Uriel, The All Seeker (Juri-el)

A malnourished, goat man with blue and light brown fur, three eyes, and 4 long horns. He wears ragged clothing and multiple white arms stapled to his body. Each hand contains an eye that is able to conjure a book of all types of history and spells. He is a god of knowledge, magic, history, and education. He believes that history, education, and any form of knowledge should be learned, but also protected from the possibility of being forgotten. True power comes from knowledge. However, he knows that some knowledge is too much for regular mortals to handle, so some information should be kept secret to prevent damage caused by the curiosity of man. For some secrets are too dangerous for mortals to know.   His followers are usually found working in schools, archeological sites, professors and board members in colleges, and any other area that allows the ability to learn as much as possible. Their sole duty is to learn as much as possible, and to protect the knowledge they gather. Some followers that the All Seeker deem worthy, and have proven themselves, are able to learn some of the secrets that should never be told to the rest of the world. They also gain the knowledge of learning the name of their god.   Edicts Learn all there is about the world, its magic, and its history. Protect knowledge by storing it in books, glyphs, or any other historical documents. Protect the world from information that society should not know of.     Anathema Destroy documents of knowledge and historical info. Release forbidden knowledge unto the public.
Pathfinder 2E
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability: Intelligence or Wisdom
Divine Font: Heal
Divine Skill: Arcana
Favored Weapon: Longspear
Domains: Glyph, Knowledge, Protection, Truth
Cleric Spells: 1st: Message Rune; 3rd: Hypercognition; 5th: Engrave Memory
Domain: Arcana, Knowledge
A white hand with a light glowing, goat eye in the palm


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