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Dendar the Night Serpent

Historical Basis

The Night Serpent came into being before recorded history, spawned from the feverish dreams of the first intelligent creatures. She subsists and grows stronger by feeding on the fears that plague the folk of the world. She takes pleasure in swallowing the fears of mortals and immortals alike, particularly kings and gods. Her followers believe that Dendar is a harbinger of the end of things, which will come when she amasses enough power to consume the world.   Another legend concerning her speaks of an iron door to the underworld behind which she lurks; when the time is right, she will tear it down, then eat the sun, plunging the world into darkness before she finally devours it.   It was said that the Night Serpent who was thought to bring about the end of the Blue Age and usher in the Shadow Epoch by devouring the sun and plunging Toril into darkness and freezing temperatures.   Yuan-ti worshipers of Dendar are led by nightmare speakers, malison warlocks that honor their deity through acts of terror and receive magical power in return. Rather than killing enemies, these followers of the Night Serpent prefer to threaten and torture them, the better to feed and strengthen the goddess.


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