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Pelor is the God of the Sun and Agriculture, and is generally worshiped by farmers and people who live off the land. He is one of the greater deities of the Light Pantheon.   He is depicted as an older man with wild golden hair and beard, dressed in robes of shining white.   Pelorians believe that the life-giving sun is the best cure for all of Erathan's ills. Justice and freedom are brought about through charity, modesty, perseverance, and self-sacrifice. Pelor's priests teach that the truly strong don't need to prove their power. Pelorians strive to perform so many good acts that evil has no room in which to exist, though they will fight if necessary. Pelor is wrathful against the forces of evil, and is especially opposed to the undead. However, Pelor urges his followers to remember that excessive attention to things of evil can blind one to the truly important things: compassion and goodness. These are what must be emphasized above all. Pelorian dogma has it that the energy and power of life originates in the sun.
Greater Deity  
The Sun Father
The Shining One
The Dawnfather
Neutral Good  
Circle with six outwarldy radiating points  
D&D Domains
Life, Light  
Ensure the health of crops and vegetation, protect the bodies and souls of the worthy dead, avenge the wrongly murdered  
Dismember a creature, desecrate a corpse, show ingratitude for a sincere gift  
Follower Alignments
LG, NG  

P2 Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability
Constitution or Wisdom  
Divine Font

Divine Skill

Favored Weapon
change, healing, nature, soul, sun  
Cleric Spells
1st: soothe, 2nd: false life, 6th: tangling creepers


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