Murkling Species in Eras | World Anvil


As seen in

A foe of every traveller taking a break near a lake or a river and an abductor of cattle near the watering holes. Murkling is a monster named after its tendency to lay ambushes in murky, shallow waters.

These creatures are more advanced than wild animals. Given enough prosperity, they can create complex societies involving worship and a caste system.

Basic Information


Creature is humanoid in appearance but has distinguishing features separating it from humans. Their bodies are covered almost entirely by blue-tinted scales. Their heads are larger and pear-shaped, resembling a fish. It has glassy eyes, no nose, a wide mouth, and gills under an almost non-existent chin. The murkling mouth contains multiple rows of small, triangle-shaped, piranha-like teeth. They have four limbs: two arms and two legs. All four appendages end in claws and are webbed.

Ecology and Habitats

Murklings are suited for larger, still bodies of water. They nest deep underwater, where they keep their young.

Theoretically, they can survive in flowing bodies of water, but that's exponentially less likely, as the murkling young are too weak to not be dragged away by the current and eaten by other creatures. Such nesting in the rivers needs to be done in the shallower parts near the shores, where murklings are at a disadvantage.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Murklings are mainly carnivores but can eat vegetation if desperate.

They hunt in groups using ambush tactics, defeating their prey by piercing the skin and allowing their pralytic mucus to get into the blood stream of the predated animal. After it is paralized, they drag it under the water to drown it.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their faces are fish-like having few distinguishing features. Out-side the species it's hard to diferentiate between individuals.

Average Intelligence

Murklings are sapient and sentient. They have egos and an understanding of abstract concepts such as pride, humiliation, and revenge. They are a bit limited in their intelligence, with most of them tending to have spiteful, narcissistic, and greedy personalities.

Mentioned in:

  1. The Ambusher in Crown of The Mountain

Murkling inspired DnD 5e stat block by CooledCross :


Medium , Neutral Evil

Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 85 ( 9d12+27 )
Speed: 10 ft Swim: 80 ft


( -1 )


( +5 )


( +3 )


( -2 )


( +0 )


( -4 )

Skills Stealth +11
Senses Passive Perception 10
Challenge Rating 5
Proficiency Bonus +3

Hold Breath. The Murkling can hold its breath for 30 minutes.

Ambusher. In the first round of combat, the Murkling has advantage on attack rolls against any creature that is surprised.


Multiattack. The Murkling makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: (2d10-1) slashing damage. Roll a DC16 Dex Save, if result is a failure the target is paralyzed for an hour.

Murkling rising out of the swamp
Murkling rising out of the swamp by Unknown (deceased, don't search for him)
30 years
Conservation Status
Species are seen by most civilised species as a hostile existence to be exterminated.
Average Height
1.4 meters (4.6 ft)
Average Weight
50 kg
Average Physique

Most of the murklings are thin and muscular. Their bodies are hydrodynamic and suited for an aquatic lifestyle.

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Most murklings are blue, green and brown in colour their bodies covered in scales.

Geographic Distribution
Related Materials

Cover image: by AI generated


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Dec 17, 2023 22:59 by James

Nice stat block!

'Be the flame, not the moth.' — Giacomo Casanova
Dec 17, 2023 23:18

oy lmao