Generation 2- Random Spot 3 Prose in Era | World Anvil
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Generation 2- Random Spot 3


“There’s something… off… about this place. I don’t have a good feeling about this.” I should have listened to her. Why didn’t I listen to her? “Listen, that’s all I know. We need to act quickly.” “Why should we listen to you? You killed Esfira and attepmted a warlord takeover of the entire island! Plus, she betrayed us to you, why would I want to save her?” Justin slams his fist on the table. Esfira rests her hand on his shoulder, shaking her head, but slightly glaring at me. “Look, I know we both made serious mistakes, me especially, but this is bigger than my entire army, okay? This is the Order of the Night we’re talking about!” A rumble of fear passes through the group. Esfira narrows her eyes. “How did they get here? I thought they were eradicated years ago!” “They look like any other people, they slipped on the boats. They were the theives living in the bogs. They took Cas, and we need to get her back.” “How do you plan on doing that? Furthermore, they’re Dark Witches. We only have a handful of Witches who came here, and half of them are Immortality Witches. The rest are five Nature Witches, one Light Witch, and one Wish Witch.” Hugo rubs his eyes. “I hate this.” Esfira sighs. “I might have to call in a favor or two, and it’s not going to be easy.” “Who in the world would you be calling in favors from? Everyone thought you were dead until a few months ago!” “The Pantheon, idiot. I was living with them for five months, didn’t you hear?” “No!” Jack whispers to Viatora, “This is more entertaining than the Unification.” “How do you know the Pantheon will do anything more for you? They brought you back from the dead, for heaven’s sake!” “How were you alive for the Unification?!” “The Pantheon will help me. I know it. After all, they gave us our powers!” “Uh, Immortal-Precog Witch here.” “The Pantheon gave us our powers?” “Oh.. That makes sense.” Esfira slams her hand on the table, silencing all the conversation at the table. “This is their island. The Waterfall Islands were floating because of their magic. The Quiet Divide was their way of leading us here. We are under their jurisdiction.”


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