Lidvin Character in Era | World Anvil
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Lord Lidvin Nolan Sandoval-Yveli

The tunnels under the city shudder, a large snake-like creature slithers through, striking fear into those who enter. This is the creature who terrorized the Eran Capitol as they worked to rebuild the symbol of unity. This is the creature who tricked a Witch. This is the creature that was defeated by that same Witch, the same Witch who gave him his predetermined form. This is Lidvin, antagonist of the fourth book in the Era Series, the created lindwyrm Mythos and long lost brother to Camitria.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very lean and malnourished, as well as tall and incredibly pale.

Facial Features

Pale complexion, diamond face shape, upturned eyes, wide nose, bottom-heavy lips.

Identifying Characteristics

White hair

Special abilities

(After book 5) Switching between lindwyrm and human form when scared or determined.

Apparel & Accessories

wears summer clothing after living in a cold environment all his life (Everything's too hot!), as well as a pair of glasses (Not pictured)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lidvin wasn't normal from the moment he was born. As a result of his mother's negligence to follow the instructions she received from a Precognition Witch, Lidvin was born as a Lindwyrm Mythos. Scared and unloved, he grew up in the tunnels of the abandoned Unity Station. He subsisted off of mice and other rodents that lived in the tunnels. Eventually, he came out of his shell with a vengeance, determined not to be alone and mostly driven by rage. This emotion was quickly subverted by the quick minded (and magically advised) actions of Kari Yveli. Lidvin was quickly welcomed into society and given ample time to recover and adjust to this whole new world of people, lights, sounds, the works (And also given a nice pair of glasses because living in a dark cave system for all your life with no light is certainly not good for your eyes). Kari and Lidvin soon got married and completely rejected his family. (See books 5 and 6 for ample reasoning.)

Gender Identity



"Kari's pretty cool, and I've never been around anyone else, really."


None whatsoever. Kari and quite a few others are teaching him to read and write, as well as educate him on many other matters.

Mental Trauma

Intense, extended isolation

Personality Characteristics


Building relationships with others (he's lonely enough, give him a break.)


Has surprisingly good hygiene.


Contacts & Relations

Friends with Alli, Jordan, Millie, Blake, Zeyd, and Shani, acquaintances with Branwen and Twilight.

Family Ties

Husband of Kari, Brother to Camitria, and Brothers-in-law with Dennis.

Social Aptitude

Has tons of charisma as a lindwyrm, but practically no social skills as a human.

Hobbies & Pets

Lidvin used singing as a way to stave off boredom, as well as creating mini-architecture out of random stones.

Wealth & Financial state

Well-off, but not rich, despite his noble family.
Current Status
Lindwyrm (Giant Snek form, ACTIVATE!)
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Is technically a Lord, as a part of the noble Sandoval family, but really doesn't have much power whatsoever, and is also trying to distance himself from his family.
Date of Birth
2nd of Lysery
Year of Birth
1100 UE 25 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Mother twisted the instructions of Grandma Yveli, and he was born as a twin (Camitria) and as a Lindwyrm Mythos
Era Capital City
Current Residence
Unity Station Tunnels
ice blue, wide
White, medium, curly, smooth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white (like an Albino)
139 lbs
Character Prototype
Prince Lindwyrm, Beast, etc.

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