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Benefits of Renown in Er Dor

Each of the factions are known for a particular mission. As you rise in reknown with them, you will gain bonuses pertaining to fulfilling that mission:
  1. Emerald Enclave: Protection of nature is the most important thing. All of their abilities involve the natural world.
  2. Harpers: The harpers are diplomats and peacemakers. They make great arbiters and value diplomacy over outright combat. All of their abilities go to making them better diplomats.
  3. Lord's Alliance: The Alliance is all about nationalism, and bringing glory to the people of their town, nation, etc. So their abilities make them great leaders.
  4. Order of the Gauntlet: The order is all about protecting the little people. When there's defending that needs to be done, a Gauntlet is standing in front. Their abilities revolve around making sure their allies are safe.
  5. Zhentarim: Zhents are focused on merchantile pursuits. All of their abilities (with the exception of the snake, which I'm not fond of, but is so directly tied to the Zhentarim that I felt it HAD to be a feature) involves merchant pursuits and making money.

Emerald Enclave
  1. 0 to10 Reknown: (Leaf Clasp) Gives pass without trace in natural environment, and advantage on stealth in the wilderness.
  2. 11 to 20 Reknown: (Knowledge of the Forest) Can identify any naturally occurring animals or plants
  3. 21to 30 Reknown: (Immunities) Immune to natural poisons and venoms.
  4. 31+ Reknown (Woodwalk) Able to travel instantly between groves

  1. 0 to 10 Reknown (Harper Pin) Gives disadvantage to attacks made against the harper with magical attacks. (once per turn)
  2. 11 to 20 Reknown (Harper Knowledge) Gains proficiency bonus to any Intelligence checks, if already proficient, double the bonus.
  3. 21 to 30 Reknown (Sanctuary) Sanctuary once per long rest, DC is 10+Harper Rank, + Charisma modifier
  4. 31 to 40 Reknown (Tymora's Smile) Luck bonus - applies proficiency bonus to Armor Class
  5. 41+ Reknown (Mystra's Boon) Gains advantage for Saves against Magical Attacks

Lord's Alliance
  1. 0 to 10 Reknown (Lord's Cloak) Applies Advantage to Charisma saves and checks
  2. 11 to 20 Reknown (Man of the People) Able to sway public opinion in the Lord's favor (effectively move them one rank, depending on the lord's intention.)
  3. 21 to 30 Reknown (Rally the Troops) Gains up to 10 followers to defend an area for 1 week. Use Bandits stat block. (once per month)
  4. 31 to 40 Reknown (Spirits of the Land) Able to call on the land's ancestors in battle. Gain a block of 25 followers in a battle (once per year) Use: Swashbuckler stat block.

Order of the Gauntlet
  1. 0 to 10 Reknown (Damage Resistance) Subtract proficiency bonus from damage taken each round.
  2. 11 to 20 Reknown (Taunt) Force opponent to attack you
  3. 21 to 30 Reknown (Blade of Justice) Gain advantage to attack anyone who damaged you in the previous turn
  4. 31 to 40 Reknown (Aura of Law) Anyone in 15 radius gains disadvantage when attacking lawbreakers

  1. 0 to 10 Reknown (Snake Pet) flying snake
  2. 11 to 20 Reknown (10% discount) 10% discount on any purchase, and items sell for 10% more.
  3. 21 to 30 Reknown (Cover Identity) Gains cover identities equal to the character's charisma modifier
  4. 31 to 40 Reknown (25% discount) 25% discount on any purchase, and items sell for 25% more.

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