Dwarven Spirituality Physical / Metaphysical Law in Erda | World Anvil
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Dwarven Spirituality

An Inextricable Bond with the Material World

Across the diverse landscape of Erda, the divine forces have influenced the fabric of existence. This divine influence has shaped not only the physical world but also sculpted the very essence of the souls inhabiting it. For each species, the interaction between the divine and the mortal manifests in unique and profound ways, shaping their spiritual beliefs and practices.  

Craftsmanship as a Spiritual Endeavor

For dwarves, the act of creation is not simply a matter of skill or labor; it is a deeply spiritual act. Each hammer blow, each flick of the wrist, is imbued with a sense of purpose that transcends the physical outcome. When a dwarf crafts an object, they imbue it with a portion of their own spirit. This spiritual bond transcends the physical object, forging a lasting connection between the creator and the creation.  

Tools and Artifacts

Extensions of the Self

  Dwarves view their tools, weapons, and artifacts as extensions of themselves. More than mere instruments, they are living testaments to the skill and spirit of their creators. As a dwarf wields a weapon or uses a tool, their spirit flows into the object, amplifying its effectiveness and forging a unique synergy. With each use, this connection grows stronger, allowing the user to tap into the accumulated knowledge and experience of past wielders. A warrior, for instance, may find themselves guided by the memories and skills of generations of ancestors who have carried the same weapon.  

Inheritance of the Spirit

  The concept of spiritual inheritance is deeply ingrained in dwarven culture. When a dwarf inherits or acquires an object crafted by another, they inherit not only the physical item but also a portion of the creator's spirit. This legacy carries with it the accumulated wisdom, experiences, and craftsmanship of generations past. By utilizing and caring for these inherited objects, dwarves keep their ancestors' spirits alive and ensure that their legacy continues to inspire future generations.  

City and Stone

A Living Ancestral Realm

Dwarven cities are not just structures of stone and mortar; they are living entities imbued with the spirits of generations past. The very act of building a city is akin to crafting a living monument to the ancestors, a physical embodiment of their shared history and collective spirit. Liberating a lost city is not just a military conquest; it is a sacred duty to reconnect with the spirit of their ancestors and reclaim their rightful place within the ancestral realm.  

Seeking Ancestral Presence

The search for ancestral artifacts and relics is not merely a pursuit of material wealth; it is a sacred quest to reconnect with the spirits of the departed. Each unearthed relic holds the potential to unlock a forgotten chapter of their history and strengthen the bond between the living and the dead. By recovering and preserving these artifacts, dwarves reforge the spiritual links with their ancestors, gaining wisdom and guidance from those who have come before.  

Beyond the Material

While the material world forms the cornerstone of dwarven spirituality, their awareness extends beyond the tangible realm. They believe in the existence of a spiritual dimension, where the spirits of their ancestors reside and from where they watch over the living. This belief serves as a source of comfort and strength, reminding them that they are part of a larger tapestry woven across time and generations.
Metaphysical, Divine


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