The Devlin Marx - Heretic God of the Man

The deity appears as a male jester wearing black clothing while holding a staff with a black orb at the top. Chaos is fun and magnificent to him. Any changes to the natural order of the universe is simply beautiful. Whether it be tricking others, changing fate. It is all the same. Everything is merely a dramatic play and the universe is the stage. Sadly he cannot indulge in the chaos himself due to the web mother's threads protecting the multiverse from his grasp, but at least his influence can reach many mortals and creatures of insanity.   His followers merely try to spread chaos to see how it will change the natural order of things. Whether it be for fun, curiosity, or merely to change fate, disruption of life and events is their main goal.     Edicts  Break laws when you know you can get away with it, test the limits of societal views and push social norms, practice an art or talent that can get you noticed to your best ability, commit to every action you take, unless doing so would severely injure or kill you   Anathema  Abide by every rule and law, constantly take safer routes and actions unless it lets you perform something more daring in the future, present yourself as uninteresting or boring   Follower Alignments  CG, CN, CE, NE  
Pathfinder 2E
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability: Dexterity or Charisma
Divine Font: Harm
Divine Skill: Deception
Favored Weapon: Dueling Pistol
Domains: Change, Darkness, Secrecy, Trickery
Alternate Domains: Delirium, Indulgence, Nightmares, Pain
Cleric Spells: 1st: Phantom Pain, 2nd: Paranoia, 5th: Synesthesia
D&D 5E
Domain: Trickery
by Shev
The drama mask of comedy


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