Dwarf Species in Eras | World Anvil


As seen in

Short, stout humanoids. Males typically sport heavy beards, which are considered essential for their appearance, as without them they are considered ugly. Females are about the same height as males with little deviation, which is easily confusing for petite women. Children are very similar to humans, only that they are shorter on average. Considered exotic in human lands.

Dwarves are famous for their extraordinary ability to focus, making them dilligent and hard workers. They excel in crafting and invention.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves mature in a very similar way to humans. However, due to the lengthy duration of their adulthood, dwarves are considered properly mature around 50 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

They usually live in dwarven fortresses (hill homes and mountain homes). They rarely venture outside and are insular in their beliefs.

On rare occasions, you can find very isolated societies of dwarves living above ground. These kinds of dwarves are generally shunned by the rest of the dwarven society. In fact, it is taboo for a dwarf to spend too much time above ground.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Most dwarves follow the dwarven calendar:


For over 4000 years, dwarves have not left their underground cities. Their extreme isolation made some think of them more as a myth or fairy tale. But in fact, dwarves had a sizable country of their own at some point. The fall of their country remains shrouded in mystery, with few surviving records, but dwarves remember. In their version of history, other surface races were jealous of dwarven prosperity and decided to combine forces and wipe out every dwarf in existence. They almost succeeded until The Great Ancestor came up with the plan to preserve the dwarven race.

His great plan included the creation of the most indominable fortresses ever built. Self-sustaining and able to repel any army coming. The only flaw was that the project was too hard to finish on time, even for the dwarves. Thus, The Great Ancestor gathered up the remaining great heroes of the dwarves, formed an army, and dedicated themselves to fighting the longest war of attrition ever conceived.

As the battle ended in an inevitable defeat of the dwarves, years have passed. With enough time to finish the fortresses. The armies came and sieged the new dwarven cities, but as predicted by The Great Ancestor, every single one failed to breach.

From then on, the dwarves worshipped The Great Ancestor and lived in their fortresses, away from the jealous races of the surface world.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dwarves have a long history of persecution. That's why they have a very suspicious attitude towards other sapient species, including humans. They rarely trade with them, if at all, and never let them into their hill homes or mountain homes.

Because dwarves only consider expanding downward, they compete for space in the huge underground caverns with other species. This attitude has led to many underground wars and purges.

Mentioned in:

  1. The Ambusher in Crown of The Mountain
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Around 200 years
Average Height
1.5 - 1.6 m (5 - 5'2 ft)
Average Weight
40 - 120 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Most dwarves are extremely pale due to them rarely leaving their underground living spaces.

Geographic Distribution

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