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Asmodeus is the God of Tyranny, the greatest devil, and the Lord of the Ninth and overlord of the Nine Hells as a whole. He was once an elder spawn that gained divinity.   Asmodeus's true form is that of a wingless scaled serpent hundreds of miles long. His form's sheer size makes it impossible for him to meet and enter into conversations with others. Therefore, he creates humanoid-looking avatars. The location of his body is kept secret from everyone, including other devils and everyone who learns of the truth about his body is killed within the day.   Asmodeus never shows himself except through avatars, only in humanoid forms. Asmodeus's avatars look like a slim, charismatic, red-skinned humanoid over 13 feet (4 meters) tall, with horns on his head and glowing red eyes. Overall, he has charismatic and beautiful looks that captivate people. He always has a perfectly trimmed beard and wears very expensive red and black clothing, which are valuable enough to cover the annual national spending of any nation. However, underneath these expensive garments, the body is wracked with bleeding injuries. While he is in pain, he manages to give the impression of someone unconcerned with the pain the injuries cause him. He can manifest ten avatars at once if needed, allowing him to station one on each layer of Hell if he needs to, with a tenth leftover for managing extraplanar duties. Each of his avatars holds a Ruby Rod of Asmodeus.   Asmodeus is a primal embodiment of lawful evil and a supreme strategist of unparalleled skill. His sinister machinations an take centuries, if not millennia, to come to fruition, and his master plans extend across the entire multiverse. His labyrinthine, insidious intrigues can seem inexplicable to most outside observers, for Asmodeus lets even his own servants stew in fear of his next move. With all the planes as his board, the Lord of Lies maneuvers the forces of evil like chess pieces in his grand designs, slowly and subtly manipulating everyone from deities to, when needed, lowly mortals.   In truth, Asmodeus is a tyrant, an authoritarian overlord who seeks complete control over as many subjects as he can obtain and nothing less than absolute dominion over all reality. Torture is his tool to break the wills of others and impose his own, and knowledge of secrets and dealing his desired instrument to claim others as his. The Prince of Evil is confident in his position as one of the multiverse's strongest beings, and genuinely believes his rule is for the best. Under his rule, and only his rule, the multiverse can be pristine and perfect, with everyone in it having a place and a purpose to fulfill.
Greater Deity  
Supreme Master of the Nine Hells
Lord of Nessus
The Lord of the Ninth
Prince of Evil
Lord of Lies
The Archfiend
The Raging Fiend
Lawful Evil  
three triangles in tight formation  
Order, Trickery


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