The Creation Myth in Erda | World Anvil
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The Creation

The Book of Beginnings

Chapter One: The Creation of Erda

  In the boundless Void, before the light of dawn and the whisper of time, existed the Three-in-One, known to mortals as the Titans or the Syzygy. These beings, shrouded in mystery and power, held within them the essence of all creation. They deliberated long and hard, their voices echoing through the void, discussing the possibility of birthing sentient beings, entities capable of independent thought and the manipulation of the very essence of life.   Each Titan held within them a fundamental aspect of existence: the first, the spark of creation; the second, the flow of life; and the third, the unwavering order of the cosmos. These aspects were intertwined, a dance of light and darkness, chaos and order, giving birth to the very fabric of reality.   United in purpose, the Titans decided to create thirty-nine beings, each imbued with a unique essence, a reflection of their own divine power. With skillful hands and hearts brimming with love, they each crafted thirteen beings, pouring their very essence into the bowls of life.   The moment of creation was a joyous one. As the newly formed beings emerged, laughter filled the void, a sound that resonated through the depths of existence. The Titans marveled at their creations, each so different and yet so perfect. They witnessed the birth of gods and goddesses, each destined to play their role in the grand tapestry of creation.   However, amidst the laughter and celebration, an unforeseen event unfolded. The Titans, in their elation, unleashed a surge of power that fractured the fabric of time and space, causing a fragment to break away. One Titan, in a swift attempt to control the fragment, inadvertently dropped and shattered the bowls of life.   From the shattered bowls, a new entity emerged – Erda, the world. As the drops of life essence fell upon the nascent earth, powerful and majestic creatures known as Dragons came into being. The laughter of the Titans turned to concern as they realized the unintended consequence of their actions.   With wisdom and determination, the Syzygy dedicated themselves to nurturing their creation. One Titan, the bearer of order, instructed their servants to gather the shards of the broken bowls, transforming them into the celestial stars, forever adorning the night sky. Another Titan, the embodiment of life, dispatched their servants into Erda, granting them dominion over the mountains, seas, and the very elements themselves. The third Titan, the keeper of creation, implored their servants to nourish the burgeoning life on Erda, ensuring its continued growth and prosperity.   The Titans themselves became the guardians of Erda, their divine presence a constant source of protection and guidance. One Titan, with unwavering strength, crouched beneath Erda, supporting its weight upon their back. In their hands, they held two great bowls: one capturing the cascading waters, the other cradling a brilliant fire that warmed the earth and ignited the celestial debris carried by the sun god.   The remaining two Titans stood tall, assisting in balancing Erda with one hand each. One held the Moon, a vessel that dipped into the water, replenishing the earth with life-giving rain borne aloft by the breath of the Titans. The dark of the Moon symbolized the hidden water, while its brightest glow signaled its emptiness and readiness to once more gather the celestial tears. In the final bowl, the third Titan held fragments of time and space, remnants of the shattered fragment, some leading to enchanted lands accessible only to those who knew the way.   The Titans continue their eternal dance, rotating their tasks with a precision honed over millennia. Earthquakes are but a tremor, a testament to the shifting of their divine burdens. Through their unwavering commitment, Erda flourishes, a testament to the laughter that birthed a world and the love that sustains it.   This is the first chapter of the Book of Beginnings, a chronicle of the creation of Erda and the divine beings who shaped its destiny. May its words forever serve as a reminder of the power of creation, the awe-inspiring nature of the divine, and the responsibility entrusted to all who call Erda home.


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