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Travel and Exploration in Er Dor

We will employ the following journey system for any travel requiring more than a day. The journey will be broken down into three parts:  
  1. Embarkation: The mood of the party as it sets out
  2. Journey: The events that occur along the way
  3. Arrival: The state in which the party reaches their destination

During the course of these three phases, four roles must be filled within the party to facilitate reaching the destination safely. Those without an assigned role can assist:  
  1. Guide: responsible for getting the party safely to their destination (requires strong Navigation and Persuasion)
  2. Scout: responsible for ranging ahead checking for perils in their path (requires high Stealth and Perception)
  3. Hunter: responsible for gathering additional food & water (requires Survival and Cooking Skills)
  4. Look Out: responsible for keeping an eye peeled for wandering monsters (requires high Perception)

Across the course of the journey, your DM will use the various tables involved (one for Embarkation, one for Journey, and one for Arrival), with each result requiring a roll from one or more of the above. Several even require the entire party to make checks to overcome obstacles. Failures may lend points of Exhaustion, while successes remove points. Success can also grant Inspiration to be used on future skill checks.  
Step 1: Embarkation

The first step in the Journey phase has a huge impact on the phases that follow. A party leaving in high spirits will be better equipped to handle the rigors of travel, while one leaving on an empty-stomach is in for a bad time.

  Determining Difficulty
The first step to designing a journey is determining its difficulty. This impacts on rolls made on each table, with a perilous journey more likely to generate an unfavourable result.
  1. Easy: Familiar terrain that is well-mapped. Travel on established roads
  2. Moderate: The ‘standard’ for wilderness travel in relatively well-known environments
  3. Hard: Unfamiliar areas of wilderness such as deep forests
  4. Severe: Mountainous regions or trackless swamps
  5. Daunting: Areas held by dangerous foes or filled with peril

How far can you go each day?
  1. Fast Pace - 32 miles per day (40 mounted). Perception checks made at -5. Half this distance in difficult terrain
  2. Normal Pace - 24 miles per day (32 mounted). Perception checks normal. Half this distance in difficult terrain
  3. Slow Pace - 16 miles per day (24 mounted). Perception checks made at +2, and stealth can be used. Half this distance in difficult terrain.

Note: Using mounts only grants a 25% increase to the daily distance on journeys of more than a day, as the mounts must be rested. What they do is reduce the chance of exhaustion by removing one level of exhaustion per 8 hours mounted. A mount which is forced to run at its top speed for one hour, then requires 3 hours of rest. Running at this speed also introduces a 20% possibility of random injury to the mount. The second time it is done withihn a day raises this to 40%. Anything more and the mount could be permanently disabled.

Assigning Roles and Embarking

As a group, the party needs to decide on how to fill the key roles required by the journey. The Guide will roll a d12 and add their Persuasion bonus to the result. The DM will then deduct the Difficulty rating from the result and check the Embarkation table for the result. As an example, the guide rolls a 4 on the d12. They add their bonus (Persuasion or Navigation) of +3 for a total of 7, and the DM then deducts 4 from the result, as this is a journey through dangerous territory. The end result is a 3. Consulting the Embarkation table, he sees that the party has chosen a path that is more likely to be observed by their enemies. Unfortunately for them, they’ll have a harder time avoiding encounters on the road ahead.

Embarkation Table
  1. An Ill Feeling. The party departs under a cloud of doubt. When rolling on the Journey table, add an additional +2 to all results rolled. All checks made to determine the initial outcome of encounters are made at disadvantage.
  2. Dampened Spirits. The party’s departure is marred by foul moods and restlessness. During the Journey, each player makes ability at Disadvantage until they succeed, at which point their spirits lift and the gloom departs
  3. A Perilous Path. The party’s path takes them through territory where they are more likely to encounter enemies. When rolling on the Journey table, add an additional +1 to all results rolled. The first check made during encounters on the journey is made at disadvantage
  4. Inaccurate Maps. The party’s maps or information are out of date, forcing them to travel through more difficult terrain than they had anticipated. For the course of this journey, consider the terrain one point more difficult than it is
  5. Foul Weather. The party leaves in less than ideal conditions, drenched by sheets of icy rain or sweltering in intense heat. Each player must make a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 10 + the journey’s difficulty rating or begin the journey with a level of exhaustion
  6. Poorly Provisioned. The party departs without adequate provisions (or their provisions spoil). During the journey, they are constantly battling hunger and illness. When rolling ability checks during the journey, each player must then deduct 1d4 from the result rolled. If food is stored in extradimensional storage, this possibility is largely removed
  7. Well Provisioned. The party departs with full bellies and superb provisions for the road ahead. For the duration of the journey, each player made add 1d4 to any ability check they are required to make
  8. Fine Weather. The party departs under auspicious skies, with fine weather and ideal traveling conditions ahead of them. Each member of the party may ignore the first point of exhaustion gained during the journey
  9. Paths Swift and True. The guide has selected the best possible path for the road ahead, selecting terrain that is as easy to travel as possible. For the course of the journey, consider terrain one point less difficult than it is
  10. A Cautious Departure. The party departs keenly aware of the dangers that lie ahead of them. While you will need to add +1 to results rolled on the Journey table, the characters’ extra preparedness translates into their having advantage on their first roll in each encounter
  11. High Spirits. The party departs with a clear sense of purpose and camaraderie. During the Journey, each player makes ability at advantage until they fail, at which point self-doubt reins in their enthusiasm
  12. An Auspicious Start. All signs point to a safe journey for the party, who departs in ideal conditions. When rolling on the Journey table, add an additional +2 to all results rolled. All checks made to determine the initial outcome of encounters are made at advantage

Step 2: Journey

The meat of the journey system is (unsurprisingly) the journey table. Depending on the length of the journey ahead, you’ll roll on the below table as shown here:

  • Short Journey: 1-2 times (1-5 days)
  • Medium Journey: 2-3 times (6-15 days)
  • Long Journey: 3-5 times. (>15 days)

In addition, your guide needs to roll a navigation check twice per day, to determine whether or not you get lost. Determine the DC as follows:
  1. Start with a base DC of 10
  2. Subtract your guide's Navigation modifier (equal to their cartograpy level or their ranger level/2 rounded up)
  3. Add 1 for a medium journey and 2 for a long journey

If you do get lost, you will roll twice for your next journey table roll and take the least favorable result.   Rolling on the Journey Table

You’ll also need to refer back to the difficult you assigned, as this will impact the roll as follows:

  • Easy: -1 to the result roll
  • Hard/Severe: +1 to the result rolled
  • Daunting: +2 to the result rolled
You’ll then roll 1d12 + the difficulty modifier + any modifiers stipulated by the Embarkation result.
Determining DC

When it comes time for the party to make an ability check, the DC for this check is always 12 + the difficulty rating selected. For ease of use, this is shown below:

  • Easy: DC 13
  • Moderate: DC 14
  • Hard: DC 15
  • Severe: DC 16
  • Daunting: DC 17

Journey Table
  1. A Chance Encounter. The party encounters a traveler or group of travelers. These may be merchants, fellow adventurers, pilgrims, or whatever else you decide.The Scout may attempt a Stealth check to lead the party around this encounter, or any member of your party may instead freely approach to interact with them, making a Persuasion check to establish their initial mood.Depending on how roleplay works out, the party may gain an important snippet of information about the road ahead (granting them advantage on the first roll of their next encounter) or bad information (granting disadvantage)
  2. Good Hunting. Conditions for hunting and foraging are especially good today. The Hunter must make a Survival check in order to capitalize on this.If they are successful, they are able to prepare a meal that lifts the spirits of the party and restores some of their vitality, removing a level of Exhaustion.If they fail, they have wasted valuable time for the party, who must deduct 1 from their eventual Arrival roll as a result
  3. An Obstacle. Something blocks the party’s path. It may be a fallen tree, a fast-flowing river, or a ravine. The Guide must make a Survival check and all other party members must make an Athletics or Acrobatics check to successfully negotiate their way around this blockage.If the party is traveling with mounts, one party member must also make an Animal Handling check.If all of the checks are successful, the group is buoyed by their teamwork and will add +1 to their eventual Arrival roll.If half or more of the checks are successful, the group manages to negotiate the obstacle with no loss of time. If half or more fail, the company expends vital energy and all members gain a level of Exhaustion. If all of the party members fail, the party is bone-tired. They not only gain a level of exhaustion, but will have to deduct 1 from their eventual Arrival roll
  4. In Need of Help. The party comes across travelers in need of their aid. This may be an injured explorer, a village beset by foes, or a group of mercenaries under attack.The party may choose to ignore their pleas and gain +1 to their eventual Arrival roll, but doing so casts a pall over the party as they are left to contemplate the sorry fates of those they left behind. Each player must succeed at a Wisdom saving throw or gain disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls until they succeed at one, at which point the pall lifts.If the players choose to remain and help, the exact content of the encounter is left up to you. As written, it is recommended to run something akin to a Skill Challenge, but you could also play this out through roleplay, combat, or a combination thereof. If the party succeeds, they should gain +1 to their Arrival roll, with Inspiration for those who acquit themselves particularly well.If they fail in their task, they will instead deduct -1 from their eventual Arrival roll, as their spirits are dimmed by their failure
  5. Enemies! The Look-Out for your company must make a Perception check. If they succeed, the party has the intiative and can choose to avoid the combat (making a Stealth check) or attack the enemy unawares, gaining surprise. If the Look-Out fails, however, it is the enemy that has got the jump on them, and the party finds themselves under attack and surprised
  6. An Inspiring Sight. The party has come across a site, scene, or location of particular beauty. Each member of the party must attempt either a Perception or Investigation check to fully comprehend and appreciate the sight they have encountered. If they are successful, they may remove a level of Exhaustion.In addition, if all members of the party succeed, their collective spirit urges them on with greater speed, granting +1 to their eventual Arrival roll.If they fail, they instead see the ugliness in the vista, gaining a level of exhaustion as they grumble about the long journey and difficult conditions. If all members fail, however, they drag their feet, penalizing them with a -1 to their Arrival roll
  7. A Hunt. The hunter has come across particularly promising game, if only he can run it down. The Hunter must make a Survival check to attempt to bring down this elusive game (the exact nature of which is up to the DM). On a success by 5 or more, they are able to prepare a great feast for the party, removing a level of exhaustion and granting the party a +1 to their Arrival roll. On a success, the party enjoys a hearty meal and may remove one level of exhaustion. On a failure, the party gain a level of Exhaustion. On a failure by 5 or more, the hunter fails spectacularly. The party is pulled well off course, several of them are injured in the process, and no food is found. Not only does everybody gain a level of Exhaustion, but the party must also deduct 1 from their Arrival roll
  8. A Comfortable Camp. The party’s Scout has spotted a particularly promising location to set up camp. The exact nature of this is up to you, although it may be an abandoned home, a well-sheltered cave, or a comfortable spot by a stream.The Scout must make an Investigation check to approach the camp and judge its quality. On a success by 5 or more, the camp is perfect! Everybody may remove a level of Exhaustion and the party will add +1 to their Arrival roll.On a success, the camp proves a comfortable place to sleep, allowing the party to remove a level of exhaustion. On a failure, the camp is not as it seems. Perhaps biting insects harass the players or the distant howling of wolves keeps them up. Regardless of the reason, it makes for a poor night’s sleep, and everybody will gain a level of exhaustion. On a failure by 5 or more, the camp is not as empty as it first appeared! The group have inadvertently stumbled upon a dangerous foe! Combat is likely to ensue, although the exact nature of the combat is left up to the DM
  9. A Remnant of the Past. The party stumbles across an item or site from a bygone era, reminding them of the age of the world and the transient nature of their own lives.Each member of the party must make a Perception check. On a success, their spirits are lifted by this relic of old, granting them Inspiration. On a success by 5 or more, they are also able to remove a level of Exhaustion. Additionally, if the entire party succeeds at their roll, their collective good spirits translate into a +1 to the Arrival roll. With a failed roll, the player is instead made keenly aware of their own mortality and the fleeting nature of life. They must succeed at a Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted with a malaise that imposes disadvantage on ability checks. This effect persist until the character succeeds at an ability check. On a failure by 5 or more, the character is despondent. They not only must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the aforementioned disadvantage, but they also gain a level of exhaustion as they wallow in their ill-mood. If the entire party fails at their Perception checks, their collective foul mood translates into a -1 to the Arrival roll
  10. A Dangerous Place. The party has come across a place most foul. This might be an evil temple, a cursed location, or the site of a particularly brutal battle.The Scout must make an Investigation check to spot the danger before the party blunders into it. If they succeed by 5 or more, they have succesfully pulled the party up short, and the party can observe the scene from afar, gaining resilience from their outrage or the comforting presence of their companions. Everybody in the party gains Inspiration. In addition, the party may add +1 to their Arrival roll.On a success, the party is still able to avoid the perilous situation, and doing so grants them a +1 to their Arrival roll. On a failure, the scout has inadvertantly led his party into a place both grim and dangerous. Each party member must make a Wisdom saving through or be afflicted with dread, translating into either disadvantage on all ability checks (until a success) or a Long-Term Madness. On a failure by 5 or more, the company has blundered into a site that is very much still inhabited. They not only get the penalties indicated above, but something dangerous lurks nearby and the party has walked right into its trap
  11. Enemies! The Look-Out for your company must make a Perception check. If they succeed, the party has the intiative and can choose to avoid the combat (making a Stealth check) or attack the enemy unawares, gaining surprise.If the Look-Out fails, however, it is the enemy that has got the jump on them, and the party finds themselves under attack and surprised
  12. An Auspicious Meeting. The party has encountered a particularly powerful or important traveler on the road. This may be Elminster or Artus Cimber, or it may be a powerful foe. If the Embarkation roll was a 1, this is automatically a foe, while an Embarkation roll of 12 means that the party has met a powerful potential ally. If neither a 1 nor a 12 was rolled for Embarkation, the Look-Out must instead make a Perception check. On a roll of 5 or more, the party has met somebody of great importance. They may immediately remove a level of Exhaustion and, should they interact with the person in a successful roleplay, gain +1 to their Arrival roll. If the look-out succeeds, they have instead met somebody of importance without realising it, and the encounter should play out as if they had rolled a 1 on this table. If the look-out’s roll fails, they have instead come upon enemies. Treat this as if they had rolled a 5 or 11 on this table, with a combat the likely outcome. If the look-out fails by 5 or more, they have come upon a singularly powerful foe. If they do not wish to tangle with this foe, they must flee, resulting in a level of Exhaustion and a -1 to to their Arrival roll

Step 3: Arrival

With the journey behind them, all that remains is to figure out the manner of the party’s arrival. There are a few factors to take into account when rolling for Arrival. Firstly, the terrain traveled through impacts the result as follows:

  • Easy: +1 to Arrival roll
  • Moderate: No modifier
  • Hard/Severe: -1 to Arrival roll
  • Daunting: -2 to Arrival roll

Next, factor in any modifiers gained during the journey before rolling a d8 and consulting the below table.

Arrival Table
  1. Weary to the Bones. The party has arrived both physically and emotionally exhausted. Each player must succeed at a Wisdom saving throw or gain a Long Term Madness.If the party’s journey took them through a particularly disturbing place that they were unable to aa 10 on the journey table), the DC is increased by 2
  2. Empty Bellies. The party limps into town having exhausted their supplies a few days earlier. They are starving, tired, and dehydrated. Each party member gains a level of Exhaustion
  3. Poor Spirits. The arduous journey has left the party in poor spirits and an ill-mood. Each player has disadvantage on Charisma-based ability checks until they are able to succeed at one.The good side to being in a foul mood is that the party is likely spoiling for a fight, which translates into advantage on the first initiative roll each is require to make
  4. Uncertainty. The party arrives in ill weather, after dark, or just unsure if they’ve arrived where they intended to be. How exactly this plays out is at the DM’s discretion. Perhaps the group has stumbled upon a den of bandits close to their destination, perhaps the gates are barred and they must negotiate to be allowed in, or perhaps it is as simple as requiring the Guide to make a Persuasion or Survival check to get them the last distance to their destination. The penalty for failure should be Exhaustion, with success simply being an end to their arduous journey
  5. Weary but Glad. The trip may have been long and exhausting, but the sight of their destination instills the party with much needed energy. Each player may remove a level of Exhaustion
  6. Determined. The events of their journey have instilled the group with greater zeal for their future travels. Perhaps they are motivated by a desire to get to grips with their foes or perhaps this is simply a desire to be better prepared.Regardless of the reason, the party will have +1 to their next Embarkation roll
  7. Tall Tales. The party arrives at their destination with plenty of stories to tell. They have bonded through their shared toil and their gregarious spirit is infectious.Each party member has advantage on Charisma ability checks until such a time as they fail one.
  8. Full of Hope. The journey may have been hard, but the party has emerged from it with renewed hope for the road ahead. Each player gains a level of Inspiration and may remove a level of Exhaustion.

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