table below. A player's Potion Making level is general and applies equally to each of the three kits. Note: Be sure to maintain a record in your character sheet of your current level and experience along with the recipes you know and the ingredients you have.  
Experience Gains
  • Identify - Common 5, Uncommon 10, Rare 20, Very Rare 20, Legendary 40
  • Gather - Common 2, Uncommon 8, Rare 12, Very Rare 20, Legendary 40
  • Produce - Common 80, Uncommon 200, Rare 750, Very Rare 2000, Legendary 3000
  • Learn Recipe - Common 60, Uncommon 150, Rare 500, Very Rare 1500, Legendary 2250


As an example, when a player investigates an area, they get a reward for each herb ingredient identified, based on rarity. No experience reward is obtained from identifying animals. A player can only receive experience once for identifying an herb. Subsequent investigation can be performed to find rarer ingredients, awarding experience to the player only for newly identified ingredients. So, if the player identifies Gillyweed, Red Aminata Mushrooms and Singing Nettles during the same investigation, they receive 5 + 5 + 10 = 20 Exp. If the player investigates the area again, rolls higher and identifies Gillyweed, Red Aminata Mushrooms, Singing nettles, Hagfinger and Moonstalker, the player receives an additional 20 + 20 = 40 Exp.   Once a player has identified ingredients and successfully collects them, they get a reward for each unit of that ingredient acquired, based on rarity. So, if a player successfully harvests 4 vials of Purple Worm Poison, they receive 4 * 40 = 160 Exp.   The player can also obtain Potion Making Exp. for learning new recipes and producing potions or other products, depending on rarity. Recipes can only be learned once (the recipe learning process is described on page 2). No Exp. Is awarded to recipes learned via character leveling.

Potion making modifier

Once the player has reached a certain Exp. value, they level up their potion making abilities to a maximum of level 10. Each level above level 1 provides a cumulative +1 to check made to determine if a potion was made successfully.

  • Lvl. 1 - Requires 0 experience +0 Bonus
  • Lvl. 2 - Requires 150 experience +1Bonus
  • Lvl. 3 - Requires 450 experience +2 Bonus
  • Lvl. 4 - Requires 900 experience +3 Bonus
  • Lvl. 5 - Requires 1500 experience +4 Bonus
  • Lvl. 6 - Requires 2250 experience +5 Bonus
  • Lvl. 7 - Requires 3150 experience +6 Bonus
  • Lvl. 8 - Requires 4200 experience +7 Bonus
  • Lvl. 9 - Requires 5400 experience +8 Bonus
  • Lvl. 10 - Requires 6750 experience +9 Bonus


Gatherable Plants & Fungi

Noted below are all fungi and plants that can be collected

Acid Dew

Like its more famous family, Honeydews, Acid Dew is a carnivorous plant, but with a stronger sting. It’s droplets dissolve its prey with a sticky acid instead of enzymes in syrup. Touching the flowers without protection forces the target to roll a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 poison damage. Surprisingly, the acid has great curative characteristics once diluted sufficiently, aiding in the closing of wounds.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 20)   Quantity: 1d6 flowers   Location: swamps, forests   Uses (2): Soothing Balm, Fire Balm

Angle’s Trumpet

Its name is based on the shape and beauty of the flower: the purest of white and trumpet shaped with yellow stems growing on vines that wrap themselves around trees. It has a pleasant, sweet smell. However, it is a dangerous plant. Inhaling the scent directly from the flower forces a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. A failed save leaves the target confused for 1 minute. During this period, the target cannot move, take actions or reactions. This characteristic has been used in poisons to paralyze targets or make slaves more docile.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d8 flowers   Location: Forests, Hills   Uses (2): Angle powder, Devil’s powder


This tiny flower is bright red with a yellow centre, and is found growing only in hot environments. It deals 1d4 fire damage when ingested, but it can be used to brew many fire-related potions by a knowledgeable alchemist.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6 blossoms   Location: Deserts, Volcanos   Uses (4): Smokebomb, Potion of Fire Breath, Potion of Resistance (Fire), Burnt Othur Fumes

Bane Berry

These trees form clusters of small, densely packed, red and white berries on the ends of branches without ever flowering. Though these look appetizing and taste delicious, they are highly toxic and even deadly to children. Due to these trees growing well at the edges of cities, these trees kill dozens of children each year. It’s thought that they are a creation of Cyric, Beshaba or Loviatar. Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 2d4 berries   Location: Urban areas   Uses (2): Bane Berry extract, Potion of Poison

Black Cup Mushroom

This beautiful, blue-ish black, cup-shaped mushroom with an extremely poisonous bite is hard to miss against the green background of its surroundings, though best left alone. Touching this fungus without gloves or other protective gear forces the creature touching it to make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature take 1d10 poison damage.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism kit (DC 20)   Quantity: 1d4 stalks   Location: Forests, Marshes   Uses (2): Water of Death, Black Paste

Black Sap

This tarry substance harvested from the dark boughs of the death’s head willow is a powerful intoxicant. It can be smoked as a concentrate or injected directly into the bloodstream. A creature subjected to a dose of black sap cannot be charmed or frightened for 1d6 hours.   For each dose of black sap consumed, a creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 2d4 hours—an effect that is cumulative with multiple doses.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6 doses   Location: Sites of frequent or large scale death   Uses (2): Malice, Pale Tincture

Blight Spores

Bright red spores from Blightshrooms, growing exclusively in caves on the Blightshore and the Eastern side of the Penumbra Range. A creature exposed to a large dose of the spores must succeed a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be Poisoned for 3d6 hours. While the creature is poisoned, it experiences the same effects as if it were under the Confusion spell. A restoration spell or a dose of antitoxin can remove the effect.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6 doses   Location: Blightshore Caves   Uses (2): Blight Ichor, Devil's Dust


On first glance, these roots look a lot like purple carrots, but upon being cut or broke ooze a bloodred liquid. If processed properly, this can be used as a long lasting dye or even food colouring. However, improper preparation can instead result in skin irritation or food poisoning.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 10)   Quantity: 1d8 roots   Location: Grassland, Savanah   Uses (1): Dracula’s Blood, Fake Blood

Cat's Tongue

This mid-sized herbaceous plant has bundles of small, 5 bladed, purple/white flowers that quickly turn and ripen into fig sized pods. The pods have a slightly toxic outer shell revealing an inner fruit that has a tard taste and great nutritional properties.   Rarity: Common (DC 10)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 10)   Quantity: 2d4 pods   Location: Grassland, Forests   Uses (5): Potion of Animal Friendship, Potion of Heroism, Antitoxin, Tea of Refreshment, Potion of Vitality

Death Cap

Though unassuming looking with a slender, white stalk and white to lightly brown and on rare occasions greenish head, death cap is anything but harmless. 12 hours after ingesting the mushroom or an extract of it, a creature must make a DC 17 constitution saving throw or be poisoned. Once a creature is poisoned, it takes 2d8 poison damage and suffers severe stomach aches and cramps lasting 24 hours. If antidote is not taken during this period, the creature’s liver starts being degraded resulting in jaundice and takes 1d10 poison damage at midday until a Greater Restoration or Regenerate is performed or an elixir of health is consumed.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 20)   Quantity: 1d4 heads   Location: Forests, dry areas of Swamps   Uses (3): Midnight Tears, Pale Tincture, Directed Delay


A white, slightly silvery 5 pointed flower with an intoxicating smell. It can be soaked in warm water to create a psychoactive liquid that smells and tastes like your favorite beverage. A creature under the effects of dreamlily is poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in this way, the creature is immune to fear, and the first time it drops to 0 hitpoints without being killed outright, it drops to 1 hit point instead   Rarity: Common (DC 10)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 10)   Quantity: 2d6 flowers   Location: Grasslands, Coasts   Uses (4): Potion of Poison, Potion of Maximum Power, Polymorph Potion, Angle powder

Everfrost Berries

A babyblue, heartshaped berry the size of a blueberry known for their purifying properties. The plants these berries grow on are wholly immune to any frost damage, and are known for their abundance of fruit during harsh winters.   Rarity: Common (DC 10)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 5)   Quantity: 3d6 berries   Location: Grasslands, Forests   Uses (3): Potion of Growth, Potion of Resistance (Poison), Antitoxin

Fairy Stool

This small pink mushroom is most often found in fairy rings. Ingesting it causes blindness for 1 minute on a failed Constitution saving throw (DC 20), along with vivid hallucinations.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d4 stalks   Location: Feywild, Forests   Uses (5): Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Truesight, Elixer of Health, Philter of Love, Truth Serum

  Uses (2): Lava Paste, Pepper Peppers

Fire Peas

Though the pale blue flowers of this plant may suggest otherwise, the pea pods of this low shrub are scorchingly spicy and a sought after spice in certain areas of the world.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6 pods   Location: Dessert, Savanah   Uses (2): Lava Paste, Pepper Peppers

Flame Lilly

Named after its red and orange, 7-leafed flowers whose petals point skywards as opposed to the downwards facing stems, resembling a flame. When used carefully, these flowers can be used for curative concoctions, but high doses are deadly.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d8 flowers   Location: Dessert, Savanah   Uses (3): Muroosa Balm, Fire Balm, Lava Paste

Frost Lichen

An eyeblindingly white lichen that grows on rocks in regions of year long freezing temperatures.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6 bunches   Location: Arctic   Uses (2): Potion of Giant's Strength, Potion of Resistance (Cold)


This emerald green kelp is found underwater and is always covered in tiny air bubbles, which makes it easy to spot by a trained herbalist.   Rarity: Common (DC 10)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 10)   Quantity: 2d4 leaves   Location: Coasts, Swamps   Uses (2): Potion of Waterbreathing, Elixer of Health


These small tubers are a pale, sickly green and resemble long fingers. When dried and ground up into a powder, it gives off a strong aroma and can be used as an herbalism and potion ingredient.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d4 dried fingers   Location: Forests, Swamps   Uses (4): Potion of Resistance, Potion of Waterbreathing, Potion of Heroism, Pomander of Warding

Idle Claws

This extremely long lived and slow growing creeper vine is named after its equally long lasting flowers. They form large clusters of claw shaped, slightly fluorescent, turquoise flowers that seem to flower for years. It’s been theorized that this plant experiences time at a different rate than the rest of the world. Due to its slow growth, it produces very few seedpods each year. These pods are sought after for their use in potions.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d4 pods   Location: Hills, Mountains   Uses (2): Potion of Speed, Directed Delay

Lightning Moss

This light blue moss grows only where lightning has struck and gives off a faint static electric shock when touched. If rubbed on the bottom of a creature's feet or pair of shoes, the creature's speed increases by 5 feet for 1 hour.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6 clumps   Location: Coasts, Mountains   Uses (4): Potion of Resistance (Lightning), Torpor, Potion of Speed, Thor's Might

Mandrake Root

This twisted pale root resembles a gnarled humanoid infant. It inflicts the poisoned condition for 1 hour when ingested.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d4 roots   Location: Underground   Uses (4): Potion of Clairvoyance, Drow Posion, Ether of Essence, Torpor

Mindflayer Stinkhorn

This purple fungus has slimy, tentacle-looking stalks and smells of rotting flesh. A creature who eats this fungus must make a Constitution saving throw (DC10). On a success, the creature can cast detect thoughts at will for 1 hour, requiring no material components. On a failure, the creature takes 1d6 psychic damage.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 10)   Quantity: 1d4 stalks   Location: Underground   Uses (3): Potion of Resistance (Psychic), Potion of Mind Reading, Truth Serum


This pale blue flower grows in pairs and blooms only during the nighttime, and has an ethereal glow. The flower sheds dim light for 5 feet when blooming, and is often mistaken for glowing eyes from a distance.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 10)   Quantity: 1d4 x2 flowers   Location: Coasts, Swamps   Uses (4): Potion of Diminution, Potion of Mind Reading, Liquid Paranoia, Essence of rage

Morning Dew

This plant grows into either a large shrub or small tree and seems to reproduce via root systems since it has no flowers of any kind. The long, narrow leaves of this plant are used in teas and medicine.   Rarity: Common (DC 10)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 10)   Quantity: 2d6 leaves   Location: Forests, Savannahs   Uses (4): Potion of Clairvoyance, Tea of Refreshment, Potion of Vitality, Malice

Muroosa bush

Growing in arid areas in Savannahs and deserts, this bush seems to be utterly unaffected by heat and the sun no matter the intensity   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6 twigs   Location: Deserts, Savannahs   Uses (2): Muroosa Balm, Life's Liquor


An inky black flower with purple stalk. It deals 1d4 poison damage when ingested and, on a failed Constitution saving throw, inflicts the poisoned condition for 2d4 hours.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 20)   Quantity: 1d6 flowers   Location: Forests   Uses (3): Potion of Resistance (Necrotic), Basic Poison, Essence of Ether

Olisuba Leaf

These dried leaves of the Olisuba tree, when steeped to make a tea, can help a body recover from strenuous activity. If you drink a dose of Olisuba tea during a long rest, your exhaustion level is reduced by 2 instead of 1 at the end of that long rest.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 10)   Quantity: 2d6 leaves   Location: Forests, Grasslands   Uses (3): Potion of Vitality, Potion of Maximum Power, Potion of Shapeshifting

Pixie's Parasol

A tiny mushroom, though with it’s bright blue cap and white stalk and gills but one hard to miss. At night, they are downright easy to find due to their bioluminescence. They are key ingredients in many potions and inks. Harvesting them may be a hassle, though, since pixies often defend them from those who wish to take them.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20), Common (DC10) in Feywild   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d12 stalks   Location: fallen logs in non-dry climates   Uses (6): Invisible Ink, Potion of Diminution, Midnight Oil, Lesser Potion of Mana, Potion of Mana, Superior Potion of Mana

Rainbow mushroom

Though at names may make the fascination run wild, this shroom appears like a very ordinary one, brown cap, black gills and white stem. That is, until one is cut. The hood’s exposed flesh is first a rosemary green, then turns a light blue before turning a deep shade of Bordeaux. The stem’s colour instead goes from a deep blue to a pale orange after being cut or torn. Eating this mushroom forces the consumer to make a wisdom saving throw (DC 14). On a failed save, the consumer becomes confused for 30 minutes. During this period, the consumer sees colours change from one shade to anther as well as several times more intense than normal.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d8 mushrooms   Location: Forests, Mountains, Hills   Uses (2) Polymorph Potion, Potion of shapeshifting

Red Amanita Mushroom

This red-capped mushroom can grow to the size of a small dish. It deals 1d4 poison damage when ingested, but can be used to brew healing potions by a careful herbalist.   Rarity: Common (DC 10)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 10)   Quantity: 2d4 stalks   Location: Swamps, Forests   Uses (7): Potion of Longevity, Potion of Healing, Potion of Greater Healing, Potion of Superior Healing, Potion of Supreme Healing, Life's Liquor, Dracula's Blood


This thorny vine is a pale silver color, and is hard as metal. Patches of silverthorn create difficult terrain, and deal 1d6 piercing damage if moved through at normal speed.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6 thorns   Location: Arctic, Mountains   Uses (6): Tincture of Werewolf's Bane, Oil of Sharpness, Potion of Vitality, Lesser Potion of Mana, Potion of Mana, Superior Potion of Mana

Singing Nettle
This vine has sharp, stinging hairs covering it. A creature who touches these hairs must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or be overwhelmed by the urge to bellow a song at the top of their lungs.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 2d4 leaves   Location: Swamps, Mountains, Forests   Uses (5): Potion of Resistance (Thunder), Potion of Gaseous Form, Potion of Flying, Brew of Babel, Thor's Might


This green, long-bladed grass has a pungent smell and flavor. Humanoids who come within 5 feet of uncut sourgrass must make a successful Constitution saving throw (DC 10) or become overwhelmed with nausea and inflicted with the poisoned condition for 30 seconds.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 5)   Quantity: 2d4 clumps   Location: Grasslands, Mountains   Uses (4): Soothing Salve, Potion of Growth, Potion of Resistance (Radiant), Greater Antitoxin

Theki Root

This thick root tastes bitter but is thought to aid digestive health. When you use an action to consume a dose, you gain advantage on saving throws against the effects of poisonous or toxic substances for 8 hours.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6 Roots   Location: Marshes   Uses (3): Potion of Maximum Power, Greater Antitoxin, Fire Balm

Willowshade Fruit

A pepper shaped fruit with great digestive aiding properties.   Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d8 fruit   Location: Marshes, Coasts, Riversides   Uses (3): Willowshade Oil, Potion of True Dreaming, Polymorph Potion


This white-grey flower blooms only on a full moon and in high altitudes. Canines who come within 10 feet of wolfsbane must make a Wisdom save (DC 15) or be forced to move as far as they can away from the plant.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: Herbalism Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d4 flowers   Location: Mountains   Uses (3): Tincture of Werewolf's Bane, Oil of Taggit, Magebane


Harvestable Inorganic Material and Animal Parts

Lightning Struck Metal

A piece of metal struck by metal weighing at least 0,5 Ounces. Coinage struck by lightning is excluded.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Gathering: -------   Quantity: -------   Location: -------   Uses (2): Potion of Invulnerability, Essence of rage

Soothsalt Geode

A geode covered in a crystalline substance that can be extracted into soothsalts.   Rarity: Rare (DC 20), Common (DC 10, only in the Miskath pit)   Gathering: Pickaxe or Crowbar (DC 10) (no modifier)   Quantity: 1d4 Geodes   Location: Blightshore   Uses (1): Soothsalts


Large, Lawful Evil (CR 10)   Location: Underdark   Ingredient:   Aboleth Tentacle Rarity: Very Rare   Harvesting: Cooking Kit (DC 18)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (1): Aboleth Calamari

Large monstrosity, unaligned (CR 2)   location: nests beneath fields and forests   Ingredients:   Ankheg Ichor: A creature that comes in contact with this mucus must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be Poisoned for 1 minute. The Poisoned creature is Paralyzed. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Rarity: Uncommon (DC15)   Harvesting: Poisoner's Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d4 vials   Creature Condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (2): Oil of Sharpness, Midnight Tears

Blink Dog

Medium, lawful good (CR 1/4)   Location: Forest   Ingredient:   Blink Dog Fillet   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Stewed Blink Dog Fillet

Black Pudding

Large, unaligned (CR 4)   Location: Varies   Ingredient:   Black Pudding   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 1d4 vials   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Traditional English Breakfast

Blue-Blooded Barb

Small, unaligned   Location: Underwater   Ingredient:   Blue-Blooded Barb Fillet   Rarity: Rare   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): BarBQ Patties


Medium, neutral evil (CR 1/4)   Location: Varies   Ingredient:   Bullywug Leg   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 2   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Hop Dogs

Carrion Crawler

Large monstrosity, unaligned (CR 2)   Location: Caves, sewers, dungeons, forested marshes, battlefields and cemeteries (anywhere with carrion and where other carrion eaters cannot move freely)   Ingredients:   Crawler Mucus: A creature that comes in contact with this mucus must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be Poisoned for 1 minute. The Poisoned creature is Paralyzed. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Harvesting: Poisoner's Kit (DC 20)   Quantity: 1d4 vials   Creature Condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (3): Potion of resistance (Acid), Vial of Acid, Oil of Slipperiness

Constrictor Snake

Large+ Beast, Unaligned (CR 1+)   Location: varies   Ingredients:   Constrictor Snake Blood Rarity: Common (DC 8)   Harvesting: Cooking Kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 1d4 vials   Creature Condition: Dead or incapacitated   Uses(1): Fresh Squeezed Juice


Small, unaligned   Location: Underwater   Ingredient:   Daemonaja Fillet Rarity: Very Rare   Harvesting: Cooking Kit (DC 18)   Quantity: 1   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (1): Daemonaja Dogs

Dire Wolf

Large Beast, Unaligned (CR 2-8)   Location: varies Ingredients:   Dire Wolf Fillet Rarity: Common (DC 8)   Harvesting: Cooking Kit   Quantity: 1d4 fillets   Creature Condition: Dead or incapacitated   Uses (1): Dire Wolf Shanks with Secret BBQ Sauce

Dracula Parrot *

Small Beast, Unaligned (CR 0) (use Eagle statistics, looks like the real animal)   Location: where Death’s Head Willow’s grow (see Black Sap), its only food source   Ingredients:   Dracula’s Blood Rarity: Very Rare (DC 20)   Harvesting: Alchemist’s Kit (DC 10)   Quantity: 1d4 vials   Creature Condition: Dead or incapacitated   Uses (1): Dracula’s Essence

Dragon Turtle

Gargantuan, Neutral (CR 17)   Location: Coastal   Ingredient:   Dragon Turtle Fillet Rarity: Rare   Harvesting: Cooking Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (1): Dragon Turtle Soup


Large Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil (CR 6)   Location: Underdark   Ingredient:   Drider Posion Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Harvesting: Poisoner’s Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (2): Drow Poison, Magebane


Medium, Neutral (CR 1)   Location: Forest   Ingredient:   Dryad Leaf Rarity: Rare   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 15) or trade   Quantity: 1d4   Creature condition: unrelated   Uses (1): Dryad Tea


Small Beast, unaligned (CR 0)   Location: Coastal, Grassland, Hill, Mountain   Ingredient:   Eagle Claw Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Harvesting: a Knife (DC 10)   Quantity: 1d8   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (1): Potion of Speed

Elder Brain

Large, Lawful Evil (CR 14)   Location: Underdark   Ingredient:   Elder Brainstem Rarity: Rare   Harvesting: Cooking Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (1): Fried Brain and Onions


Large elemental, unaligned (CR 5)   Location: Desert and Mountain (Air), Underdark (Earth), Desert (Fire), Coastal, Swamp and Underwater (Water)   Ingredient:   Respective elemental essence, Fire Elemental Ember, Air Elemental Wisp, Earth Elemental Dust, Water Elemental Droplet Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Harvesting: Alchemist’s Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1 essence, 1d6 embers, 1d4 Wisps, 1d4 dust, 1d4 Water elemental droplet   Creature condition: Trade or Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (4/2/2/2): (Air) Smokebomb, Potion of Flying, Thor's Might, Air Vape (Earth) Potion of Climbing, Sirloin Steak with Earth Elemental Glaze, (Fire) Alchemist’s Fire, Hot Sauce, (Water) Potion of Swimming, Pure Elemental Water


Tiny, neutral evil (CR 1/2)   Location: Varies   Ingredient:   Gazer Eye Tentacle   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Homemade Vegan Pasta with Gazer Flour

Gelatinous Cube

Large, unaligned (CR 2)   Location: varies   Ingredient:   Gelatious Cube Rarity: Common   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 1d4 vials   Creature Condition: Unrelated   Uses (1): Gelatinous Cube Jello


Medium undead, unaligned (CR 4)   Location: Underdark, Urban   Ingredient:   Ectoplasm Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Harvesting: Alchemist’s kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d4 flasks   Creature Condition: Unrelated   Uses (3): Potion of Gaseous Form, Oil of Etherealness, Potion of Possibility


Huge Giants, Varies (CR Varies)   Location: Hills and Forests (Hill), Artic (Frost), Caves (Stone), Volcanoes and Rocky Mountains (Fire), High Altitude Mountains (Cloud), Extreme Altitude Mountains (Storm)   Ingredient:   Giant’s fingernail, Giant Toe Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Harvesting: a knife (DC 8), Cooking Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d6 fingernails, 1d6 toes   Creature Condition: Dead or Incapacitated, or trade   Uses (3): Potion of Giant’s Strength, Thor's Might, Burritoes

Giant Bat

Large, unaligned (CR 1/4)   Location: Varies   Ingredient:   Giant Bat Wing   Rarity: Common   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 2   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Spicy Bat Wings

Giant Centipede

small, unaligned (CR 1/4)   Location: varies   Ingredient:   Giant Centipede Leg Rarity: Common   Harvesting: Alchemy Kit (DC 8) or Cooking kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature Condition: Unrelated   Uses (4): Potion of Gaseous Form, Oil of Etherealness, Potion of Possibility, Giant Centipede Stew

Giant Owl

Large, unaligned (CR 1/4)   Location: varies   Ingredient:   Giant Owl Breast Rarity: Common   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 2   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Minced Owl Pie

Giant Poisonous Snake

Medium beast, unaligned (CR 1/4)   Location: desert, forest, grassland, swamp, underdark, urban   Ingredients:   Serpent’s venom: A creature hit with an attack by a weapon coated in this venom must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Rarity: Common (DC 10)   Harvesting: Poisoner's Kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 1d3 vials   Creature Condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (2): Philter of Love, Magebane

Giant Sea Horse

Large, unaligned (CR 1/2)   Location: Saltwater   Ingredient:   Giant Sea Horse Fin   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 1   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Sea Horse Soup

Giant Shark

Huge, unaligned (CR 5)   Location: Varies   Ingredient:   Giant Shark Fin   Rarity: Common   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 1   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Sharkfin Soup

Giant Toad

Large beast, unaligned (CR 1)   Location: coastal, desert, forest, swamp and underdark   Ingredients:   Amphibian Saliva, Giant Toad Leg Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Harvesting: Poisoner's Kit (DC 8), Cooking Kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 1d4 vials, 2 legs   Creature Condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (3): Potion of Resistance (Force), Oil of slipperiness,Toad-in-the-Hole

Giant Wolf Spider

Medium Beast, unaligned (CR 1/4)   Location: coastal, desert, forest, grassland, Hill   Ingredients   Giant Wolf Spider Hair Rarity: Common (DC 10)   Harvesting. A knife (DC8)   Quantity. 1d8   Creature Condition. Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (1). Potion of Climbing


Small, unaligned   Location: underwater   Ingredient:   Gnufish fillet   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Fishing Pole   Quantity: 1   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Gnufish Stew

Gray Ooze

Medium Beast, unaligned (CR 1/2)   Location: Underdark   Ingredients   Gray Ooze Residue Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Alchemist’s Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature Condition: Dead   Uses (1): Vial of Acid


Tiny Fiend (Devil), Lawful evil (CR 1)   Location: Varies   Ingredients   Imp Heart Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Harvesting: A Knife (DC 15)   Quantity: 1   Creature Condition: Dead   Uses (1): Potion of Longevity

Mind Flayer

Medium, lawful evil (CR 7)   Location: Varies   Ingredient:   Mind Flayer Tentacle   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Mindful Paella


Medium Aberration, Neutral Evil (CR 2)   Location: Locations of Magical Learning, Underdark   Ingredients   Nothic Tears: When used as eyedrops provide 1d4 hours of darksight Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Harvesting: nothing   Quantity: 1d4 vials   Creature Condition: Dead or incapacitated, or trade   Uses (2): Potion of Truesight, Potion of True Dreaming

Ochre Jelly

Large, unaligned   Location: varies   Ingredient:   Ochre Jelly vial Rarity: Common   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 1d4 vials   Creature Condition: Unrelated   Uses (1): Ochre Jelly Marmalade


Large, unaligned (CR 1)   Location: Underwater   Ingredient:   Octopus Tentacle   Rarity: Common   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Spicy Jambalaya with Octopus Tentacles


Large, unaligned (CR 3)   Location: Varies   Ingredient:   Owlbear Rib   Rarity: Common   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 8)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Rack of Owlbear Ribs

Large Piranha

Small, unaligned   Location: Underwater   Ingredient:   Large Piranha Fillet Rarity: Very Rare   Harvesting: Cooking Kit (DC 18)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (1): Fish Frenzy


Tiny, neutral good (CR 1/4)   Location: Forest   Ingredient:   Pixie Dust   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature Condition: unrelated   Uses (1): The Original Pixie Stick

Purple Worm

Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned (CR 15)   Location: desert and Underdark   Ingredients:   Purple Worm Poison: A creature hit with an attack by a weapon coated in this poison must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Rarity: Very Rare (DC 20)   Harvesting: Poisoner's Kit (DC 20)   Quantity: 1d8 vials   Creature Condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (2): Deathsleep, Water of Death


Tiny Beast, Unaligned (CR 0)   Location: Underwater   Ingredients:   Quipper scale Rarity: Common (DC 10)   Harvesting: a knife (DC 5)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature condition: Dead or incapacitated   Uses (2): Potion of Animal Friendship, Potion of Swimming


Large/Huge monstrosity, Unaligned (CR 5/11)   Location: Artic   Ingredients:   Remorhaz Ichor Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Harvesting: Alchemist’s Kit (DC 20)   Quantity: 1d6, 3d6   Creature condition: Dead or incapacitated   Uses (2): Potion of Firebreath, Superior Potion of Mana


Medium, chaotic neutral (CR 1/2)   Location: Forest   Ingredient:   Satyr hoof   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 2   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Split-Pea Soup with Satyr Hoof Bone


Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Neutral (CR 1/2)   Location: Coastal, Forest, Swamp, Underdark, Urban   Ingredients:   Skulk Claw Skulk Fingernail Rarity: Uncommon (DC 15)   Harvesting: a knife (DC 10)   Quantity: 1d6(claw), 1d4(fingernail)     Creature condition: Dead   Uses (2): Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Possibility


Medium to Large   Location: Underwater   Ingredient:   Medium Swordfish Fillet Rarity: Rare   Harvesting: Fishing Pole   Quantity: depends on size, small swordfish (2), medium swordfish (4), large swordfish (6)   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (1): Swordfish Steaks with avocado and lime


Large, chaotic evil (CR 5+)   Location: Varies   Ingredient:   Troll Fillet   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 1d4   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Trollsticks and chips

True Dragons

Varying Dragon, Varying Alignment (CR Varies)   Location: Varies   Ingredients:   Dragon’s blood, Adult Dragon Blood, Ancient Dragon Blood (depending on dragon) Adult Dragon Scale, Ancient Dragon Scale (depending on type of dragon) Rarity: Rare (DC 20)   Harvesting: a knife (DC 10), cooking kit (DC15)   Quantity: 1d4 blood, 1d4 scale   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated, or Trade   Uses (4/4/4/4/4/4): Oil of Dragon’s Bane, Potion of Mana, Superior Potion of Mana, Essence of rage, (Red) BBQ Dragon Chips, Chocolate Lava Cake, Red Dragon Pixie Stick, Red Dragon Wing Sauce, (Blue) Blue Corn Dragon Chips, Chocolate Lightning Cake, Blue Dragon Pixie Stick, Flourless Chocolate Lightning Cake, (Copper) Copper Jelly Doughnuts, Salt&Vinegar Dragon Chips, Copper Dragon Pixie Stick, Copper Glazed Doughnuts(Green) Green Onion Dragon Chips, Ham and Eggs with Green Sauce, Green Dragon Pixie Stick, Green Ham and Eggs, (Silver) Silver popsicle, Sundae with Silver Dragon Flakes, Silver Dragon Pixie Stick, Silver Dragon Smoothie


Large, Lawful Good (CR 5)   Location: Forest   Ingredient:   Ground Unicorn Horn Rarity: Rare   Harvesting: Cooking Kit (DC 15)   Quantity: 1d4 vials   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (1): Unicorn Line


Medium, Lawful Evil (CR 13)   Location: Varies   Ingredient:   Vampire Fang   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 2   Creature Condition: unrelated   Uses (1): Blood Sausage Stew

Void Salmon

Medium, unaligned   Location: Underwater   Ingredient:   Void Salmon Fillet Rarity: Legendary   Harvesting: Fishing Pole   Quantity: 2   Creature condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (1): Smoked Void Salmon


Tiny, chaotic evil (CR 2)   Location: Varies   Ingredient:   Will-o'-Wisp essence   Rarity: Uncommon   Harvesting: Cooking kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 1   Creature Condition: dead   Uses (1): Glow-in-the-dark popsicle


Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned (CR 15)   Location: Hills and Mountains   Ingredients:   Wyvern Poison: A creature hit with an attack by a weapon coated in this poison must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Greater Drake Scale Wyvern Fillet Rarity: Rare   Harvesting: Poisoner's Kit (DC 15), Cooking Kit (DC 12)   Quantity: 1d8 vials, 1d4 scales, 1d4 fillets   Creature Condition: Dead or Incapacitated   Uses (4): Oil of Dragon’s Bane, Water of Death, Cheap Pixie Stick Knockoff, Wyvern Kebabs


Ingredient Listing by Environments

A convenient list with all available resources sorted based on environments

  • Frost Lichen (DC 15)
  • Silverthorn (DC 20)
  • Remorhaz (DC 20)
  • Blightshore
  • Blightshrooms (DC 20)

  • Gillyweed (DC 10)
  • Dreamlilly (DC 10)
  • Lightning Moss (DC 15)
  • Willowshade Bush (DC 15)
  • Moonstalker (DC 20)
  • Water Elemental (DC 20)
  • Eagle (DC 15)
  • Giant Toad (DC 10)
  • Giant Wolf Spider (DC 10)
  • Skulk (DC 15)

  • Fire Peas (DC 15)
  • Flame Lily (DC 15)
  • Muroosa Bush (DC 15)
  • Giant Toad (DC 15)
  • Air Elemental (DC 20)
  • Purple Worm (DC 20)

  • Pixie's Parasol (DC 10)
  • Fairy Stool (DC 20)

  • Cat's Tongue (DC 10)
  • Red Amanita Mushroom (DC 10)
  • Everfrost Berry (DC 10)
  • Morning Dew (DC 10)
  • Acid Dew (DC 15)
  • Angle's Trumpet (DC 15)
  • Nightshade (DC 15)
  • Olisuba Bush (DC 15)
  • Singing Nettle (DC 15)
  • Death Cap (DC 20)
  • Fairy Stool (DC 20)
  • Pixie's Parasol (DC 20)
  • Hagfinger (DC 20)
  • Rainbow Mushroom (DC 20)
  • Giant Poisonous Snake (DC 10)
  • Giant Wolf Spider (DC 10)
  • Skulk (DC 15)
  • Giant Toad (DC 15)
  • Ankheg (DC 15)
  • Hill Giant (DC 20)

  • Cat's Tongue (DC 10)
  • Dreamlilly (DC 10)
  • Morning Dew (DC 10)
  • Bloodroot (DC 15)
  • Olisuba Bush (DC 15)
  • Pixie's Parasol (DC 20)
  • Everfrost Berry (DC 10)
  • Sourgrass (DC 15)
  • Giant Poisonous Snake (DC 10)
  • Giant Wolf Spider (DC 10)
  • Ankheg (DC 15)
  • Eagle (DC 15)

  • Angle's Trumpet (DC 20)
  • Idle Claws (DC 20)
  • Pixie's Parasol (DC 20)
  • Rainbow Mushroom (DC 20)
  • Eagle (DC 15)
  • Wyvern (DC 18)
  • Hill Giant (DC 20)

  • Singing Nettle (DC 15)
  • Sourgrass (DC 15)
  • Lightning Moss (DC 15)
  • Idle Claws (DC 20)
  • Pixie's Parasol (DC 20)
  • Rainbow Mushroom (DC 20)
  • Silverthorn (DC 20)
  • Wolfsbane (DC 20)
  • Eagle (DC 15)
  • Wyvern (DC 18)
  • Air Elemental (DC 20)
  • Cloud Giant (DC 20)
  • Fire Giant (DC 20)
  • Storm Giant (DC 20)

  • Morning Dew (DC 10)
  • Bloodroot (DC 15)
  • Fire Peas (DC 15)
  • Flame Lily (DC 15)
  • Muroosa Bush (DC 15)
  • Pixie's Parasol (DC 20)

  • Red Amanita Mushroom (DC 10)
  • Gillyweed (DC 10)
  • Acid Dew (DC 15)
  • Singing Nettle (DC 15)
  • Theki Root (DC 15)
  • Willowshade Bush (DC 15)
  • Death Cap (DC 20)
  • Hagfinger (DC 20)
  • Moonstalker (DC 20)
  • Pixie's Parasol (DC 20)
  • Giant Poisonous Snake (DC 10)
  • Carrion Crawler (DC 15)
  • Giant Toad (DC 15)
  • Skulk (DC 15)
  • Water Elemental (DC 20)

Urban areas
  • Bane Berry (DC 15)
  • Carrion Crawler (DC 15)
  • Ghost (DC 15)
  • Giant Poisonous Snake (DC 10)
  • Nothic (DC 15)
  • Skulk (DC 15)
  • Pixie's Parasol (DC 20)

  • All Mushrooms
  • Ghost (DC 15)
  • Giant Poisonous Snake (DC 10)
  • Giant Toad (DC 15)
  • Gray Ooze (DC 15)
  • Nothic (DC 15)
  • Purple Worm (DC 20)
  • Skulk (DC 15)

  • Many Mushrooms
  • Mandrake Root (DC 15)
  • Mindflayer Stinkhorn (DC 15)
  • Stone Giant (DC 20)

  • Water Elemental (DC 20)
  • Quipper (DC 10)

  • Elementals (DC 20)
  • Giants (DC 20)
  • Imp (DC 20)
  • True Dragons (DC varies)

  • Ashblossom (DC 20)
  • Fire Giants (DC 20)


Credits This guide is based on a work-in-progress guide written on GMbinder by Lyydia. The author added some systems, filled in a lot of empty spaces and added more items to make as well as catalogues to make the guide easier to use.

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