The Iron Mask

A Hulking knight in dark grey armor and a black cape that covers most of his body. Purple flame protrudes from the opening of his armor and his helmet only shows glowing purple eyes and a pitch black void. The Iron Mask is known as the god of rebellion and vengeance. He looks to create a fire in the people who have been wronged by some form of corruption (companies, governments, or even abusive people) and give them the strength to fight back and take their life. Some consider the act of fighting back both good and evil depending on who is the recipient, but this god does not care. He only cares about serving justice to the corrupted minds of the world and gives strength to the wronged as some sort of poetic justice. To have the wronged finally fight back against the wrong doing. This is his purpose. That is the purpose of justice. To create order through the chaos of rebellion. As is by some kind of fate.   The Iron Mask is not well loved by other deities. Some kind of lone wolf or anti-hero esc kind of god. The gods that prefer order find his methods too much of a change of the natures of fate. Though he views it as a necessary evil to create balance and therefore, order. While more chaotic deities don't like him for he creates order through chaos.... Except for one. Zeal, The Bliss Bringer The iron Mask's endeavors create passion that fuel her ways. And he does not know this and neither does his followers.   His followers are usually anyone covered in heavy armor or weapons, or highly skilled in combat. Even some who are very charismatic are found in rank to help guide the people against corruption. Which is why The Iron Mask is known to have a large number of paladins in his ranks of devotion. Whether what attire, they all have the symbol of the Iron Mask. Shown proud for all to see. For both their allies and enemies to understand their meaning.  
fight for justice and honor, hold valor in your heart, champion a cause you wholeheartedly believe in
Anathema speak ill of The Blissbringer or her followers, follow corrupt laws and authority without attempting to change them, harm an innocent to strike back at another   Follower Alignments LG, NG, CG, CN  
Pathfinder 2E
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability: Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
Divine Font: Harm
Divine Skill: Intimidate
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Domains: Confidence, Duty, Might, Zeal
Alternate Domain: Ambition, Passion, Protection
Cleric Spells: 1st: True Strike, 2nd: Enlarge, 3rd: Haste
D&D 5E
Domain: War, Death, Forge, Light, Tempest, Order
A knight helmet with horns


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