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Sopheriel the Erudious

Goddess of Learning and Philosophy, Sopheriel wanders the gardens of Cardia discussing all manner of topics with its denizens. She favors the evening air and the cool nights, where the light of a thousand suns come to live across the sky. She is the goddess of the stars, shedding light while Adalas sleeps. She favors rigorous testing and experimenting in her pursuit of knowledge, being one of the more orderly of Cardia. She like most of the powers of Cardia favors reason to violence, but is willing to engage in it if no other path seems available.

Divine Domains

Nyotanil is an observatory and a laboratory. The grounds of Nyotanil are built to be an astrological compass. It is known for its open air amphitheater where many great lectures and debates occur over alchemical and astrological knowledge.

Holy Books & Codes

Deific Obedience - Take out your current work of study or research. Review your notes as the sun sets and the first stars come into viewing. Reflect upon your studies as night descends. Gain a +2 status bonus to the subject of your study, (Arcane, Occult, Religion, Nature, Craft, or Society).

  1. Imparted Power: Gain the Domain Initiate Feat, this does not count as a prerequisite for other feats unless you are a Cleric

  2. Blinding Defense: The light of the stars resides within you. When you take piercing or slashing damage as a reaction you can emit a burst of light as a reaction. The creature which harmed you must make a Fortitude save against your spell or class DC whichever is higher or become dazzled for 1 round. If they critically fail they become blinded for 1 round.

  3. Advanced Imparted Power: Gain the Advanced Initiate Feat, this does not count as a prerequisite for other feats unless you are a Cleric

  4. Calculated Asterism: You calculate the celestial constellations and send your starknife flying along that path from one foe to the next. Makes a starknife Strike against a target within 60 feet. If the Strike hits, you can make another Strike at a different target within 60 feet of the first target, and so on, until you miss with a Strike or run out of targets you haven't attacked within range of the most recent target. You can attack a given target only once per use of this ability. These attacks don't apply any range increment penalty, and you resolves all the attacks before increasing the multiple attack penalty.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sopheriels holy symbol is the horologium nocturnum, a simple device used to track time by the movement of the stars.

Tenets of Faith

The Edicts of Sopheriel are to seek orderly and precise knowledge, to help those in need, and to know the path of the stars.  

It is Anathema to Sopheriel to experiment recklessly and accept untested knowledge.


While no specific holidays exist, whenver the eye of Elanar is closed the followers of Sopheriel take the opportunity to better study the stars.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Sopheriel seeks to expand knowledge, philosophy, and understanding, especially of the workings of the stars, planets, and heavenly bodies.

Alignment: Lawful Good   Follower Alignment: LG, NG, CG   Font: Heal Spells: Divine   Sanctification: Optional(Holy)   Domains: Star, Healing, Knowledge, Perfection   Skill: Crafting   Favored Weapon: Starknife   Ability: Inteligence or Charisma


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