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History of Er dór

Past times expressed YA - Yenya ahime (Before the Change). Current date is:

2 Iavas , 1 OS

Minya Losse (First Flowering)

24000 YA 1600 YA

The elves were the first of the progenitor races to send settlers to ER DÓR again. They were followed soon after by the dwarves.

  • Circa 13050 YA
    Rise of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves returned to ER DÓR in great numbers, forming elvish civilization as we know it even in the Present Age.

  • Circa 11100 YA
    The Great Dwarven Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    The dwarves became the second of the progenitor races to return to ER DÓR in great numbers. Mighty dwarven cities and fortresses were forged, many of which stand to this very day.

  • 8000 YA
    Fall of the Giants

    In the year 8000 YA, the last city of the Giant empires fell. To this day, the Giants live in small groupings.

  • 5582 YA
    Fall of the Dragons

    In the year 5582 YA, the last city of the great Draconic empires was abandoned. The remaining dragons migrated across the world, preferring mostly to live lives of solitude, occasionally gathering for mating rituals.

Randa -o rúatan (Galactic Inception)

1600 YA 200 YA

Elven mages conducted a ritual called The Sundering, which destroyed large portions of ER DÓR. New inhabitants, both bestial and sentient, flooded through planar rifts created by the ritual. It took over a century for these rifts to be closed. At the end of the era, a new pan-galactic seed population was introduced with hopes of stabilizing the planet again.

  • 1590 YA
    The Sundering
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Sundering was a High Magic ritual cast by the greatest elven high mages during the year 1590 YA. The ritual resulted in both the desired creation of a new isle and widespread disaster that destroyed or altered much of ER DÓR and might even be the cause of much of the non-uniformity of the weave of magic throughout the world.

  • 1575 YA > 1450 YA
    Galactic Inception
    Population Migration / Travel

    In the year 1575 YA, the Pan-Galactic Council approved migration to ER DÓRfor all member races with the hope of creating Post Sundering stability. They migrated in great numbers over the next century, forming the basis for the population demographics as they stand today (with the exception of humans)

Randa -o sí (Present Age)

200 YA 1 OS

All major races of pan-galactic society are now represented on the planet.

  • 1-Ninue, in the year 200 YA
    The Founding Er Dór
    Era beginning/end

    On this day, the planet Earth was reconfigured as a resource planet and integrated with the Pan-Galactic Dungeon Master system. Inhabitants of the former planet were placed in stasis. Over the next 200 years, they gradually made their transitions. Less than 2% survived the integration, resulting in a human population of 100 million. There are 66 million pan-galactic citizens of levels 1-20 already on the planet.

  • 1 OS

    1 Narwain 01:00
    1 OS

    1 Narwain 01:00

    Completion of Earth Assimilation
    Population Migration / Travel

    On this date, the last of Earth's original inhabitants were assimilated with the planet.