The Tempest Titan

The deity appears as a massive blue titan beetle insectoid with a ring of Raijin drums protruding from his back. He is a deity that embodies passion and will power. He believes that an individual should put their heart and soul into their passions and beliefs, and if someone or something would try to stop those passions, then that individuals should fight for their beliefs with the power of a raging thunderstorm. Show how much your beliefs and passions mean to you. Put everything into it and never stop till your goals are realized.   His followers worship him by putting everything into their passions (music, art, fighting, etc...). They put their heart and soul into their goals, and if anyone would try to stop those goals, then they would fight with the ferocity of a storm. This is why some barbarian tribes worship him as well.   Edicts  Attain victory in fair combat, push your limits, learn from past experiences to improve yourself, engage in passions you enjoy   Anathema  Kill prisoners or surrendering foes, win a battle through underhanded tactics or indirect magic, allow outside forces to force you to change for no reason   Follower Alignments CG, CN, CE  
Pathinder 2E
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability: Strength or Dexterity
Divine Font: Harm or Heal
Divine Skill: Intimidation
Favored Weapon: Khakkara
Domains: Ambition, Lightning, Passion, Zeal
Cleric Spells: 1st: Horizon Thunder Sphere, 3rd: Lightning Bolt, 4th: Draw the Lightning   D&D 5E
Domain: Tempest, War
A Raijin drum


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