Skritaara, The Sin Collector

The Sin Collector can change its size at will and will always take the form of a black robed skeleton with multiple skulls, green glowing eyes, and green smoke spewing out from a light green flame inside its ribcage. The Sin Collector's robe does not expand with its size. When the god enlarges itself, the robe disappears. The third death god on the Hollows Judgment.   This.... thing is a wrathful judge of deeds to the creators that die. Judging a person for their sins and actions to decide what punishment or reward should be enacted on their soul. It believes that any sin should not go unpunished and should be judged by the gods. It finds no pity in mortals due to their frequency to be sinful and thinks each one should be punished before their soul is brought to the correct afterlife. However, it finds empathy with souls of people who have been wronged, betrayed, or or tortured by mortals that create even more sin. In that case. Those souls are given a choice by the Sin Collector. They are allowed to rise again as a revenant to seek out the person that wronged them. In return, the Sin Collector gets the more evil soul, and the revenant, gets peace... but still will be punished based on their sins before becoming a revenant. The Sin Collector is continuously at odds with the Grave Jackal, due to their opposing philosophies on death and revival. While the Grave Jackal despise the idea of necromantic revivals, the sin collector thinks it as a viable tool to be used to punish the sinful living.   The bone Collector also gives the living power as long as its worshipers bring justice and punishment to the sinful living. Its followers are usually in clothing or armor coated in black and green. Some followers constantly have skeletons (only skeletons) with them as a sign of intimidation. Others don't have necrotic abilities but relief on their wrath and strength to punish the sinful. They are always on the move or connect to guilds that are mostly involved in finding or fighting individuals. Easiest way to enact punishment. They only are violent to people who they believe need punishment. HOWEVER, the one thing that will always get a follower of the Sin Collector pissed is if you say the name of the Sin Collector. They believe its name should only be said by their god. As a sign of sacred respect for the god. So DONT SAY ITS NAME!   Edicts hunt those who fall wholly to sin, take revenge for those who’ve been wronged under the Sin Collector   Anathema pursue your own justice over that of the Sin Collector   Follower Alignments LN, LE, N  
Pathfinder 2E
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability: Strength or Constitution
Divine Font: Harm
Divine Skill: Intimidation
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Domains: Death, Decay, Soul, Zeal
Alternate Domains:Glyph, Secrecy
Cleric Spells: 1st: Grim Tendrils, 2nd: False Life, 6th: Disintegrate
D&D 5E
Domain: Death, War
There are two different symbols for the Sin Collector.
1. A dodecahedron filled with skulls with green eyes
2. a ribcage with a green flame inside.


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