Crimtane is a psionically controlled super material originating from the world JY 1889 b. Terrans have not been able to accurately recreate this material due to its extremely advanced properties and constantly shifting form.
Material Characteristics
In an inert state, Crimtane resembles a shiny, smooth, blood-red metal. When "activated" the appearance may stay the same but is noticeably warm, and may be sensed vibrating or pulsating. When activated, the texture may change to suit its needs.
Physical & Chemical Properties
Inert Crimtane
Inert Crimtane is any form of crimtane that is not being controlled or influenced psionically.- Chemically inert
- Corrosion-resistant
- Oxidization-proof
- Always colder than ambient temperature by several degrees
- Nonflammable because metallic
- Soft and malleable like gold or lead
Active Crimtane
Active Crimtane is any form of crimtane that is being controlled or influenced psionically.- Chemically inert
- Corrosion-resistant
- Oxidization-proof
- Activity corresponds to psionic stimuli
- Temperature is relative to activity
- Malleability changes depending on psionic stimuli
Geology & Geography
This material is nigh exclusively found on planet JY 1889 b, bar the few instances in which Terrans have harvested small quantities for limited use in other areas.
Origin & Source
Other than its known location on planet JY 1889 b, its source and manufacturing method are unknown. It is currently impossible to replicate, even with the most advanced means of fabrication.
History & Usage
When discovered, Crimtane was used as a vascular system for automated city construction and repair. Materials would flow through veins and capillaries of Crimtane then excreted for construction. It may also be used for sending electric signals, chemical signals, and may expand and contract like a muscle. Its uses are near limitless due to its nature of being controlled psionically.
Crimtane was discovered as capillaries running through the rock-like structure of alien construction in a satellite orbiting JY 1889 b. It was found more abundantly within the city, being used to a greater degree in the same way in its buildings.
The only way to control Crimtane is by being able to administer the most psionic energy to it when issuing commands. By issuing a stronger psionic command, it will instantly follow that command; meaning a suit of Crimtane power armor may be working fine for a noomancer, until a stronger noomancer issues a "contract" command which may cause the whole suit to crush its helpless wearer instantly. For this reason, it is unknown if Crimtane will ever see widespread, public use.
Reusability & Recycling
Crimtane is innately a low-waste self-recycling material.
Trade & Market
This item is not publically available to the market, however under-the-table buyers are always eager to get their hands on this super material. The government will pay certified collectors handsomely for their stock.
Often the item is stored as 1 kg ingots within crates lined with psionic-dampening material within the field of a psionic nullified, often within a room lined with psionically absorbent material.
Law & Regulation
It is unlawful to own this item without proper certification. Failure to comply may result in a fine proportional to the amount of Crimtane possessed.