Prythian Settlement in Erden | World Anvil
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"In mountains' embrace, Prythian rose,

From Tznchundel's fall, its beauty glows. With dwarven might, and hearts held strong, A new city born, to right the wrong.   Hammers rang, in forges deep, As Prythian's secrets, miners keep. From ashes of the old, a realm reborn, In mountains' keep, their hope is sworn."   The Song of Prythian, stanza 982 - 984   Prythian is an autonomous dwarven enclave within the Holmgardian Empire, found as a reconstituted Khazak dwarven matriarchy after the dark century during which dwarven civilization completely collapsed due to human assimilation, isolation, civil war, and invasion. It is the only known dwarven city on the continent of Erden, founded by a collection of dwarves led by archaeologist (now Queen) Taaffeite, adventurer Hamit, and a variety of other independent-minded dwarves in the 691, with the blessing of Emperor Karl.   Half a century later, Prythian is a thriving settlement in the northeastern reaches of Thyssenmark. Benefiting from an enormous influx of technology from the rediscovery of Tznchundel and from a swelling population of dwarves, Prythian now counts a population of over 5,000 within its gates and controls a sizeable hinterland. However, the town is completely isolated, a result of paranoia caused by their traumatic history. No one is allowed to know the exact location of the town; visitors and outgoing citizens are blindfolded for the three day journey across its heartland, and all trade must be conducted with isolated outposts.   The leadership of Prythian bases their rule over a careful study of dwarven history and archaeology, adopting a matriarchal government structure based on their study of ancient Khazak society. Queen Taaffeite is known as a highly learned ruler who has made tremendous strides in reviving the Khazak culture of the past and in keeping Prythian safe.   


  Dwarven customs:  Dwarves have a unique naming system, each dwarf having three to four names. An Outer name is the name a dwarf uses to outsiders, given at birth (e.g. Sam). The Clan name (e.g. Silvershield) is the rough equivalent of a last name, albeit with a much larger number of people with the same last name, and inherited matrilineally. The Inner Name is a name given to a child, revealed once they come of age, and only known to a trusted few. It is considered a grave offence to reveal someone's Inner Name without their consent. An Honour Name is a name given to a dwarf after completing some great task, (e.g. Onyx). Only a few dwarves have an Honour name, and it replaces their Outer Name.    The folk of Prythian, modelled after the dress of Tznchundel, tend to elaborately decorate their hair and beards with braids, brass ornaments, and wear long wool robes dyed in natural colours. Brass is considered a sacred metal due to its ability to conduct animantic power.    Dwarf tends to be pragmatic and unsentimental. Dwarves rarely follow organized religion, instead tending towards reverence of ancestor or natural spirits, to the extent that the spirits of hallowed ancestors are stored within soulstones in sacred halls. Historically, the dwarves of Tznchundel were masters of animantic magicks, but the dwarves of Prythian have shied away from this power, viewing it as near-heresy.    Dwarven holidays:   The Gwledd Janssen - marks the end of the barley harvest and is celebrated with food, drink and music. It pays homage to ancient Dwarven brewsters (traditionally esteemed women) and the riches enjoyed by a plentiful harvest.    The Diwrnod Llad - is a solemn holiday in remembrance of that which was lost. Ancient songs are sung and new songs created as future generations weave their own wounds into this day of sorrow and heal a little each year. Offerings are placed by the tombs of the fallen and passed.   The Mynydd Seren - On the longest night of the year the Dwarves of Pythrian celebrate the stars of the sky and the gems of the earth. Warm hearths are lit in the fair reaches of the city, gifts are exchanged and feasts are cooked.


As a rather small city-state, Prythian does not have a true standing army, relying instead on secrecy to stay safe. However, a group of about 500 vetted dwarves are trained as Watchers, rangers who ride rams into battle and patrol the outlying hinterland of Prythian warding off outsiders.

Points of interest

Pindle’s Picks and Pies Pindle is a halfling Vistani adventurer from Barovia who was accepted by the dwarves as a tinker bar none. He sells moon pies and pickaxes (not made of children).   Family Jewels Ardun - sells and buys nonmagical jewelry. Has a Ring of the Ram, Ring of Mind Shielding, Ring of Warmth, Ring of Soulvision, and Ring of Jumping.   Shalman & Co. Armoury Hamit’s store, now run by his cousin Grom. Sells all +1 armour, Belt of Dwarvenkind, including +1 Plate   Trina’s Trinkets Sells all manner of trinkets   Wool of Warriors Sells a Robe of Useful items   Obsidian Laced Robe Robe of Summer Fine clothes (fit small only)   Iron Bru Run by Naia during the day, sells Iron Bru - specialty beer of the City Dwarf


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