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Iuz is the God of Pain and Oppression. He is the elder spawn child of the demon prince Graz'zt and Iggwilv, the so-called "Witch Queen". During the Divine War, Iuz harvest the pain from the war and infused it with divinity to accend.   He is originally a strikingly handsome cambion. In the epic battle that resulted from Graz'zt striking out against Iggwilv in a bid for freedom, Iuz's handsome form was split into two "halves." He can either appear in the form of a gnarled, old human male, or as a bloated, red-skinned demonic figure. In his demonic form, he is seven feet tall, with reddish skin, pointed ears, and long, steely fingers. In his human form, he is barely five feet in height, and can attack with a disgusting spittle that withers all that it touches.   Iuz belives the strong should exploit the weak, for such is their right. Deceit and guile are the proper tools of the enlightened ruler. Iuz, who is the strongest and most deceitful of all, is the rightful and destined ruler of all of Erathan. The infliction of pain and suffering is a delight comparable with none other. No atrocity committed in the name of Iuz is so sickening, no trick so cruel, that it does not meet with the Old One's approval.   The worshippers of Iuz seek to further the expansion of their master's influance. Outside the inlfuance of Iuz, his worship is uncommon and usually suppressed by the local government. Even if a community espouses tolerance toward the Iuzian creed, his followers prefer to remain a secret, as befits the worshipers of this god.
Lesser Deity  
Old Wicked
The Old One
His Most Profane Eminence
Child of the Evil One
Master of the Dread and Awful Presences
Chaotic Evil  
a grinning skull  
Death, Trickery


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