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Helm is the God of Protection and a lesser deity of the Light Pantheon. He was worshiped by guards and paladins both, long being seen as a cold and focused deity who impartially took the role of defender and sometimes also enforcer.   Helm is the eternal sentry and is always seen wearing a full suit of armor that represented the weight of his heavy responsibility. Yet Helm always gets the job at hand done without complaint. The people of the Realms widely admire these qualities in what they see as a humble and reassuring god.   Helm is particularly fond of children, and often forgives their minor transgressions.   Helmites are long respected and revered for their dedication and purpose. Throughout the War of the Divine, and beyond, they unfailingly pledged to come to the defense of those who called for it.   They wear polished full suits of armor, often enchanted as everbright, and typically wore plumed helmets. Their hierarchy is strict and militaristic.
Lesser Deity  
He of the Unsleeping Eyes
God of Guardians
The Great Guard
The Vigilant
The Vigilant One  
Lawful Neutral  
staring eye on upright gauntlet  
Life, Light, Twilight  
be vigilant and prepared; be fair, loyal and diligent; protect the weak, poor, injured and young  
betray the trust of those you protect  
Areas of Concern
guardians, protection, and protectors  
Follower Alignments
LE, LG, LN  

P2 Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability
Strength or Constitution  
Divine Font
heal or harm  
Divine Skill
Favored Weapon
bastard sword  
duty, knowledge, might, protection, truth, zeal  
Cleric Spells
1st: anticipate peril, 2nd: mirror image, 6th: wall of force


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