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Mishakal is the Goddess of Healing and a lesser deity of the Light Pantheon. She seeks to restore those things that were lost.   When her avatar decends, she is seen as a healthy, beautiful woman in sky blue robes, a matronly woman in a faded blue smock, a blue eyed child with silver-blonde hair or a female knight or warrior in silver-blue plate mail.   She is loved by all the gods of good, and the gods of neutrality all hold her in regard. She is in opposition to every god of evil for the same reasons she is beloved by the gods of good. Every god of evil harms life in some way, and for that reason Mishakal opposes them all.   Followers of Mishakal are constantly loving and protecting the world. Mishakal's nature sometimes conflicts with the violent conditions her faithful encounter, but she has a wide breadth of worship during times of strife. Her followers are generally clerics of good alignment, who heal those in need freely, without usually ever asking for any compensation.
Lesser Deity  
Bearer of Light
The Blue Lady
Healing Hand
Lady of Tears
White Lady
Lawful Good  
blue infinity sign  
D&D Domains
Knowledge, Life, Twilight


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