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Glauforg's Map

A young Brass Dragon named Glauforg ("Glow") has given you a map with a location in The Forlorn Hills that he believes could be a significant mine. He has proposed an arrangement with you as follows:
  1. He provides the prospecting capability, eliminating that cost for you
  2. He provides 4 tendays security onsite. With enough miners (unless the vein is absolutely huge and would last more than one miner year), this would enable you to extract the full capacity in that timeframe without paying for multiple guards. A single guard in the mine plus Glauforg should suffice.
  3. You split the profits 25% to Glauforg and 75% to you.
  4. You gain 1 Renown with metallic dragons

You have a few options in terms of your route, but the journey seems to be somewhere between 150 to 200 miles. At a normal pace that allows for scouting, this would take between 6 and 8 days to get there. Once you have arrived and secured the site, it would not be necessary for you to stay. You would have already contracted with the miner's guild to arrange transportation of mined/refined resources back to the city every tenday.

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