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Adalas Lord of Light

God of Healing and Light Adalas is often associated with the Sun. Adalas is a compassionate god who seeks to uplift others and see the betterment of the mortal realm. Father of Men, he is said to be the first man whose kindness and benevolence uplifted him in the age of Wonder. Worshipped and revered among most places on Eraneth, his disciples operate hospitals, poorhouses, and other charities all around the world. While Azanar is quick to take arms, Adalas cautions Cardia to seek peace whenever possible. After the wars of the 1st Age however Adalas saw the need for those of righteous heart to defend the weak and with this new dawn charged his Daughter to be the shield of Cardia and the mortal realms.

Divine Domains

Solaireus is a great columned palace of Adalas. Here great fountains bubble as its denizens rest and relax in the calm and peaceful surrounding. The palace has no roof allowing warm rays of the sun the pour in over the marble floors and furnishings of Solaireus.

Holy Books & Codes

Deific Obedience - Wake before the sun rises and prepare to treat someone's injury. Lay out fresh bandages, prepare any incantations and as the first rays of light wash over the countryside begin your care. If there are no wounds that need dressed spend these first moments of the suns return in quiet contemplation of how to heal and grow, to become a stronger pillar of your community. Double the amount of healing done during your obedience if any. Gain a +2 status bonus to medicine.

  1. Imparted Power: Gain the Domain Initiate Feat, this does not count as a prerequisite for other feats unless you are a Cleric

  2. Aura of Light: The Lord of Lights warmth flows thru you and you become a beacon of hope. As a single action you may activate the Aura of Light, this 20ft aura sheds light that dispels magical darkness. In addition, any ally within the aura increases their saves against fear effects by 1 tier.

  3. Advanced Imparted Power: Gain the Advanced Initiate Feat, this does not count as a prerequisite for other feats unless you are a Cleric

  4. Font of Light: Your ability to harness the divine power of Adalas is extraordinary. When calling on his light you are able to knit flesh and mend broken bone. Gain a Healing Spell as if you were a cleric with the Healing Font. If you have a healing font increase the number of spells by 1. When you use this heal, the target immediately removes the wounded condition.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Symbol of Adalas is a sun emblazoned on a field of red. This is often worn on robes as embroidery or in pendants and on other jewelry.

Tenets of Faith

The Edicts of Adalas are to tend to the sick and injuried, to give solace and succor to the poor and downtroden.  

It is Anathema to Adalas to directly inflict harm or suffering upon another.


Adalas shares his High Holy Day with the Lady of Summer Mirae and the summer solstice. As this singular day is the longest of the year many of the afflicted will make pilgrimages to his temples in seek of healing on this day.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Adalas above all else seeks peace and the ending of suffering upon the mortal world. While the end to all war and conflict is perhaps a fools errand, he strives to aide in the finding of peaceful solutions when able and to limit suffering whenever possible.

Alignment: Chaotic Good   Follower Alignment: CG, NG, LG   Font: Heal   Spells: Divine   Sanctification: Optional(Holy)   Domains: Sun, Healing, Introspection, Confidence   Skill: Medicine   Favored Weapon: Fist   Ability: Wisdom or Constitution


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