Tatiasha Tradition / Ritual in Era | World Anvil
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It's finally here. The Tatiasha Festival. The second week of Eresan, the streets are filled with farmer's markets, dancing, music, and good food. As the day stretches on, your arms are soon filled with fresh spring produce, delicious baked goods, and listening to the newest group dance their hearts away as the dusk begins to envelop the horizon. The crowd moves from the streets into the open spaces to attend the bonfire, where there'll be more delicious summer treats to be roasted over the fire, circling dancing, storytelling, and a firefly hunt to end the night. Perhaps, like last year, there will be small sparklers handed to the little ones to keep them occupied and light the night, reminding them of the plentiful food and lighter nights to come, for summer has returned.


Tatiana, the namesake of the festival, was a Nature Witch who lived from 676-762 RA Aboveground in the city of Scanti. She ushered in the summer months with a small festival that spread to the rest of the continent over many years. Her festival evolved from a simple day to celebrate the summer to a day to exchange wares, purchase springtime produce, eat delicious food, and spend time with those you love.


This festival is observed differently in many places, but the widely accepted observance day is the third day of second week of Eresan.

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