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The Concept Behind Er dór

The concept of Er dór is fairly simple. I wanted to create a campaign world that could both take heavy advantage of existing fantasy lore and also be easily modified as I saw fit. Watching the news, I had the stray thought that Earth would never be acceptable in any galactic civilization. This lead to the following concept points:

  • An empire spanning multiple galaxies exists, and is the basis for all of Earth's fantasy lore. Writers of such material have been unknowingly influenced to write about things that happened in Er dór.
  • This same society comes to the conclusion that Earth as a whole will never be acceptable for membership in the empire. As they have done throughout the millenia, they convert earth to a resource planet and give its inhabitants the opportunity to prove that they can live a new life on Er dór and work their way to individual citizenship.
This is why we can't have nice things.
— Anonymous
  • I intend to heavily borrow from existing map resources from The Forgotten Realms, the planet Abeir-Toril, and existing D&D adventures.
  • While the maps and names may be the same, the actual adventures will be customized so that they are unique
  • I will populate the site more quickly than campaign sessions would indicate, initially making everything private. After a session completes, any material they have experienced will be made public to those who participated.
  1. I will make use of not only static, but also animated battlemaps. I will link to their MyDrive location in my articles so that they can easily be linked to the interactive maps with pins and pulled up for game play.

That's it! I'm sure I will discover many things I've missed and need to adjust as I move forward with this experience, but that will be an adventure itself!

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