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Acolyte of Sol, Student of the Sun Monastery, Honored Ka-Spirit, Future Chief As'sha'hara (a.k.a. The Bright One, Ash)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ash is tall and lean. Built like a swimmer, she holds herself with the poise and graces her position demands.

Body Features

Bright red scales flecked and spotted with gold cover her whole body. Her teeth are sharp, although she has never used them in battle, and her head is adorned by thick plates, almost as if a crown is already resting upon her head.

Facial Features

bright yellow eyes gleam out of a fierce red-scaled face. her nose is golden, and fades into red beautifully. She also has a nose ring and looks as if she has a slight smile on her face, which can be considered terrifying for some who still hold reservations for Lizardfolk.

Identifying Characteristics

Besides her red scales, she also has traditional tattoos on her arms and around her neck. As she becomes more proficient in her skills, she will be able to get more tattoos, eventually mastering all facets and becoming covered in rings of black.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Lizardfolk are generally androgynous, with few features that would define them as most humanoids. She is content to be either she or they, not really caring or understanding the importance some cultures put on gender.


No formal, except for the teachings at the monastery.


Her life is dedicated to her people, she has no job except to learn as much about them as possible to be a great leader.

Failures & Embarrassments

Not being able to overcome the mental block that makes it difficult for her to fight.    Her fiance is not actually attracted to her, and believes her coloring is hideous instead of wonderful like most of the other lizardfolk tell her, and he has told her that under no circumstance will he love her.

She/They Ash is the first red Ka-spirit born in a while, and as such her arrival heralded a change in the jungles of Szala. With the weight of her people's hopes and expectations on her, she struggles to find a path that isn't laden with responsibility.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neuteral
Approx. 20
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red and golden scales
A lady never tells
Known Languages
Common, Orcish, Draconic, and Halfling.


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