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Erde / Midgard Creation

Erde (Midgard) in Norse mythology, also known as the abode of mankind, was made from the body of the first created being, the giant Ymir. According to legend, the gods; Odin, Vili, and Ve - killed Ymir, rolled his body into the central void of the universe, and began fashioning Erde from his corpse. Ymir's flesh became the land, his blood the oceans, his bones the mountains, his teeth the cliffs, his hair the trees, and his brains (blown over the earth) became the clouds. Ymir's skull was held up by four dwarfs, Nordri, Sudri, Austri, and Vestri (the four points of the compass), and became the dome of the heavens. The sun, moon, and stars were made of scattered sparks that were caught in the skull.
Date of Setting
0 - First Age
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