Aére Character in Eradalis | World Anvil


Known colloquially as ‘The Father’, Aére is the most powerful of all the Celestial Primes. He was the deity who brought the First Men to Aéredon, to flourish on this newly rediscovered planet, as humanity dwindled on their previous world. The leader of these men, was the first King of Aéredon, a human named Aéredey.   Aére is often depicted as an elderly man with a long gray beard. He has soft green eyes, and is garbed in a gray and emerald trimmed cloth robe, his head covered by a hood. His demeanor is kind and patient. He is a loving Father of the men and women who pay him homage.   He is the god of Light, Space, Time, and the Oceans. He is the Patron of Mankind and the Summer months. While his followers are primarily the humans, halflings, and gnomes of the Kingdom of Aéredon, there are large groups of ‘Sun Elves’, called the Yeliah, in the forests of the southeastern mountains, who are devoted to the teachings of Aére, the most predominant of these being the Lightbearer clan.  
  In Emerald Bay there is a massive cathedral called The Dawn Temple, dedicated to Aére. These grounds are home to a large complex containing temples to other deities, classrooms, research facilities, for all the various priests, clerics, and laymen of the religious institution. It is not as large or expansive as the Arcanium Universalis, who is trying to teach magic to everyone, instead of keeping it for the devout. There is a large orphanage that is home to children who have been saved from a difficult life in the streets.  

Holy Days

The holy day of Aére is called the Dawn of Revival. This is the celebration of when humans arrived in Aéredon. It’s held on the 21st of Redfall. This holy day is marked by prayer, feasting, and ritualistic activities. People gather in large numbers to give thanks and honor Aére as the creator and sustainer of the world in the morning. Then it is custom for the family to deep clean the whole house, to start a fresh year. Offerings of food and drink are made to Aére in thanksgiving and celebration for dinner, lasting long into the evening. People also usually dress in colorful clothing and carry flags and banners in honor of Aére. Since Aére is the Lord of Summer, this signifies the official end of summer and transition into Autumn.  


  • Prayers and offerings are made to Aére at sunrise, the highest point of the day.
  • Aéredonians often make offerings of food and drink at shrines and temples dedicated to Aére.
  • Many Aéredonians wear jewelry and clothing that feature symbols associated with Aére, such as the sun, stars, and waves.
  • Aéredonians often meditate and contemplate the power of Aére's light and energy.


  • Respect for others, respect for oneself, and respect for the laws of the land.
  • Balance, striving to keep the world in balance and harmony, both spiritually and materially.
  • Courage to face one’s fears, to stand up for justice, to remain true to oneself, and to never give up on one’s dreams.
Type Divine Celestials
Titles The Father
Domain Light, Time, Space, Oceans
Symbol A green sun burst
Morality Lawful Good
Home Realm The Eternal Spires
Holy Day Dawn of Revival (21st Redfall)
Major Temples The Dawn Temple 
Worship Most humans and elves of The Kingdom of Aéredon 