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Sylvan Elf (Sil-van)

Sylvan Elves are the strongest in natural magic. They find themselves most at home with the forests of Avonan, which is as naturally magic as they are. They communicate and are closest with the fey of the world. Currently, Sylvan Elves are homeless or slaves to the Gold Elves, and so they do not have their ancestral home. Many escaped to the southern hills of Avonan, or fled over the sea, with plans to eventually return and fight for their home. Many Sylvan Elves become rangers or druids, attuning themselves to natural magic. They are friends with the beasts and the fey. They were traditionally somewhat reclusive, choosing to remain within their forest home and commune with their deity, but in recent years, they have begun to learn the ways of the outside world. Sylvan Elves are somewhat shorter than Gold Elves, though they are not the shortest of elves. They have olive and beige skin tones. Their eyes are generally green or brown, and their hair falls in shades of red, brown and blonde. They tend to keep their hair long and either loose or up in braids, though they do not see this as a status symbol.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Breie, Arya

Masculine names

Delen, Teleth

Family names

Tawaren, Brannon
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Languages spoken